Hi sorry for the long post. I hope someone can shed some light here. I have had fatigue and palpitations for a few months. Had bloods done several times but apart from a marginally high kidney reading and possibly a drop in phosphate nothing else came up. I have an underactive thyroid but the levels are fine.
In Feb I had severe pain in my upper back radiating around the left ribs then felt nauseous, cold sweats and struggled to breathe. The pain eased slightly but I ended up in A&E. Due to back pain and previous kidney results they did a CT scan for kidney stones as there was blood in my urine but scan was clear other than they said my gallbladder looked slightly enlarged. The following 2 weeks I felt terrible with nausea, bloating, aches and continuing pain around my ribs, armpits etc.My doctor suspected inflammation of the heart. I then had a 7 day ECG which showed fast, slow and pauses in heart rate. However since I had some headaches and cognitive impairment I have now been referred for a CT scan of the head "to rule out any nasties" otherwise doctor thinking maybe ME triggered by a viral infection.
I am now totally confused. My HR is slightly less irregular but still bounces around high and low causing lightheadedness and balance issues. I am constantly fatigued and get tightness in my chest with an occasional cough. Having read more about heart attack symptoms in women I am concerned that my trip to A&E may have been cardiac related. I dont understabd why my doctor seems to have "parked" the cardiac problems while I await a brain scan. I am 46 and was previously fit and healthy. No BP problems, choesterol ok, exercised regularly reasonable diet etc
My questions are can myocarditis cause sudden severepain? Has anyone else had similar symptoms and can fast, slow and pauses in HR correct themselves after myocarditis is this likely to be permanent damage?