Hi everyone I was sent to hospital with suspected heart attack troponin was at 44 so they kept me in and treated me as a heart attack patient until a doctor entered who asked for a 6 week download as he put it, tell me everything that has happened to you. I told him everything and that one issue new was i had suddenly got swelling in my left knee and fluid build up. It was extremely sore and my local doctor just put it down to a strain. I took anti inflammatory tablets and they did reduce the sweeling but once I stopped it swelled back up. I told him it was 2nd day in hospital I noticed all swelling was gone and my knee was no longer sore. He straight away went Myocarditis caused by an infection. He said it mirrored heart attack symptoms.He said the only way to prove it was ecg/scan and angiogram, i got both and thankfully all came back with no heart damage or scarring and no blockages in my arteries. Obviously I was very relieved but after the angiogram I was discharged the same day with Colchine to take for 3 months and told go back to normal life. The surgeon actually said to me it looks like you spent a week in here for nothing. My doctor at home advised a full run of bloods after a month which we did and all normal. I have now stopped my Colchine and am due bloods again next week. I have to admit I left hospital obviously delighted I didn't have a heart attack and my results were all positive. i went back to work and have been well. I do notice some tightness and shortness of breath and only when I spoke to my friend who is a nurse did she tell me how serious myocarditis is. I'm now in limbo with what to do I don't know was this a one off event or is this a condition i now have?My doctor told me my results for being 49 are A1 and to just keep doing whatever I am doing and he did advise visiting this site for info he was quite honest that he didn't know 100%. I have a healthy diet and walk regularly but now I have started to read into things like ,don't excercise ,dont fly ,dont drink alcohol.....Any advice would be great and thanks for reading Mark .
Myocarditis Aug24: Hi everyone I was... - British Heart Fou...
Myocarditis Aug24

I had myocarditis many years ago.
I have a small patch of scarring on my heart as a result.
Cardiologists often under estimate the impact of myocarditis on their patients.
Colchicine is an anti inflammatory medicine and some people have to take it for a couple of months or longer.
Rest, then more rest and resting again is important.
If you do too much too soon, or you get an infection you can have a flare of symptoms.
I suggest you keep a diary of your symptoms, see if you can identify any triggers of your symptoms and then pace your activities accordingly.
You can also have angina/ ischaemia without blocked coronary arteries.
I was later found to have coronary vasospasms, my coronary arteries go into transient constrictions reducing the blood supply to my heart.
Cardiomyopathy UK has this information about myocarditis, they also have a helpline.
Alternatively you could give the BHF helpline a call and speak with one of the cardiac nurses.
There are a few other forum members who have had myocarditis.
Hopefully they will be along and share their more recent experiences with you.
Hi thanks for the reply and information. I really just need to know is this now an active condition I have and have to react accordingly, or was it a one off? Since discharge I have more or less went straight back to what I always did, thankfully I haven't felt unwell doing this . My issue now is 4 months after this I seem to be getting more info and really just wish the doctors had advised me better before I left hospital . It really was angiogram complete out you go speak to your Doctor in 3 months time.
Hi Mark, it sounds like, if I may be so bold, that you had quite a mild case of myocarditis, thankfully 👍🏽 Even though you were obviously quite poorly. For example my troponin level was in the 1000s and I took 2 years to 'nearly' recover.
Hopefully you will never have another episode, especially as you inow the cause - most of us never find out why! But anyone can get it anytime so no guarantees for any of us.
You've gone back to work very quickly, us hearties would have advised REST REST REST as your heart has had a big shock and like any muscle needs recovery time.
Please be kind to yourself, pace yourself and REST when you can. Some pains, shortness of breathe, tightness etc are all normal but are also signs to say SLOW DOWN YOU ARE DOING TOO MUCH.
Luckily you know you have good results, no scarring👌🏼which is fab so the future looks really good. But early days so take it steady and your recovery shd be a full one. You are already doing brilliantly.
Excellent advice above from Milk Fairy & do call the BHF nurses helpline to really give you medical reassure. Best of luck & Merry Xmas.
Hi , Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it. Yes I think you are correct and you are fine saying mild. I have read a lot of the stories here and it's a real eye opener . I'm planning to be more relaxed going forward and taking the foot of the pedal. The 2 messages already have reassured me greatly so thank you both so much. Wishing you a very Merry Xmas best regards Mark.
Mark, IMO your problem is not your heart but your understandable anxiety about your heart. This anxiety can cause ectopics, shortness of breath and vague chest pains and set up a vicious cycle of further anxiety and symptoms etc.
I would think that if you feel anxiety is relevant, in about 3 months , start gradual exercise by walking , then increase the effort week by week.
As you see yourself being able to achieve good exercise levels over time, your confidence in your heart will return.
Alternatively, talk to your cardiologist re an effort ECG where you go to maximum effort at the cardiologists rooms. The ECG will show you that your heart can deal with maximal exercise without problems, and this evidence will relieve your anxiety
Hi , Thanks for your reply. Yes I agree there has been anxiety attached . I have really appreciated the replys sent and they have reassured me greatly. I have. been walking and doing things as normal and see that I have been able to do these things without any issues. 1st time I have been vocal about anything so its real nice to see support is there when you ask. Thanks again
I have to manage my stress levels. Emotional, mental or physical stress are some of the triggers of my angina.
I found this free app helpful. It has lots of different strategies to manage stress and anxiety.