This question is for anyone who suffered anxiety withdrawal symptoms coming off of bisoprolol. In all honesty, does the anxiety from bisoprolol withdrawal ever truly go away?I was on 5 mg of bisoprolol for approximately 2 years for erractic BP which in all honesty, I didn't need to be on. I came off of it 4 months ago because of anxiety and lightheaded symptoms.
The first 2 months weren't too bad. Sporadic anxiety, but only for a day or two then gone. But the last 2 months have been hell on earth. Daily anxiety that at times is almost intolerable: edginess, nervousness, anxiousness, unable to concentrate and no patience to do anything.
I know this is caused by the bisoprolol and not from an underlying anxiety issue. Before taking bisoprolol, I never suffered from anxiety. Not to sound corny, but I had an inner calmness. I knew no matter how good, bad or in-between daily stress was, I could, and would, handle it one way or another.
This all began after I started taking bisoprolol, then after I came off of it.
I know that they say your beta receptors aren't permanently altered by beta blockers. They are just "sedated" by the beta blocker and eventually, go back to the way they were before going on the medicine. But right now, I'm having a very hard time believing that. And I'm just about at my breaking point.
I want that inner calmness I once had. And I really don't think I'm ever going to have it again!