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This question is only for people suffering rebound anxiety from bisoprolol withdrawal

Dogmom419 profile image
33 Replies

This question is for anyone who suffered anxiety withdrawal symptoms coming off of bisoprolol. In all honesty, does the anxiety from bisoprolol withdrawal ever truly go away?I was on 5 mg of bisoprolol for approximately 2 years for erractic BP which in all honesty, I didn't need to be on. I came off of it 4 months ago because of anxiety and lightheaded symptoms.

The first 2 months weren't too bad. Sporadic anxiety, but only for a day or two then gone. But the last 2 months have been hell on earth. Daily anxiety that at times is almost intolerable: edginess, nervousness, anxiousness, unable to concentrate and no patience to do anything.

I know this is caused by the bisoprolol and not from an underlying anxiety issue. Before taking bisoprolol, I never suffered from anxiety. Not to sound corny, but I had an inner calmness. I knew no matter how good, bad or in-between daily stress was, I could, and would, handle it one way or another.

This all began after I started taking bisoprolol, then after I came off of it.

I know that they say your beta receptors aren't permanently altered by beta blockers. They are just "sedated" by the beta blocker and eventually, go back to the way they were before going on the medicine. But right now, I'm having a very hard time believing that. And I'm just about at my breaking point.

I want that inner calmness I once had. And I really don't think I'm ever going to have it again!

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Dogmom419 profile image
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33 Replies
theonethatgotaway1 profile image

Aniexity is such a complex issue. Comes in many forms. A symptom of something else that you can pin point but also a symptom from something you can never know what's causing it. Worse thing is, it also causes symptoms.

Many people say betas actually help with Aniexity. Others like yourself say it's causing it.

My own experience with Aniexity has been an intense one at times. I am on a low 3mg dose myself for 5 years now. Aniexity alongside my heart failure diagnosis is just a standard symptom. I couldn't say what causes it.

My number 1 advice though for Aniexity all round, generally for most people and can literally be a cure, is exercise! I found this true in my 20s is to get into the gym daily. Aniexity and panic attacks literally vanished for years.

Now as a heart patient, going for a walk (exercise) can really help with symptoms of Aniexity, palpitations and is great for the soul.

For withdrawal of beta blockers, I know it took my body a long time to adjust to taking these heart meds when starting out so I imagine it'll take just as long to adjust coming off. Hope this helps

Sheffield55 profile image

Anxiety puts the body in a flight mode. Beta blockers slows down that mode. I have been on propranolol for 2years for anxiety diagnosis/Sinus Tachycardia diagnosis from my ECG readings. Electrocardiography is normal. Blood pressure is 120/80. Heart rate is 130 hence the betablocker to keep the heart rate down.I was placed on 20mg morning and night and after two years I am down to 10mg a day. I changed my diet and relocated my home to a more quiet environment to keep my mind at ease and reduce stress. Some days are good and my body doesn't need the medication.

Then the withdrawal symptoms kick in and I get very shaky with severe heart palpitation and I take the medication. I am gradually training my body to function normally again by eliminating stress and external triggers like loud noises, traffic sounds, emotional stress too.

The body was not designed to survive on medication. It has the ability to repair itself. Stress factors from everyday life does not allow the body heal naturally so these medications temporarily does the Job.

I am hopeful that one day I won't be needing the medication anymore as I try to reduce triggers and stress as much as possible.

Warm-heart profile image

Hi, I think you have posted about this before, and first and foremost I want to say I believe you, that for you it is caused by the bisoprolol withdrawel, and others on this site report the same. We know ourselves better than anyone else who disputes this. I don't sadly have the answer, but I am sure one day you'll get back to how you were. It sounds like it has caused your autonomic nervous system to go out of balance into predominantely sympathetic (threat & 'danger' stress response) rather than balanced or parasympathetic (rest and calm). If it has caused this shift, a type of therapy that helps the autonomic nervous system may be helpful? Sadly it is easy for the body to shift to this imbalance in the nervous system, then can take much harder work to rebalance again. I know this personally. EMDR therapy might also be of help as it is very good for calming the body for many reasons. Very best wishes and keep us posted if you wish.

Henri33 profile image

Sorry but I am still on it

Nannytroop70 profile image

I was prescribed Bisoprolol for ectopic heartbeats. Took myself off them very quickly as they gave me awful nightmares and soon realised I don't need medication! What I need is a echocardiogram to check for any underlying issues but gp will only offer a blood test! Royal Papworth Hospital prescribed Flenacain ( not sure of spelling) which i will not entertain! Why do medical professionals not take a heart issue seriously? Am I asking the impossible requesting my heart valves are checked? Too easy for tablets to be prescribed instead of a proper investigation especially for the heart!I still have regular ectopic day and night.

RF260 profile image

Hi, I've been on 2.5mg daily since HA in April so a pretty low dose. Recently had a 24 holter monitor which showed heart rate on the lower side (into the 30's at night) and feeling pretty tired so cardiologist suggested weaning off it. I reduced to 1.25mg daily on 12th December for 2 weeks and then from last night I'm only planning to do alternate nights. So last night no Bisoprolol and crickey I feel awful today, anxiety through the roof, shaky, nervous.. I'm due to take 1.25mg tonight then nothing tomorrow night etc but already thinking I can't cope with the withdrawal are you doing now ?

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toRF260

It's about the same. I know that everyone is different and their body resets itself before the bisoprolol at differing times. But I've really just had enough.I'm sorry to hear you're having these withdrawal effects. I hope they end as quickly as they started!

PadThaiNoodles profile image
PadThaiNoodles in reply toDogmom419

I hope things improve for you soon!

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toRF260

Hi. I have been on Bisoprolol since AF diagnosed 3 months ago. The side effects of this drug have been horrendous both physically and mentally. I am now weaning myself off of them .

Can I ask if you are completely off them now and if you managed okay with any side effects? How are you doing now?

RF260 profile image
RF260 in reply toDiddy97

Hi, yeh off them now, was on 2.5mg for 8 months then went to 1.25mg from mid December and took my last one on 31st December. I did feel pretty shaky and anxious at times leading up to xmas, trouble is I still do but I started Amiodarone on 1st Jan so I'm not actually sure what's causing it. Amiodarone got me back into sinus rhythm (according to my Kardia) in only 10 days so I'm having a proper ECG on Monday to check and if so my cardioversion planned for mid Feb will hopefully not be necessary. Mentally I'm in a bad place so I'm now going to try acupuncture to see if that helps , I suspect my vagus nerve is out of wack so that's my next thing to investigate..So not sure I can say if bisoprolol is completely out of my system yet , good luck going forward.

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toRF260

Hi, thank you for your reply. The anxiety is crippling and like you I am going through the same and understand exactly how you are feeling. I have never suffered with anxiety like this before Bisoprolol , it’s an awful drug.

From what I’ve read on various forums the anxiety symptoms can take a while to recede even after coming off Bisoprolol, but hopefully not for too long.

I hope it gets better for you soon x

FiligreeFlourish profile image

Hi Dogmom,

I was only on Bisoprolol for 8 weeks and spent 4 weeks weaning off and now am 2 weeks into total withdrawal. When I was on it, my sleep was horrific, I was waking up every 1.5 hours and couldn't get back to sleep. That has certainly improved and I've been listening to a Paul McKenna hypnosis track as well as taking magnesium and ashwaghanda to further help the sleep (which is still a bit patchy but nothing like as bad as what it was). I'm also doing breathing exercises.

Other symptoms when on it: blocked ear (now gone), horrendous tinnitus (now almost fully gone), crippling anxiety, heart flutters, dry skin.

The anxiety and general feeling of malaise and some missed beats in the evening are still there and I'm feeling a bit fed up like you. Let me know if you find any positive recovery stories. I found one from four years ago on here but the guy did say it was about a year before he was back to normal.

Flaxpiece1 profile image
Flaxpiece1 in reply toFiligreeFlourish

Hi FiligreeFlourish,

I too was only on Bisoprolol for about 8 weeks and then changed to Sotalol by my cardiologist. After an Echocardiogram, my heart was found to be healthy and showing no signs of damage, so I was told to stop taking them. Since then, a complete nightmare. A juddering throughout my body, blocked ears and tinnitus, feeling so nervous and shaky. A feeling of hopelessness that I’ll never feel normal again. However, I determined to beat this so I think exercise, walking is good. Embrace the slightly better days and look for signs of spring in your garden or the countryside. Yesterday, I saw tiny snowdrops pushing through the soil, a small thing but signals hope perhaps?

FiligreeFlourish profile image
FiligreeFlourish in reply toFlaxpiece1

Thanks for your positive thoughts and sharing your experience, it’s helpful. Can I ask, how long have you been off it and has there been any improvement in that time?

Flaxpiece1 profile image
Flaxpiece1 in reply toFiligreeFlourish

Hi, I have been off the Bisoprolol for about 3.5 weeks and off all the heart tablets, including the blood thinners for another 3 weeks. As I think several have mentioned, it goes in waves, you have a slightly better days and then a horrendous one. Sleeping is awful, waking many times in the night, thrumming through out your body and tingling feet and legs. It’s early days for me and I wasn’t on the drugs for more than 2 months but how long doesn’t seem to make any difference. I’ll update my progress, I just want to feel normal again.

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toFlaxpiece1

I understand. I'm just waiting to feel like I did before I started this devil drug. Unfortunately, the days going in waves for me hasn't really seemed to happen yet.I do have days that are "ok", and the anxiety isn't as horrible as most days. But I've yet to get days where I have no anxiety, like before I was on bisoprolol. I'm hoping that's not too far off. Because 24/7 anxiety is starting to wear on me physically and mentally.

I hope you are feeling better very soon!

Flaxpiece1 profile image
Flaxpiece1 in reply toDogmom419

I feel your pain and fear. This drug is truly horrible as it upsets your whole being and nervous system. Trying to reboot it is hard and just when you think you’ve turned a corner, bang, it starts up again. Don’t despair, you will beat it, try to keep active and both physically and mentally and try to think out side your fear of it. I know, easier said than done. I wonder if all the people who have gone through this and come out the other side, could perhaps post their journeys. It would give us hope. I do hope you start feeling better soon.

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toFlaxpiece1

Yes, I would love to hear from people who have been through this withdrawal hell and came out the other side like their old selves. Take care. I hope you are like your old self very soon!

Flaxpiece1 profile image

To carry on with this thread. Has anyone had problems with their feet during withdrawal from the heart drugs? My feet feel weird like creeping feelings which then set off vibrations throughout my body. Almost like an engine being turned on. It’s a horrible feeling which last a long time. Almost like a thrumming feeling. I guess it’s just another case of the damage the drugs have done to the nerves throughout the body. I will talk it over with my Doctor next week, however all my blood tests were normal.

Flaxpiece1 profile image

Hi, I just wondered how you’re feeling now? Have things eased for you or are you still having lots of withdrawal problems? I have mixed days so very up and down though trying to do more now. Sleeping is still difficult and I still wake up many times throughout the night. During the day I’m still jittery and still have adrenaline surges. I was never a nervous person, in fact quite calm and stoical but it seems to have altered my whole personality. How I wish to return to that person so here’s hoping we all get back to the people we were eventually. I do hope you’re feeling much better now and on the road to recovery.

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toFlaxpiece1

I'm still having anxiety induced symptoms from bisoprolol withdrawal but like you, they are mixed days. I just thought by this time (5 months off), I would be almost completely back to my old self. Like you, I never suffered from any type of anxiety until I started taking this drug. I was always a pretty calm person in any situation. Boy, do I long for those days!!

Lets hope we both see them sooner than later! 😊

Flaxpiece1 profile image

It’s lovely to have a friend to compare notes with. What was your initial medical problem? Was it heart related? I know you’re further down the road than I, 5 months off the drug where as I am not yet 2 months. Do you take any other medication? I take 2 blood pressure tablets and a Statin. Are you at least having some good days where you almost feel like your old self again? I do hope so and send every good wish that you continue to improve.

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toFlaxpiece1

I was put on it for an erratic BP. The maddening thing is it didn't do anything to improve my BP when I was on it. My blood pressure was almost exactly the same as off it. And ironically, ever since I stopped it, my BP has gotten back to normal.The last few weeks, I've had some days that I don't feel 100% yet, but have felt much better than I have the last several months. But I'm not going to get too excited. I know I probably should, and see this as a good sign. But I've been going through hell with this withdrawal the last 5 months. So I don't tend to get too optimistic when I have a few good days.

I sincerely hope you are getting to the end of your withdrawal and don't have to go through hell much longer!

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toDogmom419

Hi. I am on the hard journey of weaning myself off of Bisoprolol, now down to half 125mg tablet. Last week I stopped altogether but 3 days in and my HR went through the roof so reverted back to the half again.

Having a really hard time with internal vibrations and chronic anxiety all of the time.

Do you mind if I ask how you weaned yourself off of them?

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toDiddy97

I was on 5 mg. I went down to 2.5 mg for 3-4 weeks. My cardiologist told me I could come off of them then. But reading how everyone else took moths to come off of it, I'm really wishing I would have done the same thing. Because maybe, that's why I'm having such an awful time with the anxiety withdrawal. Even though I did the withdrawal per the cardiologist, I think it was too fast.

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toDogmom419

Yes I think that is too fast to wean off them and maybe why you are feeling withdrawal symptoms for so long.

I was put on 125mg 3.5 months ago by the hospital doctor when first diagnosed with AFib. I started feeling nasty side effects a few days later. Internal vibrations and tremors, as if I had a motor and electric current running inside my body.Anxiety and gastrointestinal problems. I started to wean off very gradually about 6 weeks ago , cutting little bits off tablets until now down to just under half a tablet, and now vibrations and terrible anxiety are unbearable. I tried stopping completely a couple of weeks ago but after just 3 days without HR went sky high so went back to the just under half tablet again. But I feel absolutely awful, vibrations have increased and now constant and anxiety awful. Only sleep until 3am every morning and just lie awake panicking. Like you I just want to be back to my old self again.

How are you feeling now?

Dogmom419 profile image
Dogmom419 in reply toDiddy97

Not great. The anxiety is insane, almost every day, with no breaks. I'm from the US, and my cardiologist and GP are useless to get any help from. They think after a few weeks, your central nervous system should have "magically " reset itself and you should be back to normal. I'm going to make an appointment with a psychiatrist to discuss how the bisoprolol is affecting my CNS and see if there is any anti-anxiety med I can take on a temporary basis until my system is back to normal.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toDogmom419

Thank you for responding. I do hope you feel better soon too.

DWizza profile image
DWizza in reply toDiddy97

I went back on , didn’t seem worth the bother . Didn’t feel right . My BP and resting heart rate are cracking , I’m running and swimming , getting my HR into 160s when training ( not for ling periods ) and rests at 44bpm. BP yesterday was 113/70 👍🏻 Feel much better taking 1.25mg.

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toDWizza

Were you experiencing any side effects when you were first on the Bisoprolol?

DWizza profile image
DWizza in reply toDiddy97

Only when I started taking it after hospital discharge , was prescribed 3.75mg.. and along with other meds I think the 80mg artovastatin caused me to have zombie episodes, got it reduced and changed statin. Tried pravastatin then 10mg Rosuvastatin and been fin. Was also prescribed half a 1.25mg tablet of ramipiril which I’ve increased to a full tablet tablet discussion with pharmacist who questioned the efficacy of the half dose..

Diddy97 profile image
Diddy97 in reply toDWizza

It looks like you have a lot of different medications to deal with?

Do you mind if I ask what heart condition you have? No worries if you prefer not to.

I have AF (AFib) and have only been prescribed Bisoprolol and anti coagulant (Edoxaban) so only have 2 to deal with and that’s enough 😩

DWizza profile image
DWizza in reply toDiddy97

Nstemi heart attack , quadruple bypass surgery july 2023.

Bisoprol 1.25

Ramipril half a 1.25 ( upped to 1.25)

Baby aspirin



Pretty standard meds. Feel fab 👍🏻

Rehab from quadruple bypass

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