Since my heart attack in September I have not been able to get an erection. I’m on Bisoprolol , has anyone experienced the same side effect and been prescribed viagra?
Erectile Dysfunction and beta blockers - British Heart Fou...
Erectile Dysfunction and beta blockers

Hello mate. Yes this was actually a problem before and leading up to my heart attack/heart failure and I was in my early 30s.
I have moderate/severe heart failure now. I'm also on bisiporol low dose along all the other heart failure meds. It is still a problem.. luckily I get tadalafil10mg that works a treat and there was studies on this drug for hearts and apparently helps all round recovery and treatment for heart failure. (Study done on sheep)
As always consult your cardiologist. They know way more on this topic and will help you out.
put “Viagra into the search box top left and see what others have posted and the replies.
Yrs you can get it in prescription . Speak to your surgery 👍🏻
I had a AV and CABG 3 months ago and was put on Bisoporsol 2.5mg. I'm the opposite and things are much improved, bigger and better than before the operation. I did try Viagra once a couple of years ago but I had the worst headache I've ever experienced so never again.
Perhaps discuss with your GP changing to nebivolol. It is beta blocker which apparently does not have this side effect . Google it for detail.
it’s a strange thing as before my HA two years ago I had very few erections but since taking Bisoprolol its the complete opposite!
I'd been prescribed Viagra on the NHS for some years, before my heart problem, and after generic versions had become available when the original patents ended. Before than, my GP issued private prescriptions . (A prim lady assistant in the pharmacy coyly referred to them as "gentlemen's pills"!)
When my aortic stenosis was diagnosed, my GP immediately took me off Viagra and prescribed a cream that was inserted internally - messy and near useless. At my post-TAVI review with my surgeon, I asked if it was OK to resume Viagra and he said "yes"; I asked that he mention this is his letter to my GP who, I suspect, might have otherwise hesitated before renewing the prescription.
Like others no doubt, I've Googled to check the effects, good and bad, of prescribed medicines and supplements, and noted that B12 could help - my level was within range but lowish.
Nowadays at 79 I experience a reassuring "Morning Glory". (If necessary, Google, but ignore the explanations regarding plants!)
I had some issues initially. I can't remember for how long, possibly 6-8 weeks. But things improved and came back to normal. I suspect my body was adjusting. And I don't know whether it was just the bisoprolol or whether other BP altering drugs (Ramipril ?) also had a part to play.