Absolutely fed up. We have a holiday booked to Grenada and can’t get insurance from AXA or STAYSURE 🤯 I’ve had a successful ablation end of February been signed off by consultants, very well controlled T2 diabetes 1 pill and diet and can’t get insurance for a couple of ruddy weeks 🤯
Holiday insurance: Absolutely fed up... - British Heart Fou...
Holiday insurance

I feel your pain. I got insurance with Allclear in the end , it was expensive and did not include cancellation, I think it also excluded Spain.
Husbands got Allclear but expensive as it include cancellation. He’s waiting for Saga to come back but they want a declaration I’m for to fly from Abdominal consultant, I’m having to have MRI to check hernia op and possible 2nd one 🤯
Just for clarification, are you having the MRI to check you're fit to fly after having had a hernia op? If so, how long ago did you have the op? And what do you mean by 'possible 2nd one'? Do you mean you may need a 2nd op?
I’ve had 2 hernias on right side 30 years apart. I might have on on the left side. I get lower back and hip problems but I keep getting sharp jabs in either groin 🤯
Last op was 12/21 and the surgeon might have put mesh in against my wishes. Mesh has a history of causing problems.
So went to private consultant as I need answers to the problems and he’s sending me for MRI to see what wrong.
Insurers don’t like anything, as far as my knowledge is this is not a problem 🤷🏼♀️ but they’ll use anything. My husbands well placed to argue as he worked for the regulator but he said they can get away with this 🤯
While you're waiting for the MRI/results etc, as you've already found out, it's very unlikely you'll get anyone to insure you. The best you can hope for is an insurer who'll exclude your existing medical condition, but as that condition hasn't been diagnosed yet I would think its impossible to exclude it. Medical costs in Grenada will be exorbitant, insurance is like any other business, they want to make a profit and they have a duty to their shareholders to mitigate any potential losses that'll affect that profit, hence they're selective in the risks they take on, which doesn't help you unfortunately.
Husband has got me insurance for the holiday with Allclear 👍🏻 Currently insured with Saga who want reassurance from the consultant. I l ready had the hernias repaired, last one in 12/21 theoretically it is fine.
Unfortunately, you feeling you're fit to fly won't be considered a medical opinion. But If your husband has managed to get you insurance and they're aware and ok about the MRI, the hip/back problem and the sharp jabs in the groin then that's really great news.
I thought they stopped using mesh for hernia repaire some years ago, doesn't it say on your medical notes what method they used?
Ahhh, yes, MESH!! No consent another story, this is also why I want the MRI to check. Yes they had but surgeons still under the illusion it’s ok for hernias which I find it’s not, another ‘saga’
Oh right, in one of your previous comments you'd said 'might' have used mesh. You will struggle to get insurance as you've found out. It depends on how much you want the holiday & you're running out of time but personally if you've already got an offer of full cover I'd take it. Good luck with your MRI & holiday.
If you are having any investigations done or waiting for treatment or diagnosis you sometimes can't get insured. It's all a bit of a lottery. Try Avanti. Good luck x
See above
It's a bit late now but I would have thought you got intouch with the insurance before you book the holiday
We’ve put a deposit on it ages and ages ago long before seeing consultant. I see an osteopath for realignment but recently found out that when I’d had the Op it was a possibility looking at notes that the procedure had not been done as expected and I’m getting stabbing pains needing an independent 2nd opinion 🤷🏼♀️ holiday fee has to be settled by end of the week, we already have holiday cover for year but Grenada is not included. 🤷🏼♀️
I'm sorry to hear of your troubles I hope you have a lovely holiday I used to go st Vincent I have friends who have property in Grenada
Try a broker like Paying Too Much. I’ve had heart surgery and ablation and got a worldwide annual policy for a very reasonable price
Try the British Insurance Brokers Association. They have a list of insurance brokers who may be able to assist.
I use justtravelcover.com. You will get a number of quotes by inputting your details online. Generally, if you then leave it a day or two they will offer up to a 10% discount.
I used medical travel compared dot co dot uk as recommended by Martin Lewis and then went with Ageas after my usual annual policy refused to insure me.
I used Insure and go - I have AF which is asymptomatic, a back problem, T2 Diabetes and a fatty liver. It was not cheap!. On a side note arrived in Grenada yesterday it is lovely!
try paying too much.com, Find these are the cheapest always, for my hubby, who has heart failure, diabetes, and cancer!
I am surprised you cannot get cover.Are you still awaiting a procedure or diagnosis?
I had annual insurance with Stay sure for years.AF, previous angina & stents, seizures, arthritis, hiatus hernia.Only refused when awaiting procedures.
I am with Avanti.
I’ve had last hernia op 12/21, but have like tendon jabs in both sides so being sent for MRI to see what’s what. Unfortunately we needed to get insurance for Grenada and our insurers said no🤯 Been with them a while and have insurance for most countries. They’re just being down right awkward.
I may well not need any surgery and if I do the consultant does it by keyhole 🤷🏼♀️
Hi, I use AllClear. Says 20% off Black Friday deal
I used Allclear. No more expensive than other companies I found.
If anyone has a condition that is still under investigation / not yet fully diagnosed , most insurers will refuse cover, or some might still cover but with exclusions and at a higher premium. I am a retired travel agent and whilst it is often tempting to book a holiday first and try to get insurance after, it is not recommended. Even if we already have an annual policy, we must still ask that company to agree to continue to cover us if any new medical condition or procedure crops up during that 12 months.
Had the deposit paid a long long time ago before current issue. I have traveled to same place and hotel at least 4 times before, last time before heart ablation and with T2D. This latest is far minor by comparison. Hubs used to work for Insurance ombudsman so knows how the insurance lot are 🙄
I have used Saga travel insurance since having a pacemaker fitted 2 years ago. Bit more expensive but I have had no issues with them.
Ah, this is who we currently have who want confirmation that I’ll be fit to fly in February and I’ve not had any procedure as yet and there might not have to be and it’s only a hernia 🤷🏼♀️
I know most company’s won’t insure you when you have unresolved health issues or do not have a fit to fly letter from a consultant. So you might find it difficult to get suitable cover. Good luck with your quest to find insurance.
Try an online site covering travel insurance with pre existing conditions, fill in the questionnaire, and see if there are any providers that are willing to take you on., and then take it from there. Or talk to a local insurance broker.
Try Avanti. I have A.Fib as well as a couple of other conditions and they have insured me for two river cruises next year, and I am 85!
Try travelinsurance4medical.co.uk/
I had a successful ablation Dec 23 and got insured no problem with the above so as long as you’re not waiting for results or further tests on anything I don’t see why you wouldn’t get accepted for insurance - mine was around £80 something - 2 weeks Cyprus
I have insurance through my Barclays bank account travel pack add on. I registered all my health issues and it didn't change the premium.
it’s difficult if your waiting or having further investigation..the algorithms don’t know what this is. I have insurance Worldwide including Caribbean ..actually going to Grenada January..the Caribbean always is most expensive!
Mines through NatWest Bank account..not straightforward..
Having looked around myself last year, All Clear seem to be the best, however none of them are cheap.
Have you tried insurancewith.com ?
You have to watch that they do not exclude vital parts of the insurance to make it cheaper!!
I got insured with Sainsburys. 3xCABG last December, I'm on loads of tablets, it was about £10 more expensive than a clean bill of health. 10% extra off with nectar card as well
You must not have completed the questions correctly!
Well husband is well versed in insurances, worked in financial areas for decades
No, I rang them to confirm the price and my surgery and medications. I spoke to the underwriter and he said that post 6 months of CABG you’re considered “cured” of your problems. It was only a suggestion to try them as they quoted me such a low price
Have you tried the post office insurance i used them to go costa rica, brazil and south africa but I didn't have heart valve regurgitation when i went to those places but had a kidney transplant and i got a quote without having to ring. but i had problems when I did a 2 year work holiday in Canada which falls into the category of the Caribbean along with usa and Mexico I'm sure I used a irish travel insurance company