Hi, went to the GP last week as I had a chest pain incident about 3 weeks ago. On an easy walk, I had chest and then back (NOT SEVERE) pain, sweating and dizziness. It passed after I sat down for about 20mins. I just put it down as a weird incident but decided to see GP as I have been getting palpitations and some chest pressure since. Anyway GP did an ECG, all ok, but has referred me to the Coronary Unit. She also gave me a spray for under my tongue.
I go on holiday to Italy in a week. I tried notifying my existing travel insurance but they won't insure me as I don't have a diagnosis and am waiting for my referral.
Has anyone had this situation? Thanks.
Edit.... ended up in A&E last night for another incident of chest and back pain and irregular heartbeat, so we will cancel the holiday.
Thanks everyone.