Just got wondered if anyone has had problems stopping clopidogrel for five days. I had a HA in march and on stent fitted. I've been on clopidogrel and aspirin, as well as other meds, since then. I've been on the waiting list for knee replacement for a year and was told I'll have to wait til after next march when I come off clopidogrel for surgery. I saw the anaesthetist on Friday and he said as my knee surgery is now urgent they will be going ahead with it imminently and I will have to come off the clopidogrel for five days. He didn't seem concerned about this. However a work colleague said he had a stroke after coming off clopidogrel and it's scared me! I'm 58 and still getting my head around having the HA in the first place!
Stopping clopidogrel for five days fo... - British Heart Fou...
Stopping clopidogrel for five days for surgery

I guess you have to be guided by the anaesthetist; if you stay on it the surgeon may decline to go ahead. A quick Google leads to frustratingly contradictory advice. It's no comparison. but a fortnight ago a nurse had trouble removing a canula from my arm, and thin blood streamed down my wrist on to my chair. Another nurse mopped the area and put a very small dressing on; when I removed it the next morning there was a very tiny spot of blood.
Even when on warfarin for an artificial valve they pause it for a few days for other surgery. So I don't think it's a huge deal.
Sure, it increases your risk of stroke for a few days, but then so does surgery. You're on an anticoagulant because it's too much risk for 365 days a year, but 5 days should be small potatoes.
Hi was having Ectropian eyelid surgery on 9/Oct and had to stop Clopodrigol for 7 days prior to surgery. I spoke to my GP for advice and said I should be fine as only for a short time. Back on it following day. Recovering nicely now. Have a good day xx
I suffer from Ptosis (droopy upper eyelids) so I'm curious to know how your surgery went, ie how long the procedure took, anastheanasthesia, pain etc.
Hi I had Ptosis in upper eyelids. Op 17 years ago. Kids droopy again but not going to have them doneEctropian is on lower lids. Eye keeps leaking, Surgeon worried cornea would get an ulcer and I could lose my sight.
Had op 12 days ago. In 9 am home 1 30
Sore for a few days.. Antibiotic eye cream for week 1
Wore a shield at night
Saw surgeon after 1 week who removed 4 stitches. Others are dispodable. Feel goof. Glad I had it done as no leaking
Good Luck
Had to have a pleural effusion drained a couple of weeks after my CABGx3. Was told to stop clopidogrel for 5 days prior to the procedure. Questioned this and was told the increased risk (of a clot) was minimal. Did as I was told and everything went well with no complications - then straight back onto the clopidogrel. Hope things go well for you also.
I had a cataract removed in May and was told to pause clopidogrel for a few days beforehand (I think my cardiologist was being ultra cautious) however it didnt cause any problems. Most oral medications remain in your system fo a few days anyway, so I really don't think there's any need to worry.
Please check with your GP./Cardiologist. Call them. I have stopped for 2 days when I had tooth removed and did not seem to cause problems. Ask about Aspirin too...If offering knee replacement grab it with both hands..Best of luck
As I read it it seems the NHS (example below) views temporarily stopping clopidogrel prior to major intrusive surgery where there is likely significant bleeding to outweigh any adverse cardiovascular risk, although that may not be the case where any cardio event is very recent which yours apparently isn't. However continuation of aspirin is OK. I am afraid there are risks with any invasive surgery and it is always a personal decision whether you decide to go ahead or not. However if you choose to continue with clopidogrel it is likely your procedure will not be allowed to proceed. And so if you choose to do this let the hospital know early rather than at your meeting prior to surgery on the day, since it will give them the opportunity to offer your slot to someone else.
I had a pacemaker fitted 2 years ago and had to stop taking clopidogrel prior to the op. I had no issues.
I have been on clopidogrel for almost 3 years since a heart valve replacement and triple bypass. My dentist insists that I stop for a week before any activity which may result in bleeding (I know that many don't require this, but mine does) so I have stopped on several occasions with no consequence. My cardiologist has absolutely no problem with this.
I’m waiting for a hernia op and they have told me to stop the clopidogrel 7 days before the procedure and take aspirin instead
I’ve come off clopidogrel for 7 days before any surgery but my cardiologist would not let me come off it for a minimum of 13 months so any elective surgery had to be put on hold for a year then stopped for a week and straight back on them after surgery