Husband has just phoned he’s had to have a drain put back in his chest as he gained a stone in weight last night due to fluid. Is this normal? His oxygen levels have also dropped despite being on oxygen.
worried update: Husband has just phoned... - British Heart Fou...
worried update

My heart goes out to you. All I know is that it is a common complication of bypass surgery. I hope there are others on here who have first hand experience and can share their knowledge with you. X
Poor thing! That can’t have been very nice. 😬Hopefully now it’s back in situ, his sats will swiftly recover.
They pump you full of fluid during surgery, whilst on bypass - (this also continued for me whilst in I.C.U due to my low B.P and I returned to the ward about 12kg heavier than pre op!) After 2 wks of diuretics, I left hospital at a lower weight than when I was admitted, but had to continue taking Furosemide for a further 2 months thereafter to help support my heart’s recovery.
Fingers crossed your Hubby will improve soon. 🤞🏻 From my own experience, there can be complications and setbacks in the beginning, but with each passing day, he will start to feel better and his heart a little stronger. My own lowest point was day 5, but by day 6, I had turned a corner. Please keep us posted of his progress - and you take care too. ❤️🩹
My operation was off pump and they didn't remove my drains till after 72hrs.I would be asking them if the drains were removed too soon.
I put 4kg on while in hospital but as soon as I got home I lost it within a week. I wasn't put on ant water tablets.
I did go to the toilet 4 times for around 2 weeks.
By the end of 8 weekend I had lost 5kg from my pre op weight. So 9kg in total.
I did lose 3.5kg in Muscle that's just because your metabolic rate goes up to around 4 000 cal during the healing process.
I put on weight due to the extra fluids that were pumped into me during surgery and in ICU and it seems a fairly common occurrence.
The excess fluid will soon go and the drain will probably come out in a few days.
If you’re worried, chat with the cardiac nurses on the BHF site, they’re very knowledgable and reassuring.
Hi Schora1, This also happened to me post open heart surgery op. It is a bit frightening at the time, but, as will hopefully also happen with your husband, once most of the extra fluid is drained off, usually it resolves fairly quickly after. It is certainly great to have the extra fluid off the lungs and breathe more easily again. It is not a sign of any major complication of the surgery itself. It is one of the many reasons why, if a patient feels something is not right, they need to tell the staff until it is sorted. I wasn't breathing properly and told a nurse, who suggested I have sleeping tablet. I demanded she call a doctor... drain tube went in soon after.

Yes when my husband said yesterday he was breathless and his legs were swollen I told him to tell someone. He rarely complains about anything bless him but I insisted he did. Thankfully he did and the nursing staff seem amazing.
I’ve always said we know our bodies and if something is wrong.
I spent 3 days in ICU until things settled down such as low pressure, mineral levels, oxygen levels and fluids. My drains were in for quite a while. I wasn't in any real discomfort and was confident in being looked after 'Intensively' - after all it is Intensive Care Unit. Having a nurse check up on you almost every minute and regularly talks with doctors was very reassuring. I'm sure he'll be sorted soon and then on the mend 👍. I only spent a day'ish on the ward afterwards, so this didn't affect the overall time I was in hospital.
Try not to worry . It just means his heart needs a bit of help to pump the fluid out of his body. Plus I bet he isn't weeing as much as usual to get rid of the fluid .
I have been having a problem with my legs swelling I can put 4lb on over night due to fluid retention then lose it the next .
When my dad had a heart attack also had a chest infection which meant it made his heart harder to pump to get rid of the fluid . This was back in 1995. So they put him on water tablets in my dad's words he was pissing like an elephant but feeling better. He had a line of urine bottles within reach on his hospital tray.
Your husband will feel better once the fluid is removed.
not unusual with a CABG, I put on 10kg, looked like the Michelin Man!
Hi, I woke after surgery having gained 10kg overnight. Two doses of intravenous Furosemide and a 5 day course of tablets on discharge sorted the issue. But tell your husband not to believe them if they say it'll take 30 mins to work - more like 5 mins for the first dose and 2 for the second - peed for Britain!
Hi this must be so worrying for you. My own experience of this is being weighed every day while in hospital after surgery on high dose of furosemide which was then reduced. I came home approx 2 stone lighter but I’m still taking furosemide nearly 2 years later due to water retention. This has improved to what it was as my feet were very swollen and I was struggling with getting my shoes on. I also have Non Hodgkin Lymphoma so not sure if this has an effect.
I do hope this problem is quickly sorted by his team and he makes a speedy recovery. Best wishes to you both take care 😊🌞X.
Very sorry to hear that, let us know how he get's on...