Hi just had my Cardiology appointment today and they said what caused me to pass out at work on 6th February was a sudden drop in blood pressure, Also said the episodes waking up head feeling funny and blood oxygen between 89 and 92 for four nights a sometime in the day is due to sleep apnea anyone else had this, Have to wear a 48 hour ECG monitor and a monitor to check my blood oxygen levels when asleep, Anyone else had sleep apnea Thanks
Update on passing out on 6th February... - British Heart Fou...
Update on passing out on 6th February at work

Hi Gaz,
My mother has sleep apnea. Usually a sleep study is performed to understand how low your oxygen levels are, and how many times your breathing stops and starts whilst you’re asleep. It’s a very easy test and nothing to worry about. It’s a small device that is attached to you. You probably won’t even realise it is there.
If you do meet the threshold for sleep apnea, you will be given CPAP therapy. This is a machine which has air pressure in it and basically helps to keep your airways open when you’re asleep. It continuously pushes air pressure into your airways to keep them open. It’s a very easy machine to use once you are shown how to which your medical team should demonstrate. There are different pressure levels and other settings on there (i.e. mask fit/check) which will be adjusted according to your needs. You are required to put the oxygen mask on that comes on with it every night before going to bed, and this is what is connected to the machine via a tube that delivers the pressurised air. Patients also have the option of using a humidifier which is built in to the machine for those who develop a sore or dry throat from the therapy. This helps keep the throat moist throughout the night.
My mother has been using her CPAP machine for over a year and it has definitely improved how many times she stops breathing in her sleep. Her sleep study showed that her breathing was stopping at least 30 times a night. Once you get the hang of it, it will definitely improve your sleep quality as well.
Good luck.
I have no experience with this but I am glad you have had your appointment and there seems to be an explanation and now they can look into it
Thank you for updating us and let us know how you get on x
I have had a sleep test overnight - mine had a monitor can’t remember if it was hung round neck or on a belt round ribs just under boobs pardon my French.
I also had a tube which had two little bits that stuck up my nose a bit. I’m a bit forgetful but I think I did.
I’d had regular drops in blood oxygen per Apple Watch (I make no claim of accuracy but why drop? ) and when mentioned to gp he referred me for test. Mine came back no signs of significant sleep apnea but consultant still recommended me seeing him. The test was April 2023 and my respiratory consultant appointment is this Thursday - yes a year later.
I still get low oxygen readings every night (some in day) on occasion as low as 84%. My oximeter on my finger as I fall asleep drops too and the alarm wakes me up - just experimenting occasionally.
you might like to see the posts on Sleep Matters forum regards sleep apnea.
I’m awaiting a week long ecg monitor but for fluttering / flip flop sensations.
Hello there, I have POTS syndrome and this happens to me. Maybe ask your gp to put you in for the table tilt test. Also I have sleep apnea and it's linked to POT syndrome too. Like many other health issues I have. Please check out POTS uk for information if you think you could have POTS . Hope your well soon xxxx
I have sleep apnoea and use a CPAP machine every night, so does my husband. It's quite common.
I have sleep apnoea, referred June 2022 and tested Sep 2023. Yes, over a year later. Then had to wait 6 months to get cpap mask. Noticeable improvement but my meds already irritate my nasal passages so am waiting for a humidifier.
Stats show a huge and immediate reduction in 'events' per hour and was OK to get used to but drying.
Hope you get yours quicker than I did.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea last July following a sleep study, if left untreated it significantly raises your risk of HA and strokeso please follow this up and ask for a sleep study if you’ve not already had one. Tos92 has given a really informative answer about how it is treated, it can be daunting at first and takes a while to get used to the therapy. My sleep study showed that I stopped breathing 450 times a night an average of 65 times an hour, I used to wake up feeling so fatigued and would regularly fall asleep every evening just watching tv. After being on therapy for 9 months my apnoeas now average less than one an hour ( 5 an hour or less is considered normal for anyone) and I feel so much better no more daytime sleepiness. If you get the diagnosis and have to go on CPAP there are lots of support groups out there, there are also lots of different masks so if the first one you are offered doesn’t suit you there are plenty to try. Most important of all though is if that is your diagnosis, please take it seriously and accept the therapy, the health implications of untreated sleep apnoea are pretty scary.
Been using a Cpap machine for 14 years, it takes a bit of getting used to. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea stopping breathing 34 times an hour... Now reduced to 2 or 3 times an hour.
Glad you had your cardiology appointment Gaz, now at least you know what's going on and why! Reading comments, I am amazed sleep Apnea is more common than I thought! 👌 Anyway hope things will improve from now on! Great advice from some of your friends here 👍🥰
Oh wow i was just thinking I could have sleep apnea I noticed I feel like that in the morning and my blood oxygen has dropped between 85 and 92? How did you know your blood oxygen had dropped?? 🤔. Hope the monitor helps x
Hi I had my blood oxygen meter with me at home and just checked my reading ,