Just just wish I was better I had my heart attack in December 2023 on the 23rd feels like I've just had nothing but pains since no help just lots of mess x
Help pains: Just just wish I was better... - British Heart Fou...
Help pains

I am sorry you are still living with so much pain without an explanation.
I have replied in your previous post more fully.
Presuming you have a GP and cardiologist who you trust? Do they take you seriously and have they investigated fully since your heart attack? Did you receive post-MI cardiac rehab? - this can be very helpful. In addition, are you aware that many people suffer from depression after a heart attack (not just due to the implications of the event but also due to physiological effects) which may be adding to your symptoms. Very best wishes
Sorry to hear this. You have a complex medical history.
Are you confident they have been fully explored by the medical fraternity in context to each other and not looked at and treated individually?
You had previously said you were intending to make some lifestyle changes, for example you felt you might like to lose some weight and might need to do more regular exercising.
Hi, So sorry to hear you not feeling better BUT its still early on in your recovery. I had my HA and 4 stents in 1st Sept '23 and still recovering and slowly getting better. This is a whole new journey you are on, its not easy because you don't know your limitations and body has let you down so you are scared of it which will make you more tense which will make your muscles tighten. You need to relax more. Try meditation. Have you had rehab? Speak to your GP, or cariologist nurse. Make sure they listen to you and how you are feeling. Make a pain of yourself. Make them hear you. Good luck and I hope you feel better
Thank u x