My husband is scheduled for a CABG in a month's time. I worry that I can find no information on his surgeon who is S.E.Asian. No biog or reviews . Also out of the 600 odd reviews for the private hospital specified only 2 were for CABG. The rest were for minor ailments and a few for other operations like hysterectomies. From reading others experiences I know it is of paramount importance to have excellent aftercare from specially trained staff. I believe we can ask to be treated at an NHS hospital with a dedicated unit but will have to wait much longer. Tried to speak to my GP who texted that he had patients who were treated by this surgeon . Have a pre admission appointment on Monday when we will see his surgeon again. Sorry for long saga, just so worried.
Worried I can't find any info on surg... - British Heart Fou...
Worried I can't find any info on surgeon due to perform OHS on my husband.

I would be checking out another Hospital, what you need is a surgeon who is so used to doing a particular operation that it has become second nature.
Where I am in the far west of Cornwall we have one major Hospital that covers the whole of the county but it does not do cardiothoracic surgery. There is a hospital in Devon that does but waiting times are very long.
If you want one of the best if not the best then you need to contact [RETRACTED]. Check him out he is based in London. If I or any of my loved ones needed major heart surgery he is the surgeon I would choose
I am North Cornwall and needed OHS but as you say Derrifords waiting lists are very long so I was sent to St Anthonys and the care was second to none, very specialised for heart surgery. My cardiologist referred me to the surgeon (whom I found on Not all have a high profile but will still have a lot of experience - try not to worry too much.
So good to hear of your positive experience at St Anthony's (Cheam?). It helps. I was considering opting to wait for Derriford because I would have been able to go with my husband, as it is he will be picked up by ambulance and I will have to stay behind - worrying.
I was picked up by paramedics/ ambulance and taken to St A's at Cheam. As the driver told me we take 10 patients a week there and have always brought 10 back! He will have a private ensuite room (with phone & tv) the surgeon will ring you straight after the op to tell you how he is. Please rest assured that the accommodation, facilities, food, transport, surgeons, teams are all 5 star, there is a resident cardiologist and a dedicated ICU.PM me if you need any other info and I'll help all I can x
Oh that is so reassuring, thank you so much. I very much doubt I will be able to visit so it's good to know he will be so well looked after.
You will also be given the phone numbers of his ward and of ICU so that you can stay in contact with your husband and the staff. He can take and use his own phone/device too for when he is well enough to contact you. My two surgeons travelled up to St A from Derriford for the operation, I'm sure all will be well. If you wanted to be close to the hosp all I can suggest is getting accommodation local to the hospital for his stay and if his transport agrees they may be able to transport you too, depending on available seats.
I had my quad bypass in Derriford (Plymouth) and was transferred there from Torbay where I had been an inpatient. Derriford was very good and stuffed full of good surgeons but subject to delays like all South West hospitals as our elderly tourists get ill and take priority over those locals who are not quite as bad.
Hi, My boyfriend had a heart bypass in July this year. The surgeon was recommended by my boyfriends cardiologist, but I struggled to find much about him on the internet & I was a little concerned at the time, however I totally trusted the cardiologists recommendation and as soon as we met the surgeon, we knew everything would be fine. Surgery went very well, we are now 5 weeks today post surgery & his recovery has been very straight forward. Sorry this probably doesn't really help you in your situation.

Maybe have a look at the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery's website ?
You can also ask for the surgeon's individual performance outcomes.
Every surgeon has to keep an audit of their surgery.
I suggest you write down all your questions and take them to the appointment.
I’m in a northern nhs hospital have had cabg this week and I kind of assumed that all surgeons work privately, they certainly do in the nhs discipline I work in,but couldn’t find anything on my own nhs surgeon.
However having met him at the hospital he has been doing surgery world wide for years and has over 1000 cabg to his name and I couldn’t have been in safer hands.
Having read deeper there is lots of references to his work and he has been involved in a huge amount of research so it could be he is just low profile. My care has been second to none. I was admitted Monday afternoon on the eras programme and went down it 08:45 Tuesday. By late afternoon I was in ccctu and on the ward late Wednesday. There was talk of me being discharged yesterday as I was hitting all milestones but weeping chest drains kept me in a day longer and I’m hoping for D-Day tomorrow so five days from surgery to discharge.
Very much appreciate you posting from your hospital bed, hope all goes well with your recovery. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Speak to your doctor for some reassurance first, don't panic there can be a lot of reasons there are no bios
Hi the NHS concentrates heart operations in a number of specialist hospitals typically at least 500 operations. Another possible option if you are worried about waiting time and can afford the cost ( going private is very expensive) might be to investigate private wards of NHS hospitals . Same consultants same team but it is my understanding that it will be quicker as they have separate lists .Best wishes Lexi
I had no choice and no idea who my surgeon would be until a few days before surgery, one of the delights of emergency admission. I was in Papworth though so I had no concerns.
And he’s done a fabulous job, to quote him “it was just a bit of plumbing”. AVR and a single CABG is hardly a bit of plumbing in my book.
Not everyone has an internet profile so may I suggest that you go armed with a list of questions about their qualifications and experience. I am sure that they will be happy to reassure you. You already know that your GP trusts them to care for your husband. I know you are both going through a really tough time but hope you will get the reassurance you need. Good luck.
Hi, talk to his secretary. What's the name of the hospital.
Where is the nearest heart and lung hospital nearest to you?
I think everything to do with medical treatment these days is a post code lottery..reading these forums..some feel left in the wilderness…like me people who seemed to have GPs who are concerned and cardiologists who care.
I’m sure your husband will be in good hands..
May I ask the full name of the surgeon if you know any more, and the name of the hospital? I know you have looked but worth getting others on board to search too. I agree it is important to have someone you trust to be competent.
Have had very reassuring news on the hospital and a little more on the surgeon so have had some of my worries allayed. Reading your previous posts I do hope you have now recovered - I do suffer from nerve pain, which I understand shingles can cause, and find Pregabalin a help.
Thank you that is good, and thank you for your kindness. (Shingles pain is unfortunately still tending to flare up badly 5 months on, which is concerning when I've repeat open heart surgery due in 2 months time). I really wish you well, and that all goes well for your husband. Update us if you wish, I'd be glad to hear.💜
I'd just like to add that any surgeon is only one member of a larger team, all of whom play parts in the care of the patient - the other team members are also very important
He is in fantastic hands there, I was discharged from my double CABG this week. The team there go above and beyond every single day, i can’t praise them enough.
As for my surgeon, well bordering on superhuman in terms of skill and endurance isn’t that far from the truth, and so humble with it. At this level is far more than a job, it’s a way of life saving lives every day…
I think I’d be looking elsewhere. Hysterectomy and CABG are very different. My husband is due a triple CABG at Wythenshawe. He only saw the surgeon in July and has had preop already. The NHS wait is not all that long to be honest depending on urgency.
Since posting I have received reassurance about the hospital, although it is private my husband is an NHS patient. I hope all goes well with your husband's surgery.