Hey Everyone
Just a little update from me,
Olive is doing really well, growing nicely and around midnight until 3am she has a little rave in my womb and is really active. She is definitely going to be a party goer and a footballer when she's older.
Dan has moved in with my mum while he recovers, we both wanting him to be at home, but I can't cope with looking after him when I've got me and Olive to look after. He has started counselling for the accident, the stitches are being removed and his collarbone is healing well, and he only needs to wear his sling a couple of hours a day now.
Me? Well I'm still pregnant ha ha still not really enjoying being pregnant I've got just next week at work before half term and I start maternity leave. I have cardiology appointment every 2 weeks and my heart is coping well I had an ECG the other week and the consultant is happy with everything. My blood pressure is lower than it has been in years. The nurses laugh that pregnancy lowered my BP
V x