Hi everyone, hope your weeks are going as well as they can.
As you might know, I had a HA 7 weeks ago and am waiting on surgery to close the hole in my heart that led to my HA.
I was feeling really good at the end of last week, almost back to normal, so I did a YouTube Zumba workout on Saturday morning and another bodyweight online workout on Sunday morning. I was exercising daily before my HA and this wasn't at all a strenuous workout, building on the rehab exercises
Since then, I've been back to being much more aware of my chest/heart - not pain but a roaming nagging feeling, little twinges - which I've experienced ever since being told I needed OHS in December. It did go away while I was skiing and isn't worse under strain at all.
In the last week I've been noticing a weird little hiccup in my chest - it's almost like a little double breath or jolt and I notice it more in the evenings when I'm sitting still in front of TV etc. After the HA one of the nurses said I'd had a little arrhythmia, but that it had sorted itself out after the first 24 hours in hospital. I also wear a Fitbit that claims to be able to detect AF, and it says 'no episodes recorded'.
It's possible I'm going a bit nuts from all the hospital stresses and waiting for the surgery, but I'm worried I've made myself worse. Also, I'm on a cocktail of drugs post HA that have made me feel a bit weird and sluggish and headachey - all the usual, Apixiban, Rampiril, Bisoprolol, Clopidogrel and a Statin just for fun (OK, for high cholesterol that they also found).
I'm half expecting a call from the surgeon any minute to book in my repair in May, so in some respects this is very low down the list of things to fret about - but I don't know what AF etc is supposed to feel like and I don't really know what to tell the doctors in case it's in my head!
What are others' experience of this?