This is my first post. Back in 2019 I had what felt like "flutterings" and breathlessness/dizziness. I was diagnosed with arrhythmia. A 24 hour ecg showed ventricular ectopic beats. An echocardiogram showed mild valve leakages but no obvious cardiomyopathy. I was advised to stop/reduce my caffeine intake and my symptoms subsided.
Covid hit and in April 2020 I gave myself an inguinal hernia, in June I got shingles, in August I had the hernia repaired and In September I got PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica) which I still have. I mention this because I have been on steroids ever since apart for a short period in 2022.
Then in October 2022 the flutterings and breathlessness and dizziness returned. My PMR consultant referred me to cardiology and in February 2023 I saw the original consultant again. He organised an ecg which showed 14% ventricular ectopics including couplets and bigeminy and trigeminy. I was given Bisoprolol in August 2023. The consultant referred me for more tests.
Shortly after that severe fatigue hit me. I put this down to PMR/tapering steroids - a known and common symptom. But now I am not so sure.
I had a NM Myocardial Perfusion scan in February 2024. This showed that part of my heart muscle was not getting an adequate blood supply. Shortly after that I had a echocardiogram which showed that my LVEF was 47% plus a few other "mild/borderline" results. I was given statins, aspirin and an ACE Inhibitor.
Last Thursday I had an angiogram. That revealed a blockage in one of my arteries and I am being referred to have a stent fitted. The surgeon said I was "fairly non-urgent" whatever that means.
So to my question. Does what I say describe heart failure, heart disease or I suppose both.
Many thanks
PS sorry to go on so long.