Hi friends,
I have insertion of ICD on 5th April, 2024 from City Hospital, Nottingham but I am enlisted in waiting list of heart transplant from Royal popwarth Hospital, Cambridge.
Suddenly I received a call from my Hospital Co-ordinator at 2.00Am midnight on 24/04/2024 that are you ready to go for heart transplant and we found heart donor for you but I was not expecting this while I was enlisted in October, 2023. He informed me that transport will pick you around 3.30 AM and hopefully we will go transplant at 6.30 Am in morning. I said ok.
I prepared myself and reached there around 5.30 Am but I waiting waiting ……..they did some tests and some other preparation as required for same but around 11.30 Am the coordinator came to me and sorry donor heart was not fine for transplant so you can go home and this was your rehearsal for next time.🌹🙏
so all friends to pray for me for the best. Thanks