I'm 24 and was taken to hospital on Friday as GP noticed my heart was really low 39. After doctor did an ecg (which come back normal) she checked my pulse rate again and now my heart rate was 36bpm. So was rushed into hospital. Did another ECG which came back normal. So doctor check me while ECG was running he notice I had extra heart beat to my normal which is what ECG was picking up. So sending me for 24hr ECG and heart ultra sound. said if I pass out or heart palpitations get any worse I have to go to hospital. Been really bad yesterday and today feeling really tired pain in chest and back and heart palpitations that seam to be stronger and my regular. Not sure weather to go to hospital or weather I'm worrying about nothing and I just more aware of them now as watching my self all the time. Any advice please
Low heart rate and extra heart beats - British Heart Fou...
Low heart rate and extra heart beats

I think if you have any doubts and are in pain straight to A&E ...♥️
You should talk to specialist.
Have you heard about EECP (External extended counter pulsation). Ask if it suits you.

I'm sure you will be more aware of your heart beat, that's v natural after what you've been thro. But with those symptoms, too, call an ambulance.
No question!
Good luck!
I'd had similar symptoms when I started to be aware of my problem.
I think you definitely do look for it more. However you were told if it got worse to get checked out and now if pain too it's got to be worth getting checked for peace if mind if nothing else.
Don't worry about wasting people's time. This is important.
Thank you everyone for your comments I have made an appointment with my gp this afternoon to get checked. Best been over careful than something happening just be glad of a diagnosis xx