For background I've got Ehlers Danlos, a genetic connective tissue disorder which causes stretchy joints, skin, dislocations and a whole host of other fun things. Also underactive thyroid and B12 deficiency/ pernicious anemia and asthma.
In spite of my issues I've always loved exercise, keeping fit and trying to be as healthy as I can be. I eat a plant based diet, dont smoke or drink and was going to the gym several times a week, as well as walking a lot.
Last summer I developed awful chest pain, phoned my surgery who told me to go to A&E after waiting for hours having bloods, ECG etc, was told it was most likely indigestion 😒. So came home. The pain appeared to subside but then a few days later it came back. Paramedics came out as I was also short of breath, they advised to go back to A&E. This time I got directed to SDEC, or same day emergency care.
To cut a long story short they advised me to come back early the next day for an Echo with Cardiology who diagnosed pericarditis. I was put on prednisone for two weeks. It worked very quickly. However the Echo revealed mild leaky Mitral valve, Tricuspid valve and trace Aortic valve, probably related to my EDS. The Cardiologist said it would be a good idea to rescan every so often and keep an eye on them but when report went to GP nothing was said about that.
Fast forward to February, started having shortness of breath, but no wheezing or coughing, got sent to SDEC again due to medical history, they diagnosed exacerbation of asthma, more steroids and nebuliser treatment. However it felt like not being able to get enough air into my lungs.
Over the last few weeks I've been struggling with shortness of breath on exertion, climbing stairs, even walking and talking on the phone. Fatigue has been much more noticeable. I've had to suspend my gym membership as I've felt ill during workouts. The breathlessness is noticeable when I'm resting now as well.
I saw my GP yesterday who listened to my heart, diagnosed grade one and two heart murmur, is going to refer me to Cardiology. He suggested trying a GTN spray. Blood pressure was a little elevated and I do have a fast pulse and get palpitations but not sure if this is significant as many with EDS have those, it goes with the territory.
This is all new to me, never had any heart issues and I'm apprehensive. I've got no idea what to expect ,how long I'll wait to see Cardiology and whether I should be worried. We recently lost a close relative unexpectedly to a heart attack so I guess its understandable to be a bit scared.