Has anyone had this blood test named in title .We ve Jist had letter from hospital for my husband to have it . Has anyone had results from this . I think it’s to test how the heart is pumping or something. His heart function was 35% after his stroke in July Jist gone , I’m hoping it’s improved since then . I’ll be dreading the results in case they’re bad , I try not to be a worry wort but hard sometimes . Thank you
BNP, NT-proBNP): Has anyone had this... - British Heart Fou...

Yes.This turned up on my cardios.letter. i was not aware I had had it done .I believe it had been part of a group of blood tests. Mine was massively high and i queried it with cardiac nurse who said it had been like that for years and 'not to worry' So I didn't.I appear symptomless with an enlarged heart, so called 'heart failure' and a non functioning tricuspid valve. other wise i am ok!!.

I have had this blood test several times.
I have it done every few years to check that my heart muscle isn't being unduly affected by my coronary vasospasms.
I am having a NT-proBNP checked on Monday along with some other routine tests prior to my Cardioligy appointment in a few weeks.
Hi i have had this test many times. I have severe heart failure and mine is now 2111 ng/L. I also have dilated cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension.
I've always been told BNP levels show how much stress the heart is under or in other words the level of 'heart failure'. The lower the number better. As to the ranges and what they mean hopefully someone else can answer that.
Thank you
I had the test as part of a range , due to the fatigue and leg pain I was experiencing. I wasn't told that I was having it so I asked the GP - she said it was to check for ' heart failure', and reassured me that it's a scary term ( not the best one to use )which means how efficiently the heart is pumping blood . It was around 1139, so she sent me for an echocardiogram.....still waiting for the results, 2 months later.............
That’s a long time to wait . My husband got told his the same day Jist after he had it .
Yes I have had the nt pro bnp blood test and it is very low. however I am under the heart failure nurse because my congenital heart disease has caused the right side to have been manufactured wrong. But as it has been made this way the heart functions the way it wants to. Trouble is it cause some symptoms of heart failure? I carnt really explain it as I don't really know all the facts and Google is a waist of time. But from this the heart is not under stress but it's not functioning very well. To put it another way it's a bit like buying a new car which has a faulty engine. But the car still goes from a to b so either you put up with the fault or you get rid of it. Unfortunately you carnt do that with your heart as easily as getting rid of a car.

Thank you good analogy 👍