Many thanks to all of you who responded to over active / sensitive bladder . My heart is with you because I think it is horrible . Having had a heart bypass and a husband who is disabled I find my energy is not good . I’m not bad in the daytime but as soon as I’m horizontal at night it starts when I need sleep . More research needed 😳😳
Thank you : Many thanks to all of you... - British Heart Fou...
Thank you

hi Pollypuss. Lying down is when any fluids in your feet and legs move up to your kidneys and this can give you Nocturia which is what I’ve had for over 2 years. There are many medications you can try, I tried a few but none suited me. I’ve used a bladder supplement from a company called Jude which seemed to help. They are on Facebook if you use it and on the internet. Lack of a certain hormone can also cause Nocturia but your GP would have to have this checked for you. I know how tiring it is to keep waking up in the night. Bisoprolol made me worse - 5 or 6 times a night - so stopped taking it. Don’t despair as it may reduce naturally x
Poor advice saying stopped Bisoprolol did you have your GP prescribe an alternative ??
I'm the same mostly nights so I'm ok during the day not tons of energy but enough.Yes there definitely should be more research especially if you're GP has ticked all the boxes like infection and so on.
I'm pre diabetic type 2 but currently on a diet programme to stop it referred by my GP, however in 4 weeks I've only lost a miserable 3 ounces and my daily intake has to be 2000calories when I know for sure prior to programme I was only eating and alot healthier 1500 calories per day at the most, to say I'm totally disheartened is an understatement, and I don't eat any sweets, cake or refined sugar. I'm ready to give up. Plus to add to all this I've had three weeks of septic tonsillitis with angiodema reactions to two different antibiotics.
Take care.
Poor you . I know all about the despair . You no doubt feel alone in this and constantly feel up against a brick wall. If not careful I find it can lead to a deep depression. I just find all the good aspects of my triple bypass like the good energy I had after has been taken away by this horrible bladder problem .
Bless you, you've been through such alot and major surgery. I totally understand what your saying it seems so unfair. I start thinking on my journey back and forth to the toilet why am I letting this get me down its not as if I have to be up to go to work or anything for that matter, it's the simple fact that I'm desperately tired and want to sleep.Good luck I sincerely hope it gets better for you.