I have the heart magazine delivered. It really is amazing. So helpful. I did check the website for details about my condition. Wish I hadn't now. Then I remembered this site. It is so comforting to know other people know what I am going through and understand. I have aortic stenosis. Diagnosed in January 22. My symptoms are much worse now. I can't get into the doctors for nearly 3 weeks for an appointment to go for a check up at the hospital. I am trying to eat healthy and looking for foods for a healthy heart and stronger heart valve. Can't wait to chat to you all.
Thank you.: I have the heart magazine... - British Heart Fou...
Thank you.

Hello, i am very sorry to hear your symptoms have worsened. Please contact 111 if you feel more poorly, they can advise in case you need to go to A and E instead of waiting fir 3 weeks. Please don’t suffer in silence. I do hope you are okay xx
I've recently been diagnosed also with aortic stenosis following a short inpatient stay following a "cardiac event"
tmrw go back to clinic for CT angiogram not looking fwd to it though ive had other ct scans recently so guess It'll be OK
then got appt to meet a surgeon to make a plan
Hi Donnygirl59
I hope your feeling ok? Aortic stenosis is bad enough but gall stones aswell that must be rough! Has it got worse since your last echo?? I have bicuspid aortic valve severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis. Do you have symptoms?? I tried to get the magazine delivered and I just get emails about it? How did you get it delivered? X
Hi , I’m 64 and was diagnosed with mild to moderate aortic stenosis in early 2022, with a plan for annual echocardiograms , my first annual echo in April this year showed the stenosis was severe and I was beginning to have symptoms although I didn’t realise that at first. I am now on list for replacement valve . I was overweight and had begun to eat more healthily anyway and I now find that alcohol gives me palpatations so I no longer take any alcohol at all. I never drank much any way.
Good luck looks like we share this journey at the same time.

Hi Wodehouse123, I am on a similar path to you. Severe stenosis identified ana year ago, now awaiting surgery. I had similar response with alcohol, enjoy a glass of something now and again and have a more healthy diet now. Wondering if you experience other symptoms? I have varying pains in my centre and left side of my chest, sort of points of pain, sometimes in to left arm, all promptly dismissed by consultant. My heart is in good condition other than the valve. I do feel my condition is deteriorating, a bit breathless when walking now, much less sleep. I am communicating this to my surgeon but have no idea if this experience is common.
Hi , I am now post surgery.
Yes I too did get pains in my chest but as my arteries were clear on angiogram it was not thought to be significant . Breathlessness worsened and I did not sleep well at all , though I haven’t slept that well for years and even now it isn’t wonderful. I also used to feel giddy when standing for a length of time , reaching down and standing up again also made me feel faint . Hope all will be well with you

Great to hear you are post surgery. Thank you for owning chest pains too, I had begun to wonder if I should try to get the pain investigated else where, while I am convinced it is heart related consultant insistent it is not. Guess I should be grateful my arteries are clear. All the best.
I do think though that if the pains continue or worsen in any way you should go back to your consultant . I always reported new or worsening symptoms