I just wanted to thank everyone who posts on here for what you probably won't realise, has been tremendous support. I had a heart attack 2 weeks ago completely out of the blue not knowing about any previous problems with BP or heart so it was a HUGE shock. Lack of information and extremely unhelpful GPs left me with severe anxiety, frightening side effects from tablets and deep depression. Just reading the posts on here, even those that don't relate to me at all has made me realise just how many people are here, surviving heart problems and living productive lives. You've made me realise I can do this. Thank you.
Thank you: I just wanted to thank... - British Heart Fou...
Thank you

It’s a brilliant site and everyone is so great with various snippets of advice and information. Sorry you’re having a rough time. It’s a shock isn’t it especially if there’s no previous warnings. It’s been over a year for me since my heart attack and the journey has been intense and a rollercoaster of emotions that I never thought I could feel! Cardiac rehab was a great help so if you don’t have a date to start then follow that up. Talking and expressing emotions has been a great help. I have cried buckets! Stamped my feet! Laughed! Reflected on everything! Written poetry which helped focus my thoughts and feelings! It’s a well known saying but time does help. The bad days are getting less and the good days far outweigh those darker ones. I hope things start to feel that they are improving soon. Take care. Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Zena x
Had my first rehab appointment last week but didn't find it terribly helpful. She gave me a book which ahd a few exercises but kept saying "But you won't be able to do that" and "You won't be able to do that" again and again just because I use a mobility scooter for spinal issues. I can't stand upright for more than a few minutes without severe pain but that doesn't mean I can't do anything at all. NO I can't use a treadmill or go running but I can do bits at a time. I do wish they wouldn't "assume". Thank you for your good thoughts. Yes all I've really needed was explanations and someone to talk to. I have neither. I pointed out to the Cardiac ward sister the other day just how awful he discharge letters are to the majority of people; all purely technical language and abbreviations. I'm well educated with a degree but I had to look up translations of most of it. I'd have been better reading Chinese. When you read that you have a 75% blockage of LAD it sounds horrific then when you Google to find out what LAD means what do you find? Hundreds of American sites saying "Widowmaker". Is it any wonder people get anxious? It could all be avoided by 5 minutes with a doctor explaining it and by writing it in English.
I had my heart attack 8 weeks ago and I don't cry as much now as I did unfortunately I can't start rehab yet as I'm still in pain some days which is so frightening. Be prepared for days when you feel really down and then days when you feel just like your old self I am on holiday this week in the same place I was on holiday last September and I'm really struggling with the difference between now and then I just want the old me back no pain no tablets just got to get my head round it again
I'm still at the crying stage and worrying that I don't have all the meds I should be having. I suppose its' like Post traumatic stress. When I do feel like me, I'm just frustrated tat I'm not allowed to do what I desperately want to do and t hat's really only hoovering and driving. Amazing what small things annoy you when you can't do them
Couple more weeks and you'll be allowed to do those things but just be prepared that even when you can do those things there's plenty of things you won't be able to do I would love to go swimming but they say I can't yet and use my pushbike
Not worried about those; can't do them anyway in a wheelchair or scooter. If I could I'd be better than I've been since 1983 LOL. As long as I can do my garden and clean and get about the house,take my dog for a walk on my scooter, that suits me fine. How long is it since yours?
8 weeks now. Don't worry you will definatly be able to do those things again I'm back to walking dogs cleaning etc how old are you if you don't mind me asking
Have you thought about seeing if you can do any "chair exercises"? See bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo... as an example.
You can do this! I know it’s a shock and you will have a rollercoaster of emotions over the next few weeks but the good days will soon outnumber the bad days. Stay strong, stay focused and more importantly you have been given a chance to make the most of each breath, enjoy each one.
Hi Qualipop. I had a Hear attack 3yrs ago out of the blue. As you say it was a shock. I was told I had PAF which caused the HA However after the initial shock and 9mths of being messed about with medication and side effects they caused. I listened to my own body, refused anymore Satins of varying brands and strengths which all made me feel worse. , Rampiril etc. I stopped them all. I did not have BP. smoke or drink. So I only take my Apixaban and feel well. I will be 80 in Jan next year and to celebrate I am off to Norway and see the Northern lights, managed to get good insurance with a firm called "Payingtomuch" So listen to your own body and take it from there. I do take some natural remedies to try to bring the Cholesterol down, But will have to wait and see on that at Next Jan check up. I don't see the doc or nurse in between only 6mthblood test.
So don't worry to much.
Regards BreakThrough56
OOH I want to go with you LOL. MY dream is to go on the Hurtigruten but Norway is not good with wheelchairs. I actually got refused entry to some places in Oslo. What was your GP's response to you not taking tablets?
Yes I enderstand about the wheelchairs. Regarding th GP and not taking tablets as I was told in the hospital They can't make you take them. I did weigh up pros and cons and after all the upsets she was OK when I said I was fed up with feeling worse than before. She gave me a list of other tablets to think about. I did checks at pharnacist and online as to side effects to each one and decided I had had enough of bad heads/necks upset stomachs etc. so called it a day. Been absaloutly fine since
Hope you'll feel better very soon. I had 5 heart conditions diagnosed last year, so had to stop going to the gym. But slowly could become more active & finding I could do a bit more each week. Maybe there are some "seated exercises" or "gentle years yoga" local groups you can join. I know of several in Harrogate & Leeds area & the exercises can be done sitting in a wheelchair or ordinary chair.
Best of luck for a full and speedy recovery. Clare
I couldn’t agree more! I was in exactly the same situation, the anxiety is terrible and so hard not to panic. On those nights when I woke up in a panic with bad heartburn I would go on the forum and read everyone’s comments. It made such a difference to me and my emotional state, I couldn’t have got through it without you all.
A heartfelt thank you from me too x