I’m confused : So I posted before last... - British Heart Fou...

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I’m confused

sickandsore profile image
9 Replies

So I posted before last year as had been having chest pain and pain in my left shoulder and arm which woke me from sleep on several occasions. I was referred to chest pain clinic at local hospital and tests and scans has revealed a considerable blockage in LAD. I went for angioplasty and they concluded I did not require a stent but put me on statins.

I had no follow up so after another few chest pain incidents a good few months on from that angioplasty, I went to my GP he assured me I’d had the gold standard of tests ( angiogram) and the original scan had been misread!!but I was to remain on statins to prevent the plaque there from breaking away and potentially causing a heart attack.

So fast forward to 2 weeks ago, almost a year on from my procedure I’d had a virus and been feeling run down and very unwell in myself generally for a few weeks, GP signed me off work due to exhaustion and heavy bleeds caused by peri menopause. My mood hit rock bottom as I also stopped HRT which wasn’t agreeing with me, and I again got woken by intense pain through my central chest, to shoulder blades, left shoulder into left arm, hand etc I decided not to go to A&E but after it settled I let the GP know, was sent straight to A&E. Tests came back ok from ecg and bloods to check troponin. After review by consultant I was kept in over night for monitoring, as his concern was that something might be happening whilst I was at rest that hadn’t been picked up, though nobody did any monitoring other than temp and BP/pulse hourly and I was left in a side room on my own between 2-6 am.

Cardiac team came round the next morning and told me I just needed gaviscon and to go home, though they also started me on a ppi. They kept referring to last year’s results and said it’s unlikely to be my heart ( fantastic news!)

However today I’ve really struggled to wake this morning and get through my work shift and once back to walk upstairs to my flat, felt quite out of breath and my chest tight and left arm hurts, I feel excessive tiredness and have had to lie down since getting back. I feel an impending sense of doom which often happens prior to these awful chest pains I’ve had previously. My shoulders both sides and arms are painful and I have pins and needles in my left arm whilst trying to type this. I actually feel really scared by these things but I feel silly also if I seek help from the GP or go to A&E as quite clearly there can’t be anything wrong with my heart surely? My CAD was not that significant.

Does anyone else get these same symptoms? I know GORD can manifest itself as a heart attack but I don’t really get indigestion but I do have ulcers in my small intestine so the ppi is probably helping. I hadn’t eaten that much today prior to coming home from work so I’m sure it’s not indigestion related and I’ve been drinking plenty in this heat.

I feel like I’m going nuts tbh, my hormones all over the place too is not helping!

Thanks for listening to my whinging, I just really need to hear what others would do, I am due to go back to my GP for a general review of meds/HRT management etc next week.

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sickandsore profile image
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9 Replies
Cee-Cee1 profile image

Please don't feel that you're whinging, Sickandsore - you're NOT whinging, you're obviously frightened by what's happening to you and you're doing the right thing by coming along to see if anyone can offer reassurance.

The menopause, and peri menopause, can do horrendous things to us females and also gastric problems can really mimic cardiac symptoms.

Is there any way that you could have your GP appointment brought forward and let him know just how your suffering, mentally and physically, at the moment? Personally, I'd be pushing my GP to offer further help.

I do hope you can get to the bottom of why you're suffering these symptoms and also I wouldn't hesitate to call 111 for advice should you feel any worse this evening. Carol

Cavalierrubie profile image

You sound as if you are having a really bad time. It sounds as if you have a big gastric problem with ulcers which is very painful and causes chest pain. You have to eat little and often even if it’s only a biscuit to stop acid building up and inflaming your stomach lining. This can cause much pain in the heart area. The medication you have been given will heal the ulcers but it takes time. I have gastric problems, a large hiatus hernia and stress and anxiety causes flare ups of inflammation and pain, which mimics heart pain. If you are worried about your heart then all l can say is see your GP and tell him you are not convinced all is well and you need reassurance that you are ok because it is causing you great stress. All the best.

Tos92 profile image

Hi sickandsore

I’m very sorry to hear you’re feeling poorly. Needless to say, your symptom’s definitely require further investigation.

I note that you say the pain is felt more on rest and it wakes you from your sleep. I have a type of angina called vasospastic angina which is primarily felt on rest. This is when my myocardial bridge (which they think is the culprit), an artery that tunnels through my heart muscle instead of sitting on the surface goes into spasm. My pain is generally felt in my chest, upper back, and arms and sometimes my jaw.

Has vasospastic angina been considered in your case?

I’ve attached a link below that may explain some of its symptoms and characteristics better.


I also see you mentioned GORD which can mimic heart attack symptoms however, I think it’s a good idea to rule out any more blockages and perhaps, consider the above if nothing is found.

All the best.


Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star


I am so sorry to hear that the doctors don't seem to be listening to you.

As others have indicated as a womens oestrogen levels fall it can impact on their heart health.

Unfortunately not all Cardiologists understand that as women we're different. Medicine sadly uses the male body as a template for medicine.

There is growing evidence that oestrogen plays an important part of heart health in women.

Has anyone considered microvascular dysfunction? This type of of angina/ ischaemia non obstructive coronary arteries INOCA/ ANOCA effects women more than men and particularly effects women around the menopause.

Chest pain at rest can effect women who have microvascular angina too. You can have both obstructive and non obstructive angina.

Vasospastic angina the other INOCA/ANOCA condition, that I have lived with for over 10 years tends to effect younger pre menopausal women as well as men.

The gold standard test you should ask for is a functional angiogram when they test whether your small and large blood vessels work as they should.

As well as the BHF information about vasospastic angina, you may find this information about microvascular angina helpful too.


I suggest you ask your Cardiology team to consider all possible causes of your symptoms including microvascular and vasospastic angina.

It might be helpful to ask to be seen by a Menopause specialist too, who understands women's heart health.

One possible treatment option is a mirena coil. This intrauterine device releases small amounts of progesterone and can help with both heavy periods and menopausal symptoms.

Keep the faith, it's your body and you know your body best.

I hope you are able to access the care you need.

VickyHK72 profile image

personally with your symptoms I would go to A&E. they always say they would rather people go there when it turns out to be innocuous than not go and it turn out to be something requiring attention.

I am currently reading a book called a woman’s guide to living with heart disease which highlights the fact that women are often misdiagnosed vs men when it comes to heart issues and often receive treatment slower or not at all.

It sounds like you are feeling pretty rubbish so I would definitely head to a&e, the worst that can happen is their tests come back fine and at least you’d feel reassured. Take care x

Fullofheart profile image

I agree with the menopause comments but / and I also wouldn't be ignoring those symptoms or just waiting to see my gp. You're not going mad, those kinds of symptoms ARE scary...and need checking out. Even if that end up just being reassurance that's still a good reason to check it out. Let us know how you get on.

scentedgardener profile image

Do you have a BP monitor? It could help you to know what you're BP is generally, and what happens to it when you have this pain. I've got one that also identifies when you have an arrthymia, (not what kind, just that there is one). It was only about £25 last year. It seems to be pretty accurate on measurement.In my area 111 will send an ambulance for chest pain, and paramedics will usually want to take you to A&E. I have had multiple trips over the last 3 years, and only one where I thought it was necessary but accepted their greater knowledge. I felt, and still often do, that I was wasting their time but I can honestly say that at no time has any medical professional even implied that. When I have apologised for needlessly adding to their work load I've always been told "No, you did the right thing. It's much better to get checked out." This was even during the height of the NHS battle with the virus that must be nameless.

MSharpy profile image

hi there

Angiplasty with no stent pushes the plaque back out and if it holds out they do not add the stent, this is only done if it re-collapses.

Statins do not stop plaque from breaking away, they just slow/prevent further build up.

I complained constantly of chest pains after my first heart attack and stent and finally 12 months ltr got a second Angiogram and they found further issues and stented again, and then 12mths ltr again. Etc

Persist with your complaints and if worried go back to A+E until someone does something to alleviate your symptoms heart or not.

A second Angioplasty may be the only way to satisfy your anxiety and the surest way to confirm that no plaque has caused a flow issue again or has the one they repaired changed.

Request a second Angioplasty or MRI scan.

Hope this helps you make a decision, good luck, hope you get the help and support you need and find a satisfactory outcome

dnsblr profile image

I understand your concern. It sounds like you have been experiencing a lot of chest pain and other symptoms that are worrying you. I am not a medical professional, so I cannot give you medical advice. However, I can offer some general information that may be helpful.

Chest pain can be caused by a variety of things, including heart problems, indigestion, and anxiety. If you are experiencing chest pain, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment.

In your case, you have a history of heart problems. You have also had some recent tests and scans that have shown that you do not have a significant blockage in your LAD artery. However, you are still experiencing chest pain. It is possible that your chest pain is being caused by something else, such as indigestion or anxiety.

However, it is also possible that your chest pain is a sign of a more serious problem, such as a heart attack. If you are experiencing chest pain that is severe, that does not go away, or that is accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, or vomiting, it is important to go to the emergency room right away.

If you are not sure whether your chest pain is serious, it is always better to err on the side of caution and go to the doctor. It is better to be safe than sorry.

I know that it can be difficult to know what to do when you are experiencing health problems. You may feel scared or confused. It is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who have experienced similar problems. There are also many resources available to help you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you may want to consider talking to a therapist or counselor. They can help you to cope with your anxiety and stress. They can also help you to develop a plan for managing your health.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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