So what is being "Policed" here is natural progression? Surely it is quite natural to progress a subject as it tumbles around an educated group and when it runs out of steam, someone else will bring the group back on track with another "CLEAN" post! That is how a democracy works - well at least I and many others think it should.
I would like to know how many feedbacks have been received relates to percentage of membership? It is just not democratic to do anything else. After all, when does a post in the chat area become unsuitable if a general chat should stray , for however long, onto discussing heart matters. It's just so "Big Brother" that it worries me. Are we therefore to expect policing of the chat area...................and before the smarty pants has time to tell me, yes I do know how to leave the group if I feel it is not relevant, despite my triple heart bypass or my pacemaker or my angina or advice on when to use my GTN spray
Human beings are human beings and each and every one has differing needs. Some might hide their worries and concerns wrapped up in humour, or god forbid, differing points of view. Perhaps humour, if removed from main line posts will only leave some of us feeling like a specialist has just left the room after advising us on our condition! Those that might know me will know I do like humour very much, I also have needs and have asked for advice on many an occasion - I have also challenged some cruel replies, given my stance on a subject and also have the humanity within me never to hurt deliberately. I also have the knowledge to know when a decision should be challenged and this is one I do not think is wise or could ever be policed in a fair and human way. It's been working for years so why change it?
Dare I suggest that the establishment does not like hearing the truth occasionally - and that does not mean the BHF team!
Sincerely not impressed - unless of course the post gets removed