Help Me Understand: Yesterday approx 5... - British Heart Fou...

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Help Me Understand

Prada47 profile image
46 Replies

Yesterday approx 55,000 people diagnosed with Covid 19 where are they and what happens to them ??

Do they go to Hospital or the GP ? do they take a Paracetamol and stay at Home. Do they isolate for 10 days and then get re tested. Or do they just get better ??

All I hear is Hospitals are nearly full to over flowing, no one says what happens to the rest ?

I really think instead of sensational news like " A record Number of people tested Positive " it would be better to say " 100 people have been admitted to Hospital " and " 100 people have been discharged from Hospital Fully Recovered "

Publishing the numbers who have tragically died means nothing we don't know why they died ?? Covid may have contributed but it wasn't the cause in many cases.

I think what I am asking is what happens to the thousands who prove positive with no symptoms. Isolate Retest and if still Positive Isolate Retest.???

Hands Face Space Vaccinate



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Prada47 profile image
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46 Replies
skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star

Morning,Here in Spain we get all those numbers, how many infected, how many died, how many in ICU, how many recovered. We can also see how many beds left in ICU as well.

The death toll still doesn't really add up, figures from undertakers show about 10 to 12000 more, but then it seems to have plateaued as well if that makes sense.

What we do have is a very low percentage of deaths, yes its higher than normal, a severe disease, certainly nowhere near the oft quoted Spanish flu pandemic, that seems to be the norm across the globe, however factoring in the number in ICU maybe explains the (over) reaction and lockdown.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to skid112

Good Morning

and Feliz Ano Nuevo

It's just trying to understand what is going on ( I am not a denier ) I would just like to understand. The media keep rolling out experts who all disagree. We now have the National Union of Teachers instructing Teachers not to work they are now the Experts in Covid 19 !!

I don't know about Spain or France our media has gone very quiet about ( Europe ) in general with regard to Covid.

I wish you well for the New Year and hopefully our leaders will get a grip

Hands Face Space

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Prada47

I hope all the leaders get a grip before it's too late.

A very happy new year to you too, take care

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to skid112

When it's over, as it surely will be, you would be more than welcome here, I have plenty of gin, i can guarantee sunshine as well!!

Tessie28 profile image
Tessie28 in reply to Prada47

As a teacher, who can't work as too dangerous just now there are some things you need to know. It is very scary standing in front of 30 children, masks not allowed except in the staff room, as I did 7 months post AVR. Most classrooms [at least that I have taught in] are small and cramped. Many, many working teachers have underlying health issues but they are out there doing their jobs. The unions have finally started to get involved. In our area we are up to 600 per 100000. Our schools are still open and yet that was where the majority of infection was coming from before Christmas. So no I don't believe Boris, schools are not safe places. Like the union, I am no expert but I have plenty of experience of catching things from children including a really nasty flu a few years ago. I am a supply teacher so can't be furloughed. Managing on my small pension and savings for now. So please think carefully before you make this sort of remark. Oh and yes teachers aren't expecting a rest should schools close they will be working online to give the best service they are able to as they did in the first lockdown. Very worried for my friends today, including one who has recovered from cancer.

Shazzy46 profile image
Shazzy46 in reply to Tessie28

I agree. I teach adults and although there are procedures in place staff and learners have brought it into work. 3 isolating before Christmas (13% of staff) . Many hands touching doors and bannisters yet cleaners only in a short period at the end of the day and can't do all classrooms, (they are just emptying bins and cleaning toilets) . Some learners have children at schools which have positive cases and some not taking any precautions and mixing. It definately isn't safe but as someone who is only high risk I have to go into work because I'm considered moderate risk on the council risk assessment 😡

fergusthegreat profile image
fergusthegreat in reply to Prada47

I bet you wouldn't be quite so keen if you had to stand in front of 30 kids with no protection just waiting to get infected

Bicyclist profile image
Bicyclist in reply to skid112

I think they observe the face mask rule better in Spain but not sure about the distancing. We left there 3 weeks ago for a 3 month trip to the UK, i have to say i felt safer there. What part are you in?

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Bicyclist

Alicante region. There are those that do and those that do not here as well. Lots of deniers, and lots of demonstrations in larger cities. Add to the Madrid does what it likes ad you can see why we run at 25k new cases daily

Bazmack48 profile image

My eldest son and his wife came down with COVID on Christmas Day, both got tested and of course self isolated. My son has more or less recovered, just taking paracetamol, his wife who has a pacemaker is still confined to bed. They have a very good GP who arranged for an oximeter to be delivered and if DIL oxygen level goes to 94 or below call 999. A specialist coronavirus person is phoning them tomorrow for discussion. No idea about the specialist so will wait and see. Both are key workers, son works for police and DIL teaching assistant so really it was inevitable that they would catch virus at some point.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Bazmack48

Hi Bazmack

Not looking for an argument, but it is not " Inevitable " that Police Officers and Teacher will get the Coronavirus Infection.

My son is a Police Officer and my DiL is a Teacher and neither has been infected .

Your Dil may have passed it to your Son or vice a versa so it doesn't just depend on work place ,well maybe it does 's indirectly!!!

Hands Face Space

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Prada47

My daughter is a police officer, surely they are more at risk dealing with people who probably aren't bothered about precautions and are happy to spread their germs ! Lost count the times she's been spat at and coughed on ! She was told last week a person she arrested on Christmas Day had tested positive so she and colleague had to go into self isolation but after further investigations they found out this person had lied about being infected ! thank heavens but she knows it's only a matter of time.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to bantam12

Hello Bantam

My son is Front Line and he has been Spat on and Bitten on more than one occasion !!! Personally virtually every occupation is exposed Shop Workers. Postman/Woman, Teachers, Police Officers ,Paramedics the list is endless. It all comes down to we all have to take as much care as we possibly can .

Hands Face Space Vaccinate

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Prada47

I think in general the public wouldn't go out with the intention of infecting shop workers, teachers etc but the customers my daughter and your son frequently have to deal with have no respect for the police so don't give a hoot.

Bicyclist profile image
Bicyclist in reply to Prada47

Transport workers receive lots of abuse and are certainly at a high risk, already quite a few have died from the disease, i knew one that passed away at the weekend. I had worked with him previously as his manager and he was such a good guy.

mumsastudent profile image
mumsastudent in reply to Prada47


Shazzy46 profile image
Shazzy46 in reply to Prada47

I know of a few teachers who have had it. My colleague's dil got it and her husband is now very poorly.

woodygilly1 profile image

You need to educate yourself. I am a nurse I worked in intensive care during the first wave. I contracted COVID and now the left side instead of 55%-60%, it's working at 17%, if people have a underlying health condition, if they did not contract the virus they would still be alive, yes you stay at home and isolate, if you are not I'll enough to need hospital care. My hospital that I work in, has stopped elective surgery, intensive care is full at over 20 patients 5 Covid wards and my colleagues are being re-deployed. Just because you can't see it does not mean it's not happening. Deaths should be published as it's important. I had what they are terming "long Covid" as I had it and I did not have any symptoms and it has caused kidney and stage three heart failure at 42 years old with out any risk factors of heart failure.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to woodygilly1

Sorry to read how you have been effected by Covid

Lizbeth61 profile image
Lizbeth61 in reply to woodygilly1

Well said. So sorry to hear this. I also have a friend who is a nurse she has now had Covid twice and is in the intensive care unit of the hospital she worked in

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to woodygilly1

I am so terribly sorry to read your post, you are one of the many heroes putting your life on the line for the rest of us.When I see reports of mass gathering and photos of people protesting about having to ware masks I despair for this country. I pray your heart starts to recover.


Meatless profile image
Meatless in reply to woodygilly1

Sorry to hear how your own health has suffered as a result of helping others. You people really humble me ... take care and I sincerely hope your acquired health issues improve. God bless you all and than you...

SteveSeddon profile image
SteveSeddon in reply to woodygilly1

Part of the problem is that the hospitals aren’t filmed. If you remember in Italy we saw the chaos and so people don’t feel it’s real. Covidiots really about me when they spread their nonsense.

Doodlebug63 profile image
Doodlebug63 in reply to woodygilly1

So sorry to hear of your long COVID and wish you a full recovery. Thank you and all NHS staff and key workers for the tremendous work you are doing. I can’t imagine how you are keeping going. My daughter and her partner are secondary school teachers and I worry about them, more so now with the new variant. They have a one year old and do everything they can to protect themselves and their little one, including removing clothes in the garage and showering each night after work before they go anywhere near him. The mental strain for many is also extremely hard and I feel not only will this awful virus leave many with long COVID but there will be a need for a huge injection of funds into mental health provision.

Best wishes for your future recovery.

Boss123 profile image
Boss123 in reply to woodygilly1

I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle with Covid19 I have been reading some of these comments about who is more vulnerable to covid (EVERYONE IS) I have worked within the NHS for 25years and now days for the ambulance service and I've never seen the NHS in such a way that it is at the moment. Sorry all I am trying to say is stay safe every one.

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to woodygilly1

So sorry you've been/are still unwell from this virus. I think I speak for all of us when I say Thank you so much for your selfless actions and care of others. xxx

I tested positive on the 28th December (I believe approx 48000 tested positive that day) after noticing that I had completely lost my sense of smell. While I have felt generally under the weather its not been anyway near as bad as whenI have had flu, glandular fever or even a bad cold. I suspect that quite a lot of people testing positive are in the same boat as me and just self isolating while they recover at home.

Speakeazi profile image

It seems to me that you’re alright until you’re not. And when you’re not, you can deteriorate fast.

I’m not sure that people who believe “Covid’s not that bad”

realise that should they have a heart attack, be involved in a traffic accident, break their femur, contract another illness such as meningitis or sepsis that due to patients with covid now occupying the ICU beds, there would be no ICU beds for them.

So please, stay home. Certainly in London we feel exactly as we did in March, only with the knowledge that numbers are higher and will continue to climb for at least another few weeks.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Speakeazi

Good points well made.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Speakeazi

Thank you for your post. I have lost count of the number of people I know (of) who have tested positive. Some have had fairly mild symptoms, others have been quite unwell and three have been hospitalised. Of the latter only one recovered but the other two died - my friend's cousin was not elderly! It is not a "sort of flu" as besides the lungs it can attack the heart, kidneys, brain and other organs!

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to MichaelJH

Hope you're doing OK Michael xxx

Nadeje profile image
Nadeje in reply to Speakeazi

Well said!👏

woodygilly1 profile image

Thank you, I can't help it but when people state they don't believe the death toll is not right and what we all went through in intensive care we all needed counselling, and I have worked in intensive care before so I've seen all-sorts of terrible things, and I could not handle it with Covid X x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

For those who are interested here is the link to the government statistics.

Quote from the Office of National Statistics above

'Using the most up-to-date data we have available, the number of deaths up to 4 December 2020 was 567,199, which is 66,322 more than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 4 December 2020, 69,771 mentioned COVID-19 on the death certificate. This is 12.3% of all deaths in England and Wales.'

Covid is very real

Scout2017 profile image

I’m a secondary school teacher and went all through last term with no problems, but then two of my kids caught COVID at school and Gave it to me in time for Christmas! Lovely present. Fortunately I didn’t have it badly and my wife escaped - I spent a fortnight in the spare room. My point is I think secondary teaching is pretty safe (not completely, but if you’re sensible and follow the guidance it’s acceptably risky). The real risk of having schools open is not to kids, who brush it off after a couple of days if they have symptoms at all, or to teachers, it’s to the parents when it’s brought home. Primary is very different IMO.

IrisCarter profile image

Oh yes. It’s a lack of understanding.

Lonmayloon profile image

I don’t know about your local area but in Scotland all the information you mention is published daily and much of it is broken down into Health Board area. So, for instance, I can see how many people are in ICU and how that compares with any given day. There isn’t a category for “discharged from hospital fully recovered” because I’m not sure that doctors would be prepared to give that level of assurance.Publishing the number of deaths is important. If Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate it is either the cause of death or underlying cause of death if listed in Part 1 or significant and contributed to the cause of death if listed in Part 2. Again speaking for Scotland only, procedures may vary elsewhere.

LMor profile image

I developed Covid on 17th December and Self isolated at home. It’s been horrible and I’m still struggling with extreme fatigue. I had calls from Nhs track and trace who read the same script to me with every phone call. They really were not interested when I said I don’t feel well. (Which isn’t their job to care I suppose) 12 days later I did another test to make sure I was clear and unfortunately it came back positive again. No one has called...I have no idea if I’m still infectious. My isolation period is well and truly over (according to the law). I’m left in Limbo.

jerry12953 profile image
jerry12953 in reply to LMor

That sounds really tough. Hope you have someone to care for you. Take care.

LMor profile image
LMor in reply to jerry12953

Both me and my partner had it at the same time so we looked after each other as best as we could lol. Thank you. You take care too

Templar889 profile image

Couldn’t agree more

Routemaster profile image

Hi Gracie

I have heart failure and tested positive for COVID before Christmas. I can reassure you that mine was very mild and I made a full recovery very quickly. I had been put on a very strong dose of Vitamin D a couple of months earlier by the GP and am on the Barts Vitamin D trial. Whether the Vitamin D helped, only time will tell!

GracieOS profile image
GracieOS in reply to Routemaster

Thank you for your message. That's very reassuring. Its easy to get overly worried at the moment at a cost to mental health and wellbeing. I am glad you recovered well 🙂

Routemaster profile image
Routemaster in reply to GracieOS

Thank you. I hope that you keep safe and well too.

Arrowe profile image

My granddaughter and her friend both attended at a local centre to be tested. They were working at a local hotel as ‘elves’, during a festive promotion. They had symptoms of slight temperature and sore throats. They tested positive, self isolated and their families restricted their movements for 10 days. It spoilt our plans for Xmas, as we couldn’t go to our relatives for our usual Christmas Day.

DizzyD profile image

I have covid got it on Xmas day......YOU DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER COVID TEST AFTER 10 DAY ISOLATION PERIOD BECAUSE IT WILL STILL SHOW UP POSITIVE. NHS test and trace told me this. This does not make sense to me

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