I had a phone chat with a heart Dr, this morning. He went on about a catheter ablation again. If it stopped my SVT and AF episodes, it might be worth considering, but I’m very scared of having it done. It does have it’s risks and you can end up with a pacemaker and it can be fatal in rare cases. I also read you have to lie flat in your back for the procedure and for several hours after it. Lying on my back makes me feel light headed and when I get up, I’m dizzy and the thought of having a sedative worries me too. Can any of you offer me any answers to my worries. ?
Ablation worries: I had a phone chat... - British Heart Fou...
Ablation worries

I had a catheter ablation (RF) in 2018 to address an arrhythmia. It was straightforward and painless, although unsuccessful as it was discovered that the source was very close to my AV node. I chose to have a 2nd ablation and have a CRT-P device fitted rather than continue with the effects of the arrhythmia and I am glad thatI did. I am an electronics engineer (now retired) and I know that these devices are very reliable. I consider the device as I do my spectacles; they both help me lead a normal life. Clearly this is a very personal decision and I am sorry that it causes you such anxiety. I hope that you are able to take a more detached view. Best wishes to you.
Thanks for your reply, thats very helpful. Glad it helped you.The Dr said to try upping my Sotalol by half a tablet, to see if it will help at all. I am thinking about ablation for the future. Glenfield Leicester hospital has quite a good reputation. Keep well.
I found holding my breath and push straining down to stop my svt worked sometimes you could try it here’s a link
The Valsalva maneuver is a breathing method that may slow your heart when it's beating too fast. To do it, you breathe out strongly through your mouth while holding your nose tightly closed. This creates a forceful strain that can trigger your heart to react and go back into normal rhythm.10 Jan 2020
webmd.com › valsalva-...
Valsalva Maneuver: How to Do It and When to Use It - WebMD
Hi Sixtychick
Take a look at all my previous posts you will find them helpful I had an ablation for SVT
Thanks. I had a look. Seems like it was good for you. I have had PSVT since I was 22. The PAF only started in 2014. I would hope, if I decided to have an ablation, it would help both conditions.
Glad you took a look, yes I’m still going strong although I decided to cut caffein out , alcohol and lose weight and this year I can tolerate the cold weather much better.
I used to enjoy a beer or two but prostate issues caused me to curtail those over ten years ago. I switched to shorts for a nightcap and enjoyed having an evening whisky. Sadly, I find that I am less able to tolerate this these days. I still tend to drink coffee during the day but have decided not to stretch my luck and buy an expensive 'real' coffee maker. I try to watch what I eat (although my wife does most of the cooking) but I am not overweight and, although I've never been athletic, I try to keep to an exercise regime and enjoy cycling in warmer weather. I do feel the cold in my extremities, however; notably between the end of October and May. I wish I had underfloor heating 😅
Hi Ian
The cold weather I hate these days, but I guess that’s because I’m getting older, I use to love my drinks 🍺 but it’s a small price to pay for a healthier lifestyle. Instead of cycling go for walks good luck and wrap up
I’ve have decaff coffee and tea for a long time. I don’t drink or smoke and only weigh 8 stone 6lbs. (I’m only 5ft tall) I exercise almost every day and eat 5 fruit and veg each day, plus I take magnesium, COQ10, a pro-biotic, multi vits and 500gms omega 3 every day, as well as my Sotalol, Edoxaban and Atorvastatin. I try every thing to keep me well and spend a fortune on these supplements. !!!
Any operation has risks, but catheter ablation is frequently performed relatively safe procedure which has enormous benefits if it is successful. I had one in April and although not completely painless it was straightforward and has done the trick so far. If you are very anxious about lying on your back you could ask for a general anaesthetic. Once you come round you do have to remain on your back for a couple of hours, but they won’t let you get up without someone with you. It’s your decision whether to go ahead, but all I can say is that my life now considerably easier without the constant threat of an AF episode. Good luck!