Hi. I was wondering if anyone knew if it’s ok to take vitamin d and vitamin b12 tablets while on the usual medication for heart attack? Thanks
Vitamin tablets and heart medication - British Heart Fou...
Vitamin tablets and heart medication

I am on the usual heart meds and take vitamin D not B12 though
I have to take vitamin D though as I have low levels and they were even giving me it in Hospital daily so vitamin D seems safe but just ask your pharmacists where he has his repeats go to they will be able to tell you even though I imagine it will be ok always best to check even with a vitamin
I hope you and you Husband are keeping well x

thank you BeKind. Good idea I will check with pharmacist tomorrow. Yes we are keeping much better thank you, we just need to find out what is causing the big dips in my husbands recovery 😊
I am glad you are both keeping well and maybe it is just how his recovery is going some have these dips but hopefully you will get the answers soon and do let us know if you have time when you do x
Hi, my cardiologist told me NOT to take vitamin D with my meds unless bloods showed i was deficient. I had tests and my Vitamin D levels were ok even though I've almost hibernated over winter following CABGX3. I suggest you ask your GP to test you.
Yes you can
Started getting random bruising/black eyes/nose and gum bleeding (never had any of these before I started my heart meds) doctor decided on a blood test which came back with low platelets and anemia (probably caused by meds as never had any issue before!) prescribed folic acid (B12) so another tablet for 4 months...😝 oh the joys!!
I take vit D and Gp did put me on B12 fora while
I take high dose VitD + K2 as I was told best to take those together, B12,B1 & B6 and have no problems
Usual medications post heart attack. Blood test showed vit D was low so was told by GP to use over the counter tablets daily. Handed my list of meds to the sales person in the pharmacy who happily double checked with the pharmacist. Interesting looking back through previous blood tests that I had never ever had one to check vitamin D. Was only tested as the Locum I saw didn't immediately assume my dizziness and tiredness was cardiac related.
I've taken multi-vitamins for years and wanted to continue after the op so checked with both my Heart Failure Nurse and Pharmacist. Both said it was fine. However, I'd been taking Cod Liver Oil tablets for the same length of time but was told to stop just before the op as the coating of the capsules (so kit the actual ingredients) is not compatible with one of my heart tablets (I think, but not sure now, it was the Ticagrelor). Basically just check with your Heart Failure Nurse (if applicable) and Pharmacist.
Hello Hare123 I had the same worries as you as my GP wanted me to start taking a multivitamin was concerned about the interaction between heart medication and multivitamin tablets so checked with him and he said it's perfectly fine to take both but if your worried ask your GP to double check I also asked the pharmacist if I could take it at the same time as I take my heart meds at breakfast and she told me not to take the multivitamin at breakfast with my heart meds instead take it at midday hope that helps.
Hi Hare123,
I was put on over-the-counter Vitamin B1 and Folic Acid on my first round of medication from the specialist after being diagnosed with HF in November of 2022. They were to be taken with my morning pills which didn't include my stains that I take at night and include my other vitamins, (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Glucosamine/Chonodroitin, collagen and Omega-3) that I have taken for years. I was told I could stop the Folic Acid but continue to take the B1 after 3 months of taking them, both I believe, are to help renew tissues and strenghthen muscles. I hope everything is working for you as they did for me, I was at 25% ejection fraction when diagnosed with HF and after 3 months of medications, change in diet (no salt) and exercise have been told it increased to 45-55%. Keep at it and think positive, I pray all goes well for you!
Thank you for the reply. It’s my husband who had the heart attack, he is doing ok but his energy levels are very up and down, and gets pins and needles in his arms which dr thinks may be b12, just waiting on blood tests to confirm. Was debating whether to just start him on them but after all the replies I think we should probably wait for the results before doing that
I agree with Coopergirl52 and you that checking with your GP would be safer than worrying if that was causing him issues. I will be praying for him and you that all goes well! My husband, bless him, is my rock and has supported me through out this whole thing. It is hard to know what to do or how to support someone that is going through HF. Keep up the good work!
Funnily enough I was with my husband at the GP’s talking about this only yesterday. He had a HA in December (2 actually) and is on Atorvastatin, Clopidogrel, Lanzoprazole, Aspirin, Metformin (diabetic type 2), but not beta blockers or blood pressure meds as he has bad reactions to those.
He has just had bloods done and it shows he’s deficient in B12 and Vit D.
He’s booked in next week for B12 injections and the GP said it’s fine to give him a Vit D supplement. I asked what happens after the B12 injections stop (if they stop) if it’s ok to supplement with a B12 pill…she said it was.
It’s worth a phone call to your own GP to check though as everyone is different and most likely have different meds and health conditions.
I wouldn't take them unless you've been told you need them. My husband was Vit D deficient recently, it was picked up while he was in hospital. He was given some tablets for it while he was in hospital, was told to continue taking them for a week after discharge & to get his GP to test him again. He has now been re-tested, his level is back to normal & he doesn't need to take any further meds for it.
For my two cents, I take 40 mg Atorvastatin daily, 75 mg. Metropolol, one (or 2) baby aspirin, and Lisinopril twice daily with a diuretic. My GP has prescribed 1,000 IU vitamin D3 daily for about the last 6 months.
That amount of Vitamin D was recently (last 3 weeks) raised from 500 IU daily. First, I was prescribed this vitamin because a bone desire test showed that I have osteopenia. My GP said that vitamin D can help to slow the progress from osteopenia into full osteoporosis. She also suggested that I eat lots of green leafy veggies, etc—-all good sources of D. About 3 weeks ago, I had my first blood tests since having my HA 11 months earlier. I was at the lowest end of the “normal” range of vitamin D levels so she raised the amount of vitamin D supplement that I take.
Second, I agree with everyone else who responded. Please speak with your pharmacist and/or GP before adding any vitamins or other supplements.
Wishing you the best!
P.S. I meant to type bone density test above.
Plus, I will have a follow-up blood test in about a month in order to check vitamin D and potassium levels. If the vitamin D level is more “normal” range, I will drop from 1,000 IU daily back down to the 500 IU. That is for the osteopenia issue only.
My point is that the GP will decide on dosage.