Hi, I’ve been struggling with anxiety and fear of having a heart attack for the last 18 months, must’ve had about 20-25 ECGs, an echo, bloods and X-rays. Nothing has ever been wrong with the doctors saying I’m too young to have one, which obviously I know isn’t exactly true but I get what they mean.
Like I suffer with so many different pains in the chest, arms, neck, stomach and throat. From tightness to heaviness to burning. They’ve done investigations and nothing has come back with my heart. My grandad died of a heart attack at around 60 but he was a major smoker so I know that effects a lot.
I’m obese and trying to lose weight at 21 but I suffer with hypothyroidism that makes it harder to do but I eat healthier now.
I just don’t know what to believe and how to actually trust doctors with this fear and anxiety, I’m seeking treatment of health on the mental health side of things.
I don’t know if people here have this same fear or similar despite all the tests or if people have any suggestions in how to tackle this fear, I hate going to A+E so much for nothing to be wrong. I feel I just let everyone down.
Thank you in advance if you respond.