Hi there!
I’ve literally just signed up to this forum so bear with!
Im looking for any similar stories to my dads.
So just over 2 years ago my dad suffered a heart attack followed by quad bypass surgery.
Coming out his road to recovery started and he made some big changes. He’s of a decent weight with a good diet but packed in cigarettes and less trips to the local.
Obviously this was a scary and anxious time for anyone! All in all I think he was in hospital for 5-6 weeks.
Coming out though he was different. This man had never had an anxious bone in his body. The most confident outgoing person. He’s doing everything he can to try and help himself but nothing is working and he’s just having back to back panic attacks.
I’m unfortunately familiar with anxiety and depression myself and manage well with medication so have tried to help but he’s been on sertraline a good 10 months, tried others before that (as he’s 2+ years through this) and nothing is working.
Does anyone know what he can do? Baring in mind he’s tried and tested therapy, some but not all anxiety meds, increasing exercise etc.
I don’t want to see my dad not getting out of bed for the rest of his life.
P.S were ringing the doctors tomorrow.
Just want to see if anyone else has been through this particular situation and what they’ve done to help!
Thank you