been a couple months of my anxiety being lower about my heart. Like I managed to tell myself I’m ok, yet here I am again complaining about what could be wrong with my body.
Background: 21 man, overweight, hypothyroidism.
Had about 30 ECGs, 5 chest X-rays, bloods and 2 heart echos.
Like I’m in a state of worrying again with my after I still get this left arm pain and chest pain after doing something active yet after all the doctors and tests they say it’s nothing. I fear it’s an impending heart attack or I have conarary artery disease. Seems strange at 21 but like can all these symptoms be my health anxiety. It’s just been rough lately. Crying a lot that I’m just gonna drop dead. They won’t run anymore tests as I’ve had enough they said, like the second heart echo was 2 weeks ago all fine, but now I’ve been getting these symptoms the last week. What is my life.