Sorry : Hi everyone Sorry if I was... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Valentina98 profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone

Sorry if I was over reacting last night, but my heart beat felt really fast (although it was about normal) and I was getting breathless. I've still got palpations and I'm really tired but I think that's from worrying

V x

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Valentina98 profile image
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10 Replies
Heyjude31 profile image

Hello, please never apologise, we are all here to support each other x

Anon2023 profile image

hi. Hope you are feeling better today. Please don’t apologise, we all go through it. What you are experiencing is natural after the trauma you’ve been through. We are here for you. X

Hello :-)

Why are you not at School young lady :-)

I saw your post yesterday and could see you were well supported and I was feeling rough so could not add anymore to the great support you had :-)

But I did think again as I read your post you are so young , I have a Grandchild about your age and I know how my heart attacks have affected me and my anxiety and depression which I believe you suffer with so how you learn and cope with this when I am still struggling and I have been dealing with anxiety most of my life I know it could be a big one to get your head around and with every ache , pain , palpitation you no doubt will go in a flap and understandably so and there is no need to say sorry when you do and need support this is what the Community is somewhere to come and ask for help and support when we are struggling

Try doing yourself a list with the negatives going on in your mind but for every negative write a positive next to it :-)

So you had a mild heart attack even though a heart attack is a heart attack tell yourself on that list it could have been worse

OK you are young but that means you are fit enough to turn this round

You know and are exercising and eating healthy

You are been monitored

You are on all the right medications

You are looking into getting support with your depression and anxiety

Quite a few positives there :-)

Many young people have a heart attack and go on and never have another because they have all the right treatment and change their lifestyles round making them more wiser because of what they have been through , I think you will be one of those young people

It does however leave us full of fear and with every palpitation , every ache , slight twinge , bit breathless we are on red alert and when we are anxious we go in full panic mode and then what happens those palpitations , twinges etc are all heightened

Anxiety comes with palpitations but now we dismiss that and just relate it to the heart because a fear has been created

Getting that therapy , getting some time between you and this heart attack you had , gaining back your confidence is all going to settle these things down and mean time if you are worried you post and never be sorry for been human and reacting :-)

Hope today is a really good one for you :-) x

Valentina98 profile image

Thank you BeKind

I'm not at school today as I've been signed off for a couple of weeks. (Don't tell anyone but I'm missing it and ready to go back to work. I've emailed all my students there homework for the week and I've spoken to the substitute teacher so he is fully briefed, thankfully I did a load of lesson plans early so I think I'm coved until I'm back)

I've had depression and anxiety for years, but this has made my anxiety worse. I'm trying too keep myself informed with my health but by doing that I'm making myself worry more, and most of the information is for people older than me.

I spoke to my GP about therapy and of course there is a long waiting list. I've had therapy before so I know what it's like.

I'm one of those people who can't sit still so being at home and resting is driving me mad. I'm going to stay at Mum's today so if I haven't killed her for driving me mad I will be forced to rest as she'll treat me like a 4 year old not a 24 year old.

V x

in reply to Valentina98

Hello :-)

I have just finished emailing the head to let them know how much you miss been there :-)

You sound very organised and have done all you can , now let go they will get on with it and focus on you :-)

I could write a book on anxiety and how crippling it is and just as you think it could get no worse something happens and you are sat in tears thinking why ?

If what you are doing is not helping then stop it , knowing the basics is all you need to know and you know those so stop searching it again will feed your anxiety which is already fed enough , try and keep of Google hard I know I find myself on it but it never helps as I have been told it does not have my personal medical History neither has it examined me :-)

I know the waiting lists are long which does not help but you will get there and meantime try yoga to help keep you relaxed as well as it been a good exercise you only have to do the simple ones I am not telling you to tie yourself in knots ,not yet anyway :-)

Try not to kill your Mum today and then you can look back and think how well you have done and I am sure the Prison food will not be to your liking :-)

I tell you something though when you do get old you look back and wish your Mum was about and think I would let her treat me like I was 4 willingly if she was

See she means well and count to ten :-) x

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to


Yes Dr Google is not helpful. I know this but its easier said than done.

I'm going to try meditation and yoga while I'll wait for appointments. The meditation might help with surviving my Mum.

We didn't have the best relationship when I was a teenager and I look back and think I wish I could have asked her that back then. Her and Dad split when I was about 12 and she moved back to Spain I went with her for a few years before moving back to England and Dad when I was 14 I didn't speak much to her until a few years back. I do regret that.

Her cooking isn't an issue she's an amazing cook. I guess I should try to enjoy being waited on hand and foot.

V x

in reply to Valentina98

Hello :-)

Do you know it is Mental Health Awareness Day today

Every year I think and exactly what will this do to help me and the answer is always the same nothing as we need to be remembered every day of the year one day will do what exactly ?

So wit that moan out the way have you tried putting an elastic band round your wrist and when you feel the urge to employ Dr Google then give it a ping to remind you it won't help :-)

It is so much better asking on here instead :-)

Relationships are not always perfect as we believe they should be between Children and parents but the past we cannot change and regrets will serve no purpose but building new relationships could bring happiness :-)

Maybe this is the time you could have that conversation with your Mum she may not have a clue how you feel :-)

My Mum used to be a great cook what I would do to taste some of the lovely meals she used to make , enjoy them :-) x

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to


I did know it is Mental Health Awareness Day. I think the same if only people were aware of us all year.

I've tried the elastic band before I believe thats what got me through exams, whenever I was stressed I would ping. Maybe I should do that when Mum annoys me.

I might try and talk to Mum, it could be the start of a whole new relationship for us

V x

in reply to Valentina98

Hello :-)

You never know out of something not so good happening it could be that something else comes good you will never know unless you try and you don't have anything to lose but could have something to gain but you will not be worse of than what you are other than maybe losing the pre made meals :-) x

Valentina98 profile image

Thank you Thatwasunexpected

Yes I'm very tuned in at the moment. I think 65 used to be about my normal resting heartrate but since this and a couple of weeks before the heart attack it just dropped low, part of me wishes I'd got it checked out and maybe I wouldn't be here now.

V x

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