Had a really bad back pain this morning upper middle back that then began progressing at times to my chest and lower jaw. It finally lifted. I was in the car and my husband was driving but I had it most of the journey. My husband has heart problems so when we got to where we were going I said to him what had happened and he said I needed to tell the doctor. However I feel ok now and I would be fussing over nothing. I am due for an ecg at the end of the month as I take certain drugs, but I am not sure why. I know my doctor would not appreciate a phone call this late in the day now and certainly don't want to go to hospital. I know heart attacks should be in your chest where mine was in my upper back so it probably is nothing.
Back Pain: Had a really bad back pain... - British Heart Fou...
Back Pain

Heart attacks can also cause pain in your back, your heart sits between your back and your chest.
You should really get it checked just to be safe and put your mind at ease, dont worry if your doc or whoever doesnt appreciate a late call your health is more important.
If you are in the uk you can call 111, its availabe 24 hours per day.
Put yourself first and make sure you are ok.
Hi, contact the gp or 111. Better safe than sorry. That’s what they are there for. You hubby thinks so and since you wrote this question, I think you are worried too? Best wishes.
Don’t bother with your GP now the pain has gone you are going to need a blood test. Just present at your local Hospital ED
going to a and e now just in case thanks
I saw this reply before I had chance to comment and relieved to see you are going to A&E to get checked out
Please let us know how you get on x
It is my understanding that pain in the lower jaw in females can also indicate heart attacks. Im pleased to hear that you have gone to be checked out. Please let us know how you get on.
go get checked out at the hospital. They’d rather you cause false alarms than miss the real thing. 👍
after waiting 8 and half hours at a and e only to see people who had been waiting even longer 22 hours no blood test no nurse only auxillary who said it was a panic attack went home
That is not good at all
I would talk to my Doctor and see what they have to say
Hope you are feeling a little better today x

gp told me to go there in first place thing is as ive had chemo my veins in arm are shot ut they ade jo attept to tae blood after tried initially once andvthat was after 8 andhalf hours
I am so sorry this is just not good enough you should have got better treatment and everything you have already been through as well
I would still talk with my Doctor and let them know what happened and I am not sure if you feel like you would want to but I would put a complaint in to the Hospital as well you should have got better care than this no matter what you veins are like at the moment
I hope you manage to get the care you deserve x
i agree with BeKind - this is not good enough - you had the classic signs of Acute Cardiac Syndrome (which includes MI and other non-obstructive conditions) - you should have had an ECG and blood tests as a minimum standard of care - this is more so as you say you are receiving chemotherapy - women with these symptoms are more frequently dismissed as having reflux or panic attacks than men with the same symptoms - this could be an MI, Takotsubo, a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) or Coronary Artery Spasm, all of which have serious consequences and need treatment - you should certainly see your GP today if at all possible - and if this happens again call 111 at least
thatscwhat an auxillary said to me who triaged me it was probably a panic attack
Probably doesnt mean 100% that it is though.
as an ex-auxiliary and RGN i can safely say that an auxiliary nurse is not qualified to diagnose anything like that, even if they have experienced it themselves - and i am surprised that an auxilliary was doing triage, this is a duty for qualified staff as far as i am aware - besides, the way you described the onset it really does not sound like a panic response .... unless your husband's driving is really scary! but whoever discharged you with no ECG or blood tests was very probably not following protocol for your symptoms, if you reported them as described above - as pointed out by others the symptoms for heart attacks (and Takotsubo) in women are often different from the "classic" chest gripping pain shown in the media - pain is often felt in the jaw, neck, arm/s, shoulder/s, or back or even experienced as "indigestion" - sometimes there is no pain at all but other symptoms - you really should see your GP and if possible ask for an ECG at least, many GP surgeries can do a basic one
I am sorry to hear that your symptoms have been dismissed.
Unfortunately 50% of women have their heart attacks misdiagnosed, often as a panic attack. They then receive poorer care when their heart attacks diagnosed.
This has been recognised in research.
I suggest you contact the Patient Advisory Liaison Service PALS of the hospital concerned and raise your concerns.
In particular that you were not assessed by a registered healthcare professional.
The Healthcare Assistant should have sought assistance from a Registered nurse or doctor to take your blood.
Without a blood sample to detect your blood troponin levels, acute coronary syndrome or a heart attack cannot be ruled out.
You should not have been sent home without being seen by a Registered Healthcare Professional.
I was admitted to hospital 10 years ago with a suspected heart attack. I was incorrectly told I couldn't have a heart attack or angina because I had unobstructed coronary arteries, I was too young, low risk as a women, too thin, etc.
All incorrect. I have since been diagnosed with vasospastic angina.
I have been admitted to hospital 15 times with severe episodes of chest pain. At every visit to A&E I always have my ECG and bloods done promptly. I am always then admitted.
Women following chemotherapy and radiotherapy can develop heart problems as a consequence, including microvascular angina. This with vasospastic angina are types of non obstructive coronary artery disease NOCAD.
I agree with the advice of others. Ask your GP to refer you to the Rapid Chest Pain Clinic.
In the meantime keep a log of your symptoms.
thank you my husband who has had major heart problems had difficulty getting to see a cardiologist in our health board we eventually paid private and the cardiologist carried on with him on nhs he was rung this morning being given another angiogram as he is still not well after having stents in November but a different health board. So if I cant get anywhere i will pay to see him privately. I feel so frustrated as a simple blood test and accurate ecg could gave cleared this up. Our gp has an ecg machine but he wanted me to go to a and e. I live in South wales and our health board us a nightmare.
don’t want to worry you unnecessarily but my advice is go to your nearest A&E (forget GP). I had back pain on and off for a week back in Jan - an episode then occurred and I still didn’t recognise what was happening - family member insisted I went to A&E - ECG ok, blood test indicated I had a Heart Attack - Angiogram, 2 arteries ballooned and I’m doing well and still here - HA’s aren’t always what we expect - please don’t leave it - quickest way to get checked out - A&E - good luck!!
women DO NOT experience heart attacks the same way as men do. You should contact 999
The symptoms are varied I’ve seen in articles.
Decided to go private if I get another incident. Dont want another trip to a and e and no good ringing 999 all the ambulances are queuing up outside a and e with patients in waiting to be seen its a joke. My husband and I have paid into system all our lives. All I needed was a decent ecg and blood test. After 8 and half hours neither had happened because my veins are no good after I had chemo 10 years ago and cant use other arm because i have no lymph nodes it was frustrating as auxillary who did ecg took less than a minute to do it Ive had ecgs before and they usually take longer than that she was just about to go off duty so said docs would sort me that took 2 and half hours to see her . Then i just got forgotten. So we will pay to see someone private if it happens as dont want to go to a and e and get a 22 hour wait to be treated like a nuisance.
I'm really sorry to hear your story. I've had the same experience at A&E. I've waited over 16 hours in total, but at least I got a blood test and ECG. They just put it down to a gastric problem.
If I mention the words chest pain to my doctor he says go to A&E.
It's all a joke now, I've been told to wait over 6 hours for an ambulance because I'm still breathing!
Just as a matter of interest, which area are you in, as I think Lincolnshire is the worst.
Your symptoms are identical to the ones I suffered which turned out to be a heart attack. I went to the assessment unit at the hospital arranged through the GP and left 15 days later after having had a quadruple by pass. It may be nothing but the 'classic' signs of clutching your chest in pain are a bit of a stereotype, Heart attacks come in many different forms. My pain was nowhere near my heart.
Sorry, but I would insist your GP refers you immediately to the cardiac assessment unit at your nearest big hospital or go along to A and E again. The first being preferable as you will have a barrage of tests carried out by experts,
Alternatively if you have the money to at least see someone privately urgently then I would do so. The 28th September is a long time away
Do NOT Ignore it. When I had a heart attack 4 years ago I only had extremely bad indigestion and pain in my back. I ignored it for 2 days because I assumed it was a damaged disc I have at that level but when it went up my neck and down my arm, I rang 999 immediately and the paramedics saw something on my ECG that made them suspicious. Women often have different symptoms to men. The nurse who triaged me in A&E ignored my symptoms because I wasn't grey, sweating or clutching my chest in pain so it was hours before I was checked.
i wont ignore it if it happens again as it has settled now it lifted i will arrange to be seen privately. Im taking aspirins one a day for now decided to myself. My gp would not see me said go to a and e. I have an ecg booked in on 28th September as im on certain meds and they have to keep an eye on me so that should show up anything. They are usually very thorough when i have my ecg and take a few readings to compare and make sure I dont move. A bit better than one i had last night
Horrible experience.....it must be very scary.
That was me. Always back pain then in my jaw and arm. Went to A&E no heart attack but put on cautionary meds and booked for angiogram. Angiogram 2 months later and was told I was about to have a massive heart attack I would not survive. Double by pass the next day with 100% & 70% blockages. DO NOT WAIT this was 7 years ago 61 at the time. Good luck 🤞
complained to health board about what happened to me last week in a and e and they are taking it up and looking into it. Hate complaining about nhs as you get good and bad however last week was appalling. Be glad when ive had my ecg next week. It does not make you feel confident. I know ive rung 999 for my husband when he had chest pains only to be told get him to a and e yourself as a 5 to 8 hour wait for ambulance. You look at advice given but know from experience it is just not happening becsuse nhs is not coping.. we cannot afford private but what option do you have.