What would be the likeness of a 28year old having angina? I have had a echo 72hrecg and a stress test which nothing showed up on however whenever I eat a large meal I get a lot of pressure on my chest and my arms and upper back. Could this be angina pain? Or am I overthinking this? I have been a bit obsessed with heart pains etc and think I may have developed anxiety over heart health.
Angina and heart health : What would be... - British Heart Fou...
Angina and heart health

It is possible! When I was at cardiology outpatients there was a thirty year old having stents - not overweight but admitted to eating junk food and smoking. You seem to have had an array of tests so it is probably unlikely you have angina.
You say you get problems after large meals so why not eat less and more often (if of normal weight). A friend's mother had a heart attack one Christmas after eating and drinking all through the day. She was slim and fit, and the doctors said she had just totally overloaded her system. Forty years in she is still fairly fit and active in her early nineties. She just takes her meds, eats sensibly and is reasonably active for her age.
Yes I have had many tests and many ecgs at a&e etc. I am pretty fit don’t smoke and eat well. Which is what is confusing me. I have been cutting my meals down but was wondering why this would be happening when eating large amounts
The stomach reduces food into smaller more basic particles that can be used by the body. These are transported around the body via the blood this reducing the amount available for other tasks. More food equates to more work to digest and transport the food. Hence the advice not to swim or exercise immediately after a meal. Alcohol enters the system the same way , and may also increase HR and BP.
Do you have any family history of stroke or heart attack? I'm in my 30s and recently been diagnosed with heart disease but I have a genetic disorder called Familial hypercholestrolemia which means that I have high cholesterol even though I'm fit, and eat healthy. The heart uk website is great to find out more information. Cholesterol tests are a simple blood test you can do at your gp surgery.
I know it is not easy but keep pushing your gp to look into it with you. They should support you with your anxiety and explore other options with you.

No family history of anything cardiac in my family. I have had my cholesterol checked which also came back as fine. My gp has so far had my heart fully checked and all came back clear he has now referred me for a liver scan to be done as he said he wants all physical stuff checked before looking at anxiety
It sounds like you've got a good gp helping you through it. Really hope you get some answers soon. Take care
Could be cardiac but also could be heartburn. If you only get the pains after a large meal maybe there's a connection. I have a hiatus hernia which makes acid reflux more likely as the stomach contents get pushed upwards. The pain from heartburn can be severe and spread over the upper part of the body. I control it now through diet and eating smaller meals. But I've had far more pain from indigestion than I get from my cardiac condition.