hi I was diagnosed with ectopics beats about four years ago. I was prescribed 2.5mg Bisoprolol once a day. These were working fine until February when my heart started racing at rest, at times to over 130bpm and dropping down really fast to 50/60bpm. Went to A&E had ecg, bloods and stress test. Everything was fine except my thyroid levels were high. I had thyroid checked few times over the next three weeks and it returned to normal and my heart settled down. Early April this all started again. The difference this time is the rapid heartbeat and dropping really fast only happens in the evening about two hours after taking Bisoprolol and having dinner. This can last hours and my watch has woke me up during the night telling me my heart rate was over 110 for a minimum of ten minutes. Back to A&E to be checked. Told I’m fine it’s just my ectopics but to stop the Bisoprolol as I don’t need it. Great, the ectopics and racing heart has stopped. I’m just getting occasional flutter which I was told to relax and breathe and it will pass which it does. Im wondering has anyone experienced discomfort in chest when walking after stopping Bisoprolol. Also my heart now goes to about 105bpm when walking, just a stroll not quick walking. No blood results yet only been two days off Bisoprolol.
ectopics and Bisoprolol : hi I was... - British Heart Fou...
ectopics and Bisoprolol

105 is low for your age when walking. Do you breath easily at that speed ?
Thanks for reply. My breathing is ok not as good as it was when I was on the Bisoprolol. I’m only off it about 4 days. When I was on it my heart rate when walking was around 80/85. I haven’t done a long walk or been to the gym since i came off it to really see what state my body is in from been on it so long.
You shouldn't stop bisopralol instantly, you need to taper the dose and stop it gradually.
Thanks for reply. The doctor that assessed me in A&E told me to stop taking it. I’m guessing I could do that because it was only to treat ectopics and not something like high blood pressure
I was told to just stop taking it
Have the doctors considered SVT? Ectopics started for me in my 30s and were definitely linked to hormones and got much worse during peri menopause when I was diagnosed with SVT (an arrhythmia causing a fast heart rate). Ectopics can trigger episodes of SVT which can feel like a flutter if you are just having short episodes.
They are a nuisance - benign, but not fun when you are experiencing them. Consider hormones - peri menopause can cause heart palpitations and can start up to 10 years before periods stop. It was definitely an issue for me and often overlooked by doctors as if you are still having periods many think it’s not related.
Very annoying. Creates a lot of stress and anxiety which makes them worse. Do your ectopics get worse after eating? Mine tend to be bad in the evening after dinner.
Hello Peachy39, I am experiencing missed heart beats, there is a definite correlation between eating and my heart missing beats, it happens everyday, I have had ECG, hosp thinks it's Anxiety after heart attack a year ago, but not listening to the fact it happens after eating, which is a recognised problem... it makes me anxious about eating , as this brings on the missed beats, which clearly show on my oximetre...
to really see what was going on with me I had a 24 holter moniter. Maybe see if you can have one so they can see what is going on in the 24 hours not just the short time it takes to do an ecg.
Hello Peachy39, Thankyou for your reply, I now have a monitor which attaches to the chest, a mini ECG recorder, which I have to wear for 2 days, it is an anxious time, there's always that element of fear , why is my heart doing this, ? The missed beats are happening daily, but after eating seems to bring them on, the missed beats are intermittent throughout day and night.Take care of you Peachy39