Pretty Gutted: Well after a few months... - British Heart Fou...

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Pretty Gutted

27 Replies

Well after a few months of Pericarditis, started to feel better, then another Virus and chest infection, feeling worse after antibiotics and steroids so back to Dr's yesterday, referred me straight to UMAC (Urgent Medical Assessment Centre), had bloods, x-ray, ecg etc.

Diagnosis - Stable Angina, got to go for lots of tests in January but left feeling pretty low 😢😢

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27 Replies

Sorry to hear this Gaz_chops. Keep strong and positive and hoping the new year brings you good news. Sending you a christmas star to cheer you up. Make a wish and keep well. Andrew

Christmas star
Curlyman83 profile image

Keep your chin up mate!

Dear Gaz_chops

What can I say ?

sorry to hear your news and how poorly you are,

I wish you a speedy recovery

Take care

Sunnie2day profile image

OK, it's depressing to find out you've now got multiple conditions. But as a multiple condition, 'stable angina' is a pretty good one to have, actually. I can say this with confidence owing to my having recurrent pericarditis and 'stable angina' (presumed to be microvascular angina as my angio showed clear arteries but the treadmill echo scared them as badly as it did me when I 'spiked' on exertion). OK, yes, I have other heart conditions and other non-heart conditions but the relevant thing here is the pericarditis and angina.

'Stable angina' is very controllable - all you have to do is remember to do a warm-up (stretches, then slowly building up speed when trying to walk or do some other strenuous activity), keep the GTN to hand (I use it before my warm-ups, it seems to help), and get a pill box to be sure you've taken your daily low-dose beta blocker on schedule - and that's about it for managing 'stable angina', regular life resumes and it becomes a minor annoyance you rarely think about as long as you follow a few precautions and keep to your meds regime.

I'm on a once daily 1.25mg Bisoprolol+300mg aspirin and surprisingly it's actually helped with the pain of pericarditis as well as the angina, the thinking is the stronger heart beat my body uses to try to compensate for the pericarditis brings on the angina and the pericarditis pain (I hope that make sense).

Your regime will depend on your medic's preference according to your individual status. I am happy to say the low-dose beta blocker has been life-changing, what a marvellous difference it has made for me. Not everyone tolerates Bisoprolol but there are many other beta blockers out there so don't be discouraged if you're prescribed Bisoprolol and it doesn't work for you - tell the medic and he/she will find you something else.

Hang in there, Gaz, it's depressing at first but once the meds regime and a few lifestyle adjustments are made, it's definitely doable, in fact it morphs into 'a doddle' sooner than you'd think possible. The worst part is actually the warm-up period because you can't just move fast without it and having to remember to do it has been a bit of a sticking point for me even after all these years.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Sunnie2day

Thank you for this post Sunnie2day you are inspiring 😊

in reply to Sunnie2day

Thanks Sunnie, this is what I love about this forum

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Sunnie2day

I echo Heyjude - I currently don't suffer the conditions you have but your post is an excellent " on the rock face" description on how to manage your conditions. Very informative on angina and the different types. Thank you 👍

080311 profile image

I am so sorry to read your post, you are one of the strongest members on the forum, you will come through this I am sure. Sending you very best wishes


Chappychap profile image

Oh man that's tough news to receive. And doubly so at this time of year.

Hope that it all turns around soon, and you can get back to exercise and re-building your fitness.

Here's to a better, brighter 2022!

Hello :-)

So sorry to hear this news and I totally get why you will be feeling so fed up and down you would not be human if not :-)

You are strong though even though at the moment you may not feel it and they will get you back on track I have every faith they will :-)

Stay strong :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image

Hello Gaz_chops just to say I do hope you feel better soon. Judi

Nettekin profile image

Hi gaz, sorry to hear of your setback. The only (tiny) consolation is your team seem to be looking after you well. Take care of yourself. X

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Life does seem to throw us unexpected curve balls.

Hopefully the tests in the New Year will help your Cardiology team to know what's going on.

I have no doubt you will find a way forward.

As BeKind says,

"You are strong though even though at the moment you may not feel it and they will get you back on track "

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image

Sorry to hear that you've got this diagnosis. Hoping that the team in hospital can get to the bottom of what's going on and find a solution that helps you.

Bargod1958 profile image

Best wishes hope you get sorted soon.

GrannyE profile image

Sorry to hear that and hope that you can get back on an even keel again pretty quickly. I think the theory is that you have to accept where you are and work out the best way forward from here. I am sure they will sort something out for you so that your QoL will be better. Meanwhile distract yourself with watching something amusing or deeply interesting. Good luck

GGiraffe profile image

Keep your chin up & try not to stress to much, hopefully they will get you sorted & painfree very soon best wishes

Oh no I’m so sorry to hear this , you always have words of advice and inspiration for everyone on here and such a lovely person. I’m sorry this has happened to you . I have no words of advice, other than you are a legend and keep tickin !! Much love

Insert profile image

Try to stay positive, you’ve recovered before you will again. Take comfort in the fact that you haven’t needed to be admitted, you’re at home. We can spend too much time worrying about what ifs and things that haven’t happened/may not happen. Take each day as it comes and enjoy it. Xx

Really sorry to hear your news. As others have said you are a valued contributor on this forum. But you are also strong and positive! So hopefully you can find the inner strength to deal with this horrible setback. Difficult at times as there’s only so many setbacks and new issues we can deal with and not get depressed. But it never sounds as though that approach is in your nature. Really hope your cardio team can sort something very quickly and you bounce back soon. Try to enjoy Christmas and think about this in the new year. Best wishes to you

Lezzers profile image

Sorry to hear you have further issues. Hopefully the tests will be all good and its just a case of your meds need tweeking. But as sunnie has said, angina is controllable and not the worse condition to have. Good luck with the tests.

ETHEL103 profile image

Sorry to hear that.Never great hearing news like that just before Xmas.

Handel profile image

Blimey you really are going through the mill Gaz.I've just read some positive posts so hopefully they'll give you a bit of a boost.Good luck and best wishes. Jan xxx

jeelpie profile image

sending you positive thoughts and prayers 🙏

Only a week since I finished antibiotics! I am not convinced with the diagnosis, but will wait to see what the tests show up.

Thanks everyone, luckily I'm not a worrier, never have been. And very much the eternal optimist.

Think this just took me by surprise, now I just see it as another 'dip' in this Roller Coaster ride that we all seem to be on.........

Thanks again

Gaz x

Hmm I think with my history of SCA and 47 years a smoker, probably made it an easy to assume diagnosis! Doesn't mean it's right, so yep, fingers crossed 🤞

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