After a week of extra agony & some new weird symptoms GP sent me to A&E again . Had an echo of sorts & sent home with steroids that I dont want to take ,myocarditis sucks so much 😞
Another day spent in A&E : After a week... - British Heart Fou...
Another day spent in A&E

You really have a struggle!! Sometimes I wonder about going to hospital, they are so frustrating. But ....where else? I do take with me a page that has my extensive meds and procedures so it's easier for them to assess. Usually the questions are endless, more paperwork than actual help. Hope you find more success soon. Take care. Moni
I'm so sorry, it must be really tough for you
I am so sorry to read your post and to see you have been to A&E again
I have lost count how many times I have been there in the last year and not where we want to be at all
I can understand your apprehension about steroids
I have the biggest med fear ever and up to my heart problems I would go in a panic if you said I had to take vitamin but then been faced with what I was due to my heart and the cocktail of meds that I still have to take but don't like I just had to get on with it even though I still get anxious
Sometimes I try and trick myself by saying just for today I will take them and see what I feel like tomorrow and then the next day I tell myself the same thing , makes me feel I am a bit in control , I wonder if that would help you to take the steroids if you said that to yourself
This might be the moment you send that email as this is no way to keep having to carry on I know from my own experiences
Glad you are back home now and try and have a relaxing evening x

Hi Bekind, I've been that many times the drs & nurses recognize me now, how embarrassing lol. I hate all the meds & they hate me too . I'm very scared of steroids because I'm never well as it is & I'm worried about infections never mind the side effects. I will take your advice about taking the meds 🙂 now if I'd just sent that email when I said I was going to instead of leaving it so I wouldnt feel like a pest ,look where that got me, i will go to bed covered in hot water bottles & try to sleep soon xx
It was the same here all the Nurses and Doctors all knew who I was But really they should be embarrassed because we turn back up because they have not got it right if you know what I mean
Yes just give it a go with the steroids I know the fear but a day at a time and send that email it is never to late this is your body your Health this is our NHS they get paid as fantastic as it is but that is what they get paid to do remember that
Hope you get a good nights sleep x