10 days after my angioplasty and my bruised arm/wrist is blue instead of the black it was after the procedure. However, the pain hasn't subsided at all and in fact is worse, I can't even brush my teeth without having to stop for a minute or two. Sleeping is difficult as well as I can't rest it anywhere without pain. I'm no different to anyone else I guess and worry that it's another problem on the horizon. Has anyone suffered from something similar? how long does it last? Can I do gentle exercise through the pain? Paracetamol don't work. Any ideas?
Arm pain after angioplasty: 10 days... - British Heart Fou...
Arm pain after angioplasty

Hi there and welcome to the board. You'll find lots of help here but we are not medically qualified and you will often find people talk about their own experiences and then suggest you get professional advice.
In this case bruising in the arm after angioplasty is not unusual. I saw one guy in hospital after mine whose arm was black and swollen whereas I had only a small bruise. It's partially due to the antiplatelet medicine you will be on to protect any stents. This can cause big bruises which take ages to go back to normal. But it could also be because your artery got a bit damaged during the procedure.
Certainly I'd go to a&e if I had lost sensation in my fingers or the arm was really swollen. In your case I'd suggest checking in with your GP / nhs 111 right away and get them to advise you on what to do next.
I bruised really badly and my arm swelled up. They ended up keeping me in hospital for 5 days although I only received the standard treatment. From memory 90% of the bruising was gone in about 3 weeks, but there was pain for several weeks afterwards. Particularly I had a bump about halfway up the back of the forearm which seemed the main source of pain until it subsided.
Hope that helps, but if you are still concerned see if you can get to see your GP.
This is very common. I had the same. I took strong paracetamol 2 at a time especially just before going to bed. After a couple of weeks it was barely there and then it vanished. The medications make you susceptible to bruising and you had an invasive procedure inside your arm! However as we all say here if it goes on and on call someone.
Thanks for the advice, yes I'm taking some paracetamol and going to try a brace on my arm, to try to make it a bit easier to cope with. Then it's just time I guess. Thanks again.
What helped during my first angioplasty was a wrist brace. The pain and bruising wasn't bad at first, if I recall, but it hit hard about a week later. Huge bruises from wrist to elbow...try a brace, especially at night, and whatever anti-inflammatories you can take.
I had the same bruising after my first one. I suspect he pressure bandage was eased off a bit too soon. I was black from wrist to elbow and it took forever to turn blue then yellow but I had no pain at all. That's not normal. See your GP or phone he cardio consultant.
Many thanks for your reply. Yes I complained at the time that the nurse was taking the pressure pad off too soon, she had to reapply the air pump pressure twice as I was bleeding a lot at the time. Another nurse came in between times and put some more air in the pressure pad as she felt it was too soon. So I guess it's a bit of that then. I did ring the cardio team and they said because the artery runs so close to some major nerves they might have been 'prodded' a bit causing me to have to pain. I'm also very low on the pain threshold, being a guy and I'm a slow healer, so I've just got to give it a while longer. Thanks again.
That sounds very likely. I was horrified at the bruising on mine ( I had stents done at the same time) ye the second one I had didn't even leave a pin prick mark. ALl depends on the nurses for the bruising. My first one was eased off then quickly pumped up again.. I certainly wouldn't worry about that. If it's gone blue it's obviously clearing up. Next step is a mucky yellow. But if the pain doesn't ease I would ask them again.

Although I had my Angioplasty a few years ago in the groin, my right leg from groin to knee was technicolour bruising of many different colours fading eventually to yellow. I must be unlucky because when I had a hernia operation in the same area a few years before I had exactly the same bruising. It will fade and become less uncomfortable eventually, remember its a major intrusion into your body and is bound to have a few side effects.
Hi I had an angiogram last Wednesday and I felt really ill for the last five days and bruising from my wrist right up my arm it is slowly going away I am starting to feel brighter now in the mornings but by lunchtime I just want to sleep I think it is a time factor and everyone reacts differently you take care and hope things improve soon
Hi there
I have the exact same symptoms now and i was wondering how things are now after 2 years. Thanks Vincent