Arm problems after angioplasty - British Heart Fou...

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Arm problems after angioplasty

KatyB07 profile image
31 Replies

Hi I’m 47 female had a small heart attack on Monday. I had angioplasty on Tuesday & one stent fitted. My right arm is really sore & bruised & it feels like my bicep muscle is flexed. Just wondered if this is normal as finding so uncomfortable & affecting my sleep.

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KatyB07 profile image
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31 Replies
NorthantsSteve profile image

Hi Katy. I had exactly the same experience 3 years ago, age 55. The bruising and recovery will be worse because of the anti-platelet meds. It’s early days yet. If you’re bothered about it suggest you talk to your cardio nurse team. Good luck, Katy.

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toNorthantsSteve


sasquot1 profile image

Hi Katy

I too had the same experience my arm was cert sore for a few days and then ached for awhile but it did settle down eventually x I agree with Northants Steve if it is a worry get it checked with GP. Here’s to a speedy recovery x

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply tosasquot1


Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

Hi. Did they insert the angio wires through your right wrist? I’ve had a few angios in arm and groin, and sometimes my right arm is left v sore. Usually settles down after a few days.

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toKristin1812

Yes I was a little concerned as what I read said better after a couple of days & mine was getting worse after 4 plus was higher up in my arm not at the site. Managed to get a better nights sleep , less painful more of a duller ache now

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply toKatyB07

I hope it settles soon. One angio that was in my arm, there was a ghastly lot of pushing and shoving and excruciating pain for a few seconds, just round my elbow. It felt like he’d hit a blockage. That was even with sedation, which I always request....what a wimp!

The bruising took many days to reduce.

I had another angio after that, and no pain at all, same site.

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toKristin1812

I remember saying ouch twice & they gave me a relaxant also, must have been near my bicep. The pain has subsided to a dull ache, just keep forgetting not to use it as right handed

Dobrodave profile image
Dobrodave in reply toKatyB07

How is your pain now? I'm looking at similar symptoms right now and it's so frustrating and painful. The worrying sets in and off I go again. :-(

Lee180 profile image

Hi... It was the same for me, The medication makes it worse. You will get use to it and hopefully you feel better soon

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toLee180


Qualipop profile image

The bruising is very normal and is because of the high dose of blood thinners you were given. AFter my first angiogram and stents my arm was purple and black from wrist to elbow. When I had another one here wasn't even a pin mark.

Jaycey profile image

I was told to take it easy and not lift anything heavy for at least 7 days post stents. Early days for you. Hope this eases soon!

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toJaycey


Purplemaze profile image

Hi, I have same heart attack was 5 weeks ago an I still have same pain

OneCrow profile image

Well I'm no expert given that my angioplasty was only Nov 18th for one stent, but I've also had a sore shoulder and upper arm on and off since the event. I mentioned it to the GP but it didn't seem to concern her too much. From my experience so far I'd say that it's normal to have discomfort for quite some time. Official reply is that if it's the same kind if pain as when you had the attack then to call 999 but I've found discomfort on and off the norm since it happened, especially if I overdo, it so I've been going with a judgement call each time erring on the side if caution obviously.

Don't forget that we're both very early in our recovery, I had a bump down to earth having that discussion with my GP only this week. I thought I'd be back to work next week and still flying to Japan on holiday on Dec 31st, no way. Everyone's different of course but it can take a good while to bounce back I think.

You had a heart attack on Tuesday, soreness pretty standard as you recover right?

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toOneCrow

Yes it is early days & don’t know what to expect. I’ve also had palpitations & returned to hospital yesterday but they found nothing & adjusted my beta blockers. They asked if having more caffeine which I am due to boredom at home so will cut that back too.

I was told be off work at least a month a provided a sick note at the hospital. I have a GP appointment on Wednesday & also the cardiac rehab nurse will be getting in touch.

Just trying to take it easy & do what I’m told but really missing not being able to drive.

OneCrow profile image
OneCrow in reply toKatyB07

Yeah it's definitely frustrating. I used to be fairly active beforehand so it's not easy just walking for ten minutes or so, I keep wanting to speed right up or go longer. I also suffered occasional palpations but they have pretty much stopped now. Palpations are something that can be brought on by anxiety so I try to bear that in mind, they were always in bed when you have time to think dark thoughts. The breathlessness has also more or less stopped. At the start of the meds I was breathless after every meal.

I've definitely found myself swinging from one extreme to the other, I have good days and feel like I'm getting through this then I have bad days and feel like the stent didn't sort it and my days are numbered.

Time and experience are really going to help I think.

Squash1961 profile image
Squash1961 in reply toOneCrow

Thanks, nice to hear I’m not alone! Hi everyone

I had a heart attack nearly 3 weeks ago (a huge surprise) had a stent in my RCA, which clogged within 12 hours and they re-stented. I keep getting a soreness in my left arm and feeling nauseous with stomach ache. No chest pain. Is this normal? Drugs? Anxiety? Thanks

OneCrow profile image
OneCrow in reply toSquash1961

I haven't found it easy to get my symptoms taken that seriously once they decide it's not another heart attack you're having. I'm now over 4 months on from the stent and I still get chest pains and sore arm/arm pit on the left side. Eventually, when I saw the cardiologist 3 months after the event, she suggested we try stopping the statin which saw the issue improve somewhat but not go away. I'm now on a different statin though because of the fact there was at least some improvement but ultimately the issues are still there.

Anxiety is a common theme in the potential causes given and don't forget that you're suddenly on some quite powerful meds (I assume) slowing your heart rate, thinning your blood and reducing your blood pressure. The anxiety is genuine pain though, so don't knock yourself down thinking you're imagining it. I'm not saying it is just anxiety for you but, if so, you know? I'm pretty convinced that it worsens any symptoms I do get either way.

Unfortunately in the current virus climate you're not going to be keen to go into A & E but one positive thing that happened for me was when I was worried it was potentially another mild heart attack. In A & E they checked for troponin and found it wasn't that (then immediately booted me out with no explanation of what it might be instead) but at least I had the knowledge that it wasn't 'worse case' whatever it is.

The other advice I'd give is to keep a diary of symptoms, how bad they are and what you'd been doing. It helps give you an accurate picture if you then return to the doctor. If you don't, certainly for me anyway, you can paint a far blacker or better picture than reality based on the last few days.

Your post said your heart attack was a shock, me too! I was a very keen cyclist beforehand and got 'YOU had a heart attack?' a few times when people found out. If you were active beforehand then I'd recommend a good heart monitor with chest strap. They are expensive but mine gives me the confidence to push to my new maximum bpm. Currently I can't tackle the big hills where I live but slowly I improve even if I'll never get back to my old self, it's great to exercise in confidence.

Squash1961 profile image
Squash1961 in reply toOneCrow

Hi OneCrow

Thanks for the reply it really helps to be able to chat with someone who is going through the same sort of thing, and hopefully my story will help to reassure others.

It seems that our situation is very similar. I'm 58, semi retired (little stress) ultra keen cyclist, (Alps 2 years ago, did 3 peaks in Victoria last year (I live in Australia) and did 200+ km per week riding. I am 70kg and 180cm tall (so BMI spot on) been a Vegan for 9 months (zero dietary cholesterol and very low sat fats), resting heart rate 43, VO2 max 56, last blood test, total cholesterol was 5.

Then during a high intensity training session on a bike trainer, I suddenly felt really nauseous, and had some pain in stomach and lower chest, just like bad indigestion or heart burn. (I had noticed the previous few days that I lacked energy on the bike, and could not push out the usual watts). So I got off and thought, must be lack of food, so had a couple of energy bars and hopped back on the bike. Still felt unwell so stopped. Went home, discussed with my wife and thought it could have been the Thai dinner we had the night before! Went to bed, still had pains, but took a Panadol and slept.

Not well next day, but stupidly got back on the bike, could only manage 20 mins. Rested that day, the following day ( 2 days after initial incident) felt worse and then had pains in my left arm. That was it, straight up ER. The nurses and doctors were not really that concerned, I just wanted them to make sure it was just indigestion, they took blood sample and did ECG. (blood sample came back with Troponin level at 1000, and abnormal ECG). They went into panic mode and a Cardiologist came up to me and said 'David you are having a heart attack' I just said, no way, you have the wrong bed and results, not me. But it was. My wife fainted and had to be wheeled away and I was rushed down for immediate angioplasty. I had a blocked RCA and a stent put in. 12 hours later the stent clogged ( the pain was really intense this time) and rushed down again, stent replaced.

That was now 3 weeks ago, I am still coming to terms with the whole ordeal. Like you, everyone could not believe it. But as my cardiologist said, you are probably in the 5% who are doing all the right things and still have a heart attack, next time 'chose better parents' Yes, there is a history of CAD in the family. The good news, was unbelievably they do not think that there is any functional heart muscle damage, and that my left side of the heart had been compensating. If I had been so fit, the story could have been ma

So every slight twinge, dull pain in left arm, occasional palpatations, etc, I break out in a panic and sweats. Is this Restentosis? Stent Thombus? (after what happened in hospital) or whatever else I could find on Google. Like you, I did go back to ER last week and the heart was fine, Tropinon levels way down, ECG and echocarddgram fine, and they sent me home. They said yes could be anxiety, drugs etc. I've actually calmed down a bit since reading other stories on this site.

But like you and others, I have good and bad days, denial, anger, acceptance, lack of confidence, dark nights, they are all there. At night is the worse. I will keep a diary of moods and pains. Unfortunately everything is in pretty much lock down here with Covid-19 floating around, so I cannot get to any Cardiac Rehab. I have been walking, got back on the bike trainer, but got scared shitless when my heart rate went up. I am seeing the Cadiologist on the 14th, so I have lots of questions for him!.

I hope you are recovering well, and are getting back on the bike! Take care

Dear Katy, I just added a post before reading yours. My mother is almost three weeks post stent procedure and has quite severe pain. Has yours cleared up? I gather that some of the prescribed meds including aspirin can cause bruising - but i am not sure why there is so much pain. The cardiologist said that he had never seen anything like it. How are you now? GH

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply tograndehorizontale

Yes the pain has subsided now to a dull ache , I remember saying ouch twice so may have caught something or could be effects of the dye. I do have large bruising around the wrist area. Hope your mothers pain resolves.

MountainGoat52 profile image

I can only confirm what others have said in that the pain and bruising does go away. When you think about it, a foreign body inserted up your artery for a certain amount of time is bound to cause some issues. I hope it clears up soon.

KatyB07 profile image


IMAGES profile image

Hi KatyBo7, I had two fitted in August, my wrist was swollen and sore for a few days but I didn't experience the bicep pain you described, but then again not everybody is effected the same. I got good advice from Northants Steve when I was concerned about the recovery period progression. And reading his comment below he has given you good advice as well.

As you are new to the sight, be mindful that some comments/advice you may come across can cause you unnecessary stress as not everybody will experience the same symptoms, thesis more prevalent when medication side effects are being commented on. The best advice is " If you are not comfortable with your symptoms, seek professional medical advice".

This site is great for putting your mind at rest knowing there are other people who have experienced similar to what you have.

Take it easy, take your meds, keep smiling, you'll be fine.

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toIMAGES

Thankyou , yes it did put my mind at rest.

HectorsDad profile image

Important not scare those about to have their first angiogram. It hurts afterwards sometimes- and more likely if you’ve had a few.

I’ve had four, three were ok (2 in wrist, one in groin) bruising, but mostly just uncomfortable. Number 4 did hurt during the procedure and after, but that was because it was the third in the same arm- they had to use a different vein, and the arteries were a bit ‘beaten up’ by the earlier ones. Painful for about two weeks, but worth it 😁

I reckon three out of four is good odds for this.

KatyB07 profile image
KatyB07 in reply toHectorsDad

I agree

Debee28 profile image

Hi Katy, sorry to hear about your HA, I'm the same age so know it's a massive shock. Your arm will feel tender from the angioplasty and stent, plus the meds may disrupt your sleep until they settle. I had these too.

My HA was 28th august and had 2 stents but 2nd was only done on 11th november.

This forum was my support line during the early days and continues to be, so feel free to ask away!

Take these early days easy, be kind to yourself xx


Magmagrose profile image

Hi katy I had mine last Monday mine is exactly the same think everything is scary for us at present hope your feeling better soon

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