Hi everyone.
So I had my second angioplasty on Monday, the procedure went well from the cardiologists point of view and I have had another stent fitted right next to my first one - they are overlapping.
From my point of view however, when he went in my groin it really hurt - I've not had that before. Whilst in recovery I had a vasovagal attack, my BP went down to 78/40. I was kept in overnight as I continued to feel sick, lightheaded and my groin really hurt - it was agony.
My groin hurt for a couple of days but had eased by Wednesday evening. Then on Thursday I started to get pain in my right side low down. It's got progressively worse since, I can't lift my leg, I can't move without pain.
I went to A&E last night and they did a CT scan as they were worried about damage to my femoral artery but fortunately it was ok. They sent me home without an answer as to what's causing it - telling me to contact my GP. They were surprised when I said I was still in intense pain- as if because the test results came back clear the pain should've gone! They also left my line in, that was a nice treat for my husband to take out when we got home!
I emailed my cardiologists secretary last night, and she responded this morning saying it could be nerve irritation around the artery and he will see my tomorrow evening.
Has anyone experienced this? I also have achy/skin hurts to touch on my back, in particular around my lower back. Paracetamol gets rid of that but doesn't touch the other pain in my side.
Naturally I'm really anxious about this pain and am thinking why me again?! I seem to get all the unusual things and feel like I'm causing trouble. 😔