I had angioplasty last Friday with two stents fitted. I have a very bruised arm from wrist to above the elbow. Today, out of the blue my forearm went into a very painful spasm /cramp. Still painful after two hours. Cardio nurse says take painkiller. Has anyone else experienced this?
Painful arm post angioplasty - British Heart Fou...
Painful arm post angioplasty

I didn't have pain after it but I had pain during the operation itself. Also I had issues for a few weeks after. Pains in my chest, other people had told me I would feel like a new man but to be honest I didn't. My cardio nurse told me it was the stent settling.
I had a Rotablation plus 2 stents fitted on the 22nd Oct, I had to have a larger catheter into my arm to allow for the drill. I had quite a large bruised are on the front of my wrist where they put the catheter in, it is still quite painful but the bruising is slowly disappearing. 4 years ago I had a bypass which of course had its problems but it is a major operation, what I never expected was the level of pain/discomfort from this procedure, in some ways not dissimilar to bypass pain. What I can say is 10 days later everything seems to have settled (thankfully) still a few twinges but it's definitely getting better.
Hopefully things will settle down for you soon.
Yes I have twice had this procedure and each time had pain and discomfort for about three weeks. My arm was blue from my wrist to shoulder the second time and I found sleeping difficult as could not lie on that side. I was advised to take paracetamol. It seems that this was normal when discussed with cardiac nurse.
I had exactly the same bruising but no spasms. My arm was black from wrist to elbow. The nurse released the pressure bandage just a bit too early. It tool weeks to go away. Whilst on ticagrelor or clopidogrel for the next 6 months I bruised badly from the slightest touch. It's normal. Obviously if he bruising gets worse instead of better you ned it checking.
Thanks for replies. Advice from cardio nurse is to take Paracetamol. The pain is still quite severe and I'm to contact them tomorrow if swelling and pain not improved. Incidentally, my artery went into a spasm halfway through the procedure.
Hi, not a spasm as such, but my right arm was very bruised from wrist to almost armpit after 2 entries , both painful, 5 days apart, the second attempt was abandoned and the procedure switched to my left arm. No problem whatsoever. My right arm was very painful for over a week aching and shooting pains. If I have another angio, I will insist on them using my left arm. Hope your arm settles soon and you can enjoy being heart healthy once more.