Bisoprolol Side effects: Was put on 2... - British Heart Fou...

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Bisoprolol Side effects

19 Replies

Was put on 24-26mg Entresto for heart failure. Rejection Fraction 20-25. Cardio put on Bisoprolol 5 mg started in May, couldn't take, then 1/2 it. Dropped Bp to low, pulse 74. Weak and feeling like passing out. My cardio and MD knows what I am doing. Then I tried 1/4 ing it. Anyone had problem with bisoprolol causing your mind to not think- like going blank or confused when someone asked you a question or your teeth hurting and not feeling well? When I stopped my mind goes back to normal but my pulse starts going up like 89. BP is good! Cardio said if he could get rejection fraction up to 130-135 will not put pacemaker in. I am trying not to have this done due to other medical situations. Any other person having this problem or others?

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19 Replies
Fifimyangel profile image

Hi. I was put on bisoprolol September of last year. I just dont feel normal anymore. Iv put on a stone. I have muscle a hes dizzy spells and brain fog to name just a few symptoms. Docs say I have to continue with them for the forseeable future.

in reply to Fifimyangel

Thanks Fifimyangel, What is your Cardio planning in the future? A pacemaker?

Fifimyangel profile image
Fifimyangel in reply to

Hi. I already had a pacemaker implanted 9 yrs ago. Last yr out of the blue I developed bouts of tachycardia. Then few months later was put on these awful tablets. Not sure where I go from here tbh. Have to wait to see my cardiologist again.

in reply to Fifimyangel

Thanks again Fifimyangel! I am understanding why my Cardio is doing what he is doing. To see if I can tolerate the medication. I believe he is wanting to put in a CRT-D. My grandmother pasted at 83 with heart failure. No surgery back them and what medication they gave back then. Have a Blessed Day!

Fifimyangel profile image
Fifimyangel in reply to

Thankyou take care.

dembaba profile image

I have also cut down my bisop to 1.25mg (it was 2.5mg). I now take mine beforeI go to bed. I agree with you completely. The side effects are horrid. I lost four teeth last year and the brain fog is awful. My ejf is also low at about 25%. Im also taking the middle dose of entresto, I tried the high dose for a month, but didn't tolerate it v well. Can you not request to try another beta blocker?? There are different ones that maybe better for you?

Good luck and take care.xx

in reply to dembaba

Hi Dembaba! Forgive me for not replying sooner! I am trying eplerenone 25 mg now. I seem to tolerate it with my Entrestro and insulin. Watching to see if it will bring EF up. Trying medicine because a CRT will have to be put on right should because lymph nodes were removed because of breast cancer. I use my right arm/hand alot. I have a plate in my wrist where I broke it. Have a Blessed Day!

Robotman1 profile image

Yes had Heart Attack December 2020..After release from hospital I was put on various medication and one being Bisoprolol,They were giving me all sorts of issues..To the extent of making me feel unwell with many symptoms.I stopped taking all meds and found myself feeling normal..! But please don't do this..!! I was seen 1/2 weeks after doing this and it was given to me straight that i was stupid and very dangerous to have done that..I explained that I was unable to contact anyone from hospital or care team and this was my last resort,And the way i was feeling.( Mentally & Physically)..Anyway long story short they started me back on essential drugs Ramipril,Prasagaral aspirin..What we done was eaise me back on other meds and change Bisoprolol to a sister drug ..! I done that for further 4/5 days same symptoms. Again stopped taking beta blockers..I/we then realised that they gave me bad reaction/allergy..6 months down line I'm still not taking any beta blockers and feel as well as I could,No symptoms just the general tiredness of severe heart failure..Hope you could discuss this with your heart team and suggest to change as it doesn't work for you.Please remember they are there to help you..And its your body/mind..You have options..All the best.

in reply to Robotman1

Thanks Robotman1, Forgive me for not replying earlier. I have started eplerenone 25 mg. Trying medicine to get EF up instead of CRT. Would have to put on right side which would cause other problems. Have a Blessed. No more bisoprolol for me. End of story on this.

Hannibal1948 profile image

Hiya!Sorry to hear of your situation.

I can chip in a little regarding Bisoprolol. I have been taking it for two years, starting at an alarming 10mg/day (I found out later that it was way too much but my GP wouldn't address it).

For 18 months I had no energy, eventually I couldn't get to the bottom of the road and my HR never moved from 55bpm even when exercising, BP stayed constant at 115/70. I was breathless very quickly.

I had enough of it and eventually persuaded my GP to reduce it to 5mg/day and that made a change as my energy levels improved.

In March this year I reached another plateau as my HR regularly fell to early 40bpm and due to telephone appointments becoming the norm, I started to talk with the junior Doctors. Upshot is that my dose was reduced again to 1.25mg/day and now all of my energy has returned and my daily 1.5 mile walk is a really pleasant experience. Soon, it's on the cards that I can stop Bisoprolol completely...

I am now in the zone with HR of average 55/70 and BP 125/70 and convinced that Bisoprolol has a lot to answer for!

For myself, Bisoprolol slowed my heart way too much and reduced my BP to the level of simply not pumping the blood round to support my activities. It will be different for others I suppose....

Be well soon.


in reply to Hannibal1948

Thanks for your input Hannibal1948! My heart was damaged because of chemo and radiation due to cancer. My heart was normal before cancer. I am glad bisoprolol is working for you. It does keep my pulse down, but all the side effects I question. I had no problem with my pulse or BP just my sugar. But infections can cause sugar to go up. Everything else was o.k. I can not tolerate a lot of medications and this one definitely is different. I'm thankful for all those who share their situation. I been thinking this medicine has no good side to it.

Hannibal1948 profile image
Hannibal1948 in reply to

I think the key to a lot of situations, specially in this group, is to be as strong as you can with your Doctors and consultants. Question everything and challenge them until you are happy to accept what's said. I have taken the view that there are too many ppl for them to have an effective span of control (current NHS waiting lists indicate that!) and so the individual, in my opinion, needs to be in control.I was born with a systolic murmur and was virtually written off at birth so my Mum was told to look after me as best she could. Instead of wrapping me in cotton wool she made sure that I was like a normal boy and never told me about my problem. I finally found out when I was twenty at a medical where the Doc said I'd be lucky to see forty. Balls to that, turns out that my original condition wasn't regarded to be an issue and never should have been. I dread to think how my life would have been if Mum hadn't taken control..!

Now I'm seventy-three, three sons, six grandchildren and no-one prescribes a thing to me without my pain-in-the-bum interrogation...


in reply to Hannibal1948

Bravo! Hannibal1948, Your mother was a wise and loving caring mother. My problem was not heart but my hearing. My mother also fought for me and found an ear doctor when I was 4 yrs. to fix the bones in my ears which were destroyed by bacteria/fungus infection. The only thing I would of liked was to be able to sign language. When your young it's easy. Today people don't believe I have a hearing problem. lt shows what we can overcome in this world when it gives us lemon wecan make it lemon. Have a Blessed Day!

Glastonburylady profile image

Hi. I’ve been on 10mg Bisoprolol for over a year and been fitted with a pacemaker and defibrillater. Also take 10mg ramipril and 80mg furusemide. My condition is congestive heart failure and an arrythmia that can stop the heart suddenly.

I loathe Bisoprolol with a passion.

Gained loads of weight (2 stone) and no energy whatsoever. Other health problems have arisen too.

They are like the devils pills.

My cardiologist says I have to stay on them forever or my health will deteriorate quickly?

I’m not sure I agree but reluctant to reduce them.

It took me months to adapt to Bisoprolol and they made me feel terribly ill but that did pass. It’s been replaced with low energy and brain fog!

Regarding your ejection fraction rate…. The normal rate is around 60. Not sure where you have got the 130 from?

Mine was at 16% pre pacemaker.

It’s now at around 40. I do know that now I’m functioning better in a heart related way, less arrythmia and my heart has improved in function.

I hope you feel better soon and send you healing and better health blessings X

in reply to Glastonburylady

Thanks Glastonburylady, Some how a 1 got in front the ejection fraction rate and should of been 30-35 the Cardio said. Was a type o. Very observant. Appreciate it.

BongoBanana profile image

I am currently on 5mg - recently increased from 2.5mg. Awaiting a pacemaker swap to ICD. I find when walking I get totally fatigued and keep having to stop. I did not associate it with Bisoprolol but it must be. Like wading in treacle. Once operation is over I will ask to reduce.

Thanks BongaBanana, I believe my Cardio is trying to see if I can tolerate bispolol before he does a ICD. Why is your doctor changing from a pacemaker to ICD?

PV74 profile image

Hi Cillygirl!I was put on bisoprolol (5mg) ramipril (5mg) and atorvastatin after heart bypass in Jan. Both bisoprolol and ramipril were increased slowly by my GP over a few months after initial dosages of 1.25mg, and I had liver function blood tests 10 days after each increase.

My blood pressure now is good, but my pulse rate was falling to <50 bpm and I was feeling dizzy through the day. I spoke to the GP and my bisoprolol dose has been reduced to 3.75mg.

My experience is that sorting out medications and dosages seems to be a bit of art more than science. The medications have all been developed with specific aims in mind, but everyone is different, and aide effects differ.

I suggest speaking with you GP about how you’re feeling, discussing different dosages and medications. Maybe a round of blood tests would help too to see if there is something else going on.

All the best, PV

in reply to PV74

Thanks PV74! My Internal doctor took note of my side effects and I called my Cardio, too. They have noted my side effects. I will see Cardio in August. I never had side effects like these and I didn't list all of them. No doubt, I can not tolerate this medicine. Have a wonderful day!

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