I have a broken tooth that needs extraction, problem is that I had a HA in Dec 20 and two stents in LAD. Now on blood thinners and beta blockers and statins for at least one year. Has anyone had had a tooth extracted whilst on these tablets?
Tooth Extraction: I have a broken tooth... - British Heart Fou...
Tooth Extraction

But I heard two different stories from two different dentists. One said "no", the other said "okay".
You may have to go private, but keep calling around until you get the answer you need.
The other issue is the prescribing of antibiotics following an extraction. Some dentists do this as a matter of course for extractions with patients taking heart medications, others follow guidelines and don't. The problem is that we're at much higher risk of a painful condition called "dry socket", where the gum sheds the healing scab and then becomes infected.
Good luck!
You might be interested in this guidance about which heart patients should be offered antibiotics.
"Antibiotic Prophylaxis - SDCEP" sdcep.org.uk/published-guid...
I assume that as you only had stents 5 months ago you're currently on a duel antiplatelet medication - aspirin and clopidogrel or ticagrelor.Can't offer any first hand experience on tooth extractions, but I had a heart attack in December 2018 and while in hospital they spotted bump on my chest which turned out to be a skin cancer. This was removed as an out patient 2 weeks after discharge. As I'd only been on antiplatelet meds for two weeks the consultant wasn't happy with the idea of temporarily stopping them so elected to remove the cancer and manage any issues with bleeding - seemed simple except the wound started bleeding when I got home and wouldn't stop, After 3 days they finally got the better of it.
Fast forward to August and I went back into hospital to have an ICD implanted. This time as I'd been on the antiplatelet meds for nearly 8 months, I was told to stop taking ticagrelor 7 days before the procedure but carry on with aspirin and to re-start it the day after -This time no problem - ICD put in and no issues with bleeding from the wound.
I think you're going to have to ask your hospital about whether they'd agree to you stopping taking ticagrelor/clopidogrel 7 days before having your tooth out, if they're happy with that you'd need to see if your dentist would agree to do the extraction - judging by a number of posts from other people on here, dentists can be quite reluctant to do extractions for some of us.
Good luck, hope you can get it sorted.
Yes. It was fine. 👍😊
Me too. Aspirin clopidogrel and statins. Had an extraction two months ago. No problem at all. They gave me extra little rolls of wadding to take home but I never needed them. I was surprised, as I bleed a lot and bruise easily.
Same as me with the bruising and bleeding. I never realised how clumsy I was until I took the blood thinners haha
Yes, I can directly relate to that situation. I had a HA and two stents in 2017 and was referred for bypass surgery. While I was waiting for a date for surgery, I had two wisdom teeth extracted and some repair work carried out. My dentist is private and he was happy to do this work while I was on an anti-platelet drug, aspirin and a beta blocker.
I hope you get sorted soon.
Best regards,
I was a dentist. The only issue is post extraction bleeding but the isn’t normally a problem. If you were taking enough anti clotting medication to contra indicate an extraction you would be taking too much for normal safety. The main difficulty you may find nowadays is that many dentists are so risk averse because of ambulance chasing lawyers that they may insist on referring you to a hospital. It’s called passing the buck.
Following this as I'm in same situ
Hope your OK
I might be if I could find a bloomin dentist that's taking new patients... The long list has got shorter tho thurs/Fri. I worked away for many years which probably caused excess stress to my lad stent after 5 huge heart and left arm cramps, so I kinda dint care for myself and keep a regular dentist or gp (why would you go when not needed?) I won't fall for that one again 😁

I had a tooth extracted without problems when I cracked the tooth and developed an abscess.
I take clopidogrel and lots of other heart drugs.
The dentist saw me at the end of the day and didn't rush.
I was given a local anaesthetic without adrenaline as this can make my heart condition worse.
I had to sit in the dentist chair for 30 mins afterwards with a wad of cotton wool clenched over the socket.
No antibiotics as research has shown they do not need to be routinely prescribed for all heart patients.
I’ve had both an extraction and a crown done. My dentist wasn’t concerned but made sure he’d researched everything before he went ahead. Only issue was during the crown as I bled a lot whilst he was fitting and refitting. But he sprayed the gum with something and it was all ok. I had chemo and other cancer therapies a while ago and he was equally careful but also confident in what he was doing.
I have - and am having another extraction next week. I'm on a once daily Bisoprolol 1.25+300mg aspirin plus a week before any invasive dentistry I am put on 3xdaily 500mg amoxycillin owing to my damaged heart valves and pericardium.
Everything went well for me after the first extraction and I anticipate the same success with the one upcoming. I didn't and likely won't have excessive bleeding (common worry when using blood thinners) but my dentist makes sure to provide thick gauze 'bite wads' in case I do have more bleeding than usual - simple to use by placing at the wound site and biting down to apply pressure which usually stops any bleeding.
Everyone is different but generally most of us on beta blockers and any sort of blood thinner tend to do well post-procedure - be sure to remind your dentist you're on heart meds and ask if he/she has had any patients report issues post-procedure. And ask for the bite wads in case they don't offer a packet - better to have the wads and not need them than to need them and not have them.
Thanks I am concerned as I seem to bleed easily when I am wet shaving now
You'll want to let your dentist know you appear to be an 'easy bleeder' thanks to the blood thinners, then, so he/she can be prepared for the flood. As long as the dentist is aware of your medications and that you are now bleeding more when shaving so they can have the suction going during and bite wads for after, you'll be fine. You'll probably have to sit an extra 10-15 minutes post-procedure so they can be sure the bleeding is controlled - your dentist will decide if the wait is needed or not depending on what he/she sees during the procedure.
Keep us posted on how you get on, hopefully you'll update letting us know it went well and was no worries in the end
I had a tooth extracted this year whilst on Clopidogrel and more important I fell at the very beginning of June last year, fractured my femur and had to have a new hip, I had taken my blood thinner i.e. Clopidogrel just before I fell. The surgeon decided to operate. Another thing, I didn't get Coronavirus either, so I was lucky in some ways.
I have had teeth taken out whilst on Warfarin ( and beta blockers). I just had to have my INR checked first to make sure it wasn’t too high (dentists have guidelines of what is safe). The extraction was fine, no excessive bleeding.
Not an exact issue but I sliced the mid finger knuckle of my pinky finger peeling a carrot with a spud peeler about 2 months ago. Jeez it bled for days haha.. I couldnt stop it.. By the time 111 called me back 2 days later I'd got it under control with a slice of old bath robe and maski g tape. Was like being back at work 😂 I'm only 43..i sound like an old man 😁
Spare a thought for the dentist who asks and discusses a patient’s medical history and what medication the patient is on and The patient fails to disclose blood thinning/ anti clotting tablets until after the procedure when the gun is bleeding m!
Fortunately, I did not remove my tooth while taking these pills, because I have no health problems despite dental ones. However, I have a big fear of surgeries and dental surgeries are among of my fears. When I was told that I need to remove a wisdom tooth, I was on nerves and was very afraid of the upcoming operation, I thought for a long time which doctor I should go to. I searched for a long time and stopped at jeffreygrossdds.com there I read the reviews of visitors and how efficiently and painlessly the clinic performs operations. I didn't think for long and made an appointment there to see a doctor. Although the doctor was good, I was still a little worried. Thank God the operation was successful and I felt no pain, only after the operation. Is anyone afraid of dental surgery like me?
I have had 3 teeth extracted (thankfully back ones) while on all of those and it was fine.
I was taking Clopidogrel which has never given me any problems, I am on Ticagrelor at the moment and it does cause me to bleed more so I would have a conversation with my dentist first if I need another extraction.