am i being paranoid: hi its paranoid me... - British Heart Fou...

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am i being paranoid

djleighp profile image
16 Replies

hi its paranoid me last night i went to bed had been lying down for litter 1 min

i had heartburn then the same pain i had when i had my heart attack in nov this year

the pain was exactly the same i used my gtn had to use it twice made me sit up the pain was that bad i had stent fitted in right coronay artery on 23rd nov

anyone have any ideas as i had the same pain in chest and left arm and felt the same as when i was having my heart attack my partner says thats 100% angina im wondering how can i have angina after ive had stent fitted should i be concerned as now im a paranoid wreck

meds im on astorvastatin 80mg rampril 2.5mg ticarglor 90mg aspirin 75mg

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djleighp profile image
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16 Replies
djleighp profile image

i rang 111 last week spent 24 hours there to be told its normal AS ECG NORMAL TROP LEVELS NORMAL but this pain was different infact the same as when had HA

if it happens again ill call 111 just dont wanna be one of these neurotic ppl

Shoshov profile image

hi. it’s really early doors for you and you will get these episodes for a long time. they can be very worrying but through time you get to recognise better what needs further attention. it’s perfectly normal. at this stage don’t be scared to go to a&e if your worried. it’s the only way we get reassurance we’re ok or need a bit of tlc. doctors would rather you were and got checked and be ok than don’t go and something bad happens. speak to your go you may need medication review. you could also phone your local cardiac nurse team who will look after your concerns. hope this helps❤️shiona

djleighp profile image
djleighp in reply to Shoshov

thanks for kind words last night was very scary compared tp last week when i went to the hospital to be told its normal so felt fobbed off but as i have said pain was definitely the same as heart attack but pain subsided after 2 sprays of gtn

djleighp profile image

well i couldn't have beta blockers as my hr was 45 on discharge and it ranges now from when im at home 45 to 70 but in my sleep as gone above 120

i just feel like that if i ring 111 each time im in pain they will get fed up with me

upon reading that link i think could possibly that only thing im only 47

this is how i feel at min im i got a dull ache so to speak thats there all time so i can live with that but last night i felt nausea pain left arm and a like pounding chest pain in middle of chest same as heart attack but this time was relived by 2 does of gtn after 5 mins

i feel like shit why me but only i abused my body eating crap smoking(gave up now though) and no exercise

Mallowme profile image
Mallowme in reply to djleighp

Isn’t it sad how we have genuine pain and concerns and feel we can’t speak to doctors as feel we are a nuisance. ... just because we get the pains often and don’t fit into the ‘standard’ . It does sound like angina pain especially if it is relieved by gtn,

You may need further investigation to find the cause and if you search MVA on here or vasospastic angina you may find similarities, obviously only a doctor can tell you for sure and that will take time and perseverance especially with the NHS battling COVID.

You could speak to the BHF nurses who are lovely and they are really good at giving advice and are specialists in understanding heart problems and our worries. The number is on their website.

Obviously if the gtn doesn’t work it’s time to ring 999 whether we feel like we’re being a pain or not.

Hope you feel brighter soon. X

djleighp profile image
djleighp in reply to Mallowme

thanks very much for kind words i will ring the gp on monday

EmmyLaury12 profile image
EmmyLaury12 in reply to djleighp

Hope you feel better soon .

We’ve all been there in the early days post HA it can be scary . We are here to help

If you need us . I found this forum with fellow hearties invaluable and knowing other people felt like I did was very comforting and reassuring.

Let us know how you are getting on .

Take care x

Debtyd profile image
Debtyd in reply to djleighp

Hi,I had 2stents in my RA artery was completely blocked nr valve.I felt a horrendous pain tgat i never felt before whilst I was having procedure.i have been extremely lucky and haven't had ha as of yet but the pain of the surgeon opening my artery I'm guessing is that similar to the pain of a ha.i have another slightly narrowed artery that will be stented nxt month as I still get out of breath etc.. I never had chest pain til after my stents and it scares the pants of me even now cos it's a completely unique pain and you know that particular gripe more than you could ever describe.i still feel bruised from procedure which did take 2ànd half hours.gtn spray seldom has any effect so when I queried the pains I was told that it can take a good few months to settle but if pain is still unbearableafter 2 doses of gtn phone 999...dont risk your life they much prefer to see you as a false alarm than be too late...also I was told that angina still has to be kept under control even when you have had surgery.meds for life basically....i think youll know when youre in trouble just dont hesitate with a decision....good luck x

Pollypuss profile image
Pollypuss in reply to Mallowme

This was the sad part I noticed when I joined this site. There are so many people (some having to be in total lockdown) who are very scared about their post op symptoms. I know because I was one of them after my bypass a year ago. I sometimes felt I was facing a brick wall. At times the answers I got from professionals made me feel it was all in my mind.

BC10 profile image

I remember a friend of mine a few years ago, he had this very same thing after having quad by-pass surgery. He was always convinced he was having another attack, kept phoning various health workers and other people and getting really worried etc etc.

I remember that one day - after about 4 months - he suddenly went down on one knee and partially collapsed in pain all through his left side so we called an ambulance. Anyway this "attack" stopped as quick as it started and at hospital his bloods etc were fine, they even did an echo on his heart and nothing was untoward.

Stranfe stuff like this kept happening for the next year or so and his cardiologist told him "look, we've poked about in places that never ever get touched by human hands or instruments, your bound to get odd aches and pains and you will exacerbate/over worry about things, it's perfectly normal".

He also told him that if it had been 20 years previously, he wouldn't have the benefit of the new drugs he was on - some of these are basically life savers after an attack.

After that things settled down and as he became less worried, so his strange episodes lessened and after about 18 months he felt great again.

I haven't had what you've had - I had a ten hour ablation procedure. But I know after it, I had weird and odd pains and sensations for a good year or so. The beta blockers definitely slow the body's healing process down, I am sure of that. Also they have a side effect of giving a little bit (or lot) of OCD and other obsessive behaviour so they don't help in this respect

You're doing everything right. Your whole system has suddenly changed overnight and now your body and your mind are healing. This will take time. Help yourself by eating properly. Make sure that everything you put in your mouth is natural foods. Take your vitamins and especially Vit C. Magnesium helps too.

Don't worry too much and don't worry too little - you see what I'm getting at.

Enjoy your life. Love a lot. There's lots of us thinking about you.

Take care now and all the best

Mallowme profile image
Mallowme in reply to BC10

What a lovely reply and so right. Before my cardiac problems I never thought twice about chest pain, breathing problems or tightness and what was going on. Now I’m hyper aware of my heart rate and how breathless I am. It definitely takes a while not to panic (understandably) over every pain worrying how bad it will get and what we should do.

I think your right when you say we have to get used to how our body feels now and not keep expecting it to be the same as it was before. To use that worn out phrase.... our ‘new normal’.

I’m staring to think that after cardiac problems we should have some sort of ‘counselling’ to help us adjust, I know I feel completely out of my depth, and those with far worse conditions than me must find it even harder.

Harrison4 profile image
Harrison4 in reply to Mallowme

Hi Look at your meds see how they work for you, it took me quite a while to get it right.I had my Heart Attack March 2019

What I still find are twinges weird discomfort around my ribs under my boobs

.Even this morning 21 months later.

Sometimes I found I was over doing and it would bring on discomfort, don't push yourself too hard. Make sure you rest and recharge your duracell bunny battery.

This definatly helps.

As said before its not natural to have the stent a piece of metal in your heart so sometimes your body might be trying to get rid re immunity this is how I look at it

Have you had your heart scan since the stent was fitted to see what level your heart is functioning at this definatly helped me to move on with my life and feel more confident.

Also be your own nurse and check your blood pressure and pulse every so often recording it.

You can also get an ecg called Karda look it up on amazon a few of us have one you can take your own ecg with it on the App along with your phone, you can even email your Consultant from it.

Hope this helps



11walking22 profile image

I feel your pain I’m 8 weeks after my Stent put in and I’ve been back to A&E three times with pain and spasms in my chest all the ECG’S were fine sinus rhythm’s normal and Bloods were fine too I’m requesting my doctor to refer me back to Cardiologist as the pain is at rest as advised by the doctor’s at A&E it’s better to have it checked they say but I’m stressed all the time my Sister who is a Cardio Vascular doctor said it’s natural to have some pain and discomfort it’s going to take a while longer for it to bed in and I will learn myself what my body is telling me I try to tell myself this but you still worry and stress and lack of a good night’s sleep doesn’t help I am now having sessions with self help and they tell me not to worry about things we aren’t in control of or we can’t alter just concentrate on the things you can do like hobbies walking,reading or even art work or learn a new language things like this may help or just talking to someone who won’t judge you and your condition who has no emotional ties to you hope you get the answers you are looking for and try and stay positive and strong 💪

Qualipop profile image

After my HA and stents I had no physical symptoms or even pain from the procedure but oh boy did I have terrible side effects from the tablets ranging from hallucinations, lack of sleep, so tired I couldn't get out of the chair, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn, constipation, hair falling out and many more. It took almost a year to get them all sorted out and either changed or stopped. I had many times when I felt I couldn't go on but I'm 2 yrs down the line now and feel fine and rarely think about it. It's a huge shock to your system both physically and mentally. Persist in getting help no matter how long it takes

Kimkat profile image

If you can contact your cardiac team I would do that to find out if they have any advice for you but if the pain is that bad I would definitely ring 111.

celtical profile image

Did you see a doctor? I read sometimes the stents can re block. I had two put in in May and whenever I had some heartburn at night it triggered me. Fortunately I saw my cardiologist today for a stress test and results of echo gram, blood tests etc. All was good. Weight of my shoulders. I wish you the best

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