Having trouble getting a clear answer reference wether or not it’s safe to take Klean-Prep for colonoscopy as meds leaflet says not to take but hospital say ok but they don’t appear to be bothered that have heart failure and a CRTD fitted
Heart Failure and Colonoscopy Prep - British Heart Fou...
Heart Failure and Colonoscopy Prep

I have been in the same position, had a colonoscopy in past few months, (thankfully everything was ok). I have severe heart failure along with a CRT-d, I had the prep no problem, they turn off the defibrillator part, but make sure you make it quite clear you have one or the procedure won’t go ahead even though you have took the prep. I had a right pantomime telling them about the device, but that’s another long story. Once they have done the colonoscopy they turn it back on, I did ask for some relaxing medication prior to the procedure, that’s your choice. They will ask you what meds you are on, some of which you may have to stop prior to the investigation, hope this helps Regards Stephen

I know two people that have had colonoscopies (fortunately both clear). I read one of the hospital information sheets and as I remember it said to contact them if you were a) had diabetes and were treated by drugs that could cause a hypo (insulin, Byetta, etc.) or b) blood thinners (e.g. Warfarin, Clopidogrel, etc.).
I gave one person a lift and when came out I was treated to a coffee whilst they had a large baguette in the hospital's Costa Lotta outlet. Then driving home I was asked to stop again and they had a couple of sausage rolls as they were still hungry! Good luck...
For a confirmed diagnosis of coeliac disease I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy biopsy’s ( sadly came back positive) very relieved it wasn’t anything else to worry about.
I had them both at the same time within a two week wait, thank goodness endoscopy first then spun the table round, but agree I felt so thin brought loads of food to eat, goodness knows what the taxi driver thought 🥴
Hi, had 2 colonoscopies while in hospital had the Klean -Prep and they didn’t seem to think there was a problem,
Hope yours goes ok.
Is that that picolax pack you have to drink? I may have it wrong, ? Or has it a different name now ?
Yep 2 litres to drink the night before and I also had an enema in the morning they had me on iron tablets so decided on the enema as well! I must have been very clean😂
Bet you felt thin too 🤭🤭
Felt I had a very clean colon 😂
When it came in the post I just said without thinking, excuse me if I’m being crude but just stating the frame of mind of it arriving!!!!!!! My picolax poo pack has arrived 🥴
Like you had an endoscopy the same time as the first colonoscopy, had a sedative for the endoscopy so it was still in my system for the colonoscopy, second one didn’t have a sedative! The embarrassment of the noises coming from me😩 with being very aware that time I was mortified! Don’t think I have said sorry so many times😂
Snap, we’re one and the same, exactly what happened to me, after ‘the deed’ I was taken to a ward with curtains closed around every cubicle, oh my goodness the noises were hideous 😂😂😂 that was just me !!!!!! The second time was the same, the third they started to sedate me while I was sitting up 😱 then afterwards while still not quite with it gave me a cup of tea with a normal biscuit obviously full of gluten !!!!! Luckily I didn’t want it, I’d had coeliac disease a while by then so was doubtful, it looked to nice to be gluten free 🤭🤭
I was in hospital so was taken back to the ward, still playing the trumpet! And then I was promptly sick😩
I had a colonoscopy last July and was given Picolax to prepare. I felt great on the fruit juice diet and wasn’t too bad on the day but have struggled to rebuild my digestive system to normal since!
The instructions said to take medication as normal except for anticoagulants from what I remember. If you have any queries you could phone the clinic or the BHF nurses on here would probably have the answer
Hope it goes well for you.
Oh dear your question hits close to home. I was just given the options of a colonoscopy, a CT colonogram or a CT scan. The first two require picolax. I have unbearable pain with even the tiniest bit of bloating; severe adhesions and a partial bowel blockage. The surgeon by phone pushed me into agreeing to the colonogram but after a couple of days I realised I couldn't go through with the picolax prep and changed it to a CT scan. Some years ago they used an alternative to picolax; it may have been the one you mention, I have no idea but I didn't get the name. It completely burned my whole digestive system; burned the skin around my bottom and for months afterwards I only had to put a cup to my mouth and the burning, griping pains started again. NEVER again. My scan was for possible cancer after they found blood and my 2 stone weight loss. Just got the results- all clear. They weren't interested in my heart at all. The prep had changed a lot since the last time; special diet needed, a dye to drink at specific times plus the picolax then an enema when you get there. Last time when I was in hospital, the fire alarm went off just after the enema was given. The place could have burned down around me. I was NOT moving.
I've got a colonoscopy in the morning. They have given me movicol. They have to cover every angle. Just give them a call to ease your worry 😎