Face Masks mandatory from 24th in shops - British Heart Fou...

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Face Masks mandatory from 24th in shops

Smarticus profile image
28 Replies

Hi All, what is the general consensus on this? 4 months too late? a good idea?

I cant find any information on the medical exemptions if any?


Edited to say it looks like the same as travel on public transport gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus...

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Smarticus profile image
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28 Replies
gilreid1 profile image

Living in Scotland we have been wearing since last Friday and to be honest it is no big deal. And anything that helps proven or unproven then why not? Only problem will be people how for medical reasons can’t wear. But I hope it is not abused. So far in Scotland it has been adherence pretty well

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to gilreid1

I'm seeing the same sort of willingness to comply in my area of Scotland, as well. Masks and scarves everywhere in my small town and in the larger town to the south yesterday when we made a quick supermarket run.

My husband hates masks but is happy to wear a scarf (as long as I make his in what he deems suitable fabrics, lol, he gave the pink flamingo one away as completely unacceptable). He removes it carefully and it goes in the wash at the end of the day with other potentially contaminated fabrics.

I'm beginning to see the value in the scarves over masks, btw - better coverage for catching exhalations and a bit easier to remove and drop into a designated laundry bag.

Shoshov profile image

hi smarticus. great name. i’m in scotland and we’ve been wearing masks for a few weeks now in different settings. it seems to be going well with most people adhering. personally i’ve worn mine anytime iv gone to shops since family let me out🤣you get used to them. i would personally say we should have being wearing them from the start. from what i understand there’s no specific conditions that allow you not to wear one. i heard autism and respiratory conditions if they cause anxiety. apparently oxygen levels don’t change when wearing one. probably if your comfortable wearing one then do so. you can apply for an exemption card which you can wear on a lanyard. don’t know if iv helped❤️

bee2 profile image
bee2 in reply to Shoshov

I cannot wear a mask as my oxygen levels do drop to 90. That could be down to one of the heart conditions I have, but since I have a balance problem that Neurologist says could be part of migraine and cardiologist says could be a dip in heart rate, oxygen or both then I feel safer without. I have been doing shopping all throughout lockdown and only ever had balance and breathless issues that are my normal.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to bee2

Have you been subjected to any unpleasantness when you're out and about unmasked? I've read some people have been violently verbally abused by other shoppers, often despite the victim saying they have one of the exemption conditions (asthma or COPD). One woman was aggressively told off for daring to be out with asthma.

bee2 profile image
bee2 in reply to Sunnie2day

Not in shops but online I get told if I can't wear a mask I should stay home. My reply "Are you refusing a disabled person the right to shop" I also get told it's not about you but about keeping other people safe! So I should put myself at risk of falling or worse so that I can keep mask wearers safe? What is the purpose of the mask then.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to bee2

The incivility and politicising going on around what at rock bottom is 'just' a public health issue worries me greatly. If someone has a real reason, like yours, for not wearing a mask, being told off or aggressively confronted in a face-to-face situation is wrong, wrong, and nothing else but wrong.

The rush to judgementalism is ruining what little normality we have. I read a piece this morning on an online newsfeed recounting a confrontation with a mask-vigilante leaving an 11yo child frightened to be out and about in a public space (museum, social distancing measures firmly in place) with a 'masks optional' policy. The mask-vigilante violated the mother and child's social distancing space in the process of vehemently remonstrating them for not being masked.

Really, it's all enough to make me quite happy to pay a fee to view attractions 'virtually' if it means being able to enjoy an Old Masters artwork exhibition without worrying a mask-vigilante is about to spring out from behind a plinth!

Smokie2D profile image

If people are allowed closer the risks increase. Pubs etc opening add alcohol to the mix. The more alcohol had the less social distance matters to the "Drinker". To cut risks a bit and slow spread the use of masks become more essential. At least that's one theory!

So its the cost of more "freedom " and any one who relies on peoples common sense to use masks when necessary does not understand how uncommon common sense is!

Yep a rant! As a glasses wearer my lenses steam up so don't particularly like the mask. I wonder if the face shield would be better? Still anyone appreciate the irony? A year ago go into the shop wearing a mask and the cops would get a call, now if you go in without one its a crime! ( In Scotland)

In the weeks it was advisory to wear a mask in shops in my area 95% didnt wear a face covering. Now its mandatory its 98% at least playing lip service to it. (removed to talk on phone, kid wearing mask as a knee bandage, ripping mask off as soon as out of shops to go into a huddle with people not seen for a while, at less than recommended distance).

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Smokie2D

A tip about steaming up. Take half a tissue and fold it lengthwise into a narrow flat strip then tuck it just under the top edge of your mask. It catches any moisture you breathe out.

I'm totally in favour of masks in shops and would prefer them to be compulsory outdoors too when in big groups like the drinkers who just don't care about distancing. I hate masks, must have a funny nose because they keep sliding down but it has been proven that they cut transmission so I will wear one properly (unlike the old chap behind me in the Post office who just covered his mouth)

Pollypuss profile image

Well I have always worn a mask when I first ventured into a shop (triple bypass last Nov) 6 weeks ago. To me it just seemed like good old common sense rather than wait for the experts to make up their minds. I still keep my distance and always use hand sanatizers whenever I enter and leave a shop. I have always washed my hands and used a sanatizer in cafes before the onset of this virus. After all there are other nasties around as well as THE virus !

santisuk profile image

I'm a UK expat living in Thailand. Wearing face masks is a cultural norm to protect others when sick here and compliance with mask wearing has been high from March onwards.

Thailand has a similar population to the UK. We've had only 4,000 recorded Covid infections (none for the last 40 days* other than those Thais returning from abroad that have been placed in state run quarantine on arrival and subsequently having been identified in quarantine as having brought in the virus). We've had only 58 recorded deaths and none in the last 30 days.

SE Asia and Japan do not understand the reluctance of westerners to wear masks.

In addition to masks Thailand closed its airports to foreign arrivals several months ago, whereas the UK apparently let 2 million people arrive before doing the same. Not surprisingly I feel much safer here and would not want to be back in my native country.

*Actually there was one exception reported yesterday. The government let some Egyptian soldiers in under the purview of diplomatic relationships and because they were only staying a couple of days they were allowed to self-quarantine in a hotel assumed to be under the control of the Egyptian embassy. Some of them broke quarantine and went walkabout with one now having tested positive for the virus. Egg on face for the government and the Egyptians. Thai people are furious! Several hundred Thais have already been earmarked for self-isolation having benefited from 3 weeks of a pretty much re-opened Thai economy and 2 months of a partially reopened one; the relevant region may ultimately face lockdown

Smokie2D profile image

As the "danger" is felt to recede the care some take also diminishes that's human nature I am afraid. There are always people who "bend" the rules, and some sheep, (sorry people), see them getting away with it and follow on blindly.

Some people deep down believe that it wont happen to them or do not think before they act! Still its all we have so we try our best!

Manhattan1 profile image

i’m in Central Scotland.. been wearing a face covering for the last few weeks.. on our few visits to local supermarkets since face coverings became compulsory .. i haven’t seen one person shopping without a face covering.. well done Scotland!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

I've been wearing masks since March - i was one of Boris's Shielders, so when ever i went out i needed to wear a mask (medical appointments). When i was released for daily exercise i wore a mask. Now, i wear a mask only based on prximity. In otherwords, when out enjoy an exercise walk - i don't where a mask, but when i go in to a place where i will be in close prximity to others, i wear a mask.

I don't use public transport and rarely venture in to shops etc - but then heart failure hardly encourages daily trips to here there and everythere :-)

My only thoughts on the subject is: the rules of usage should be clear - where, when and to what level of protection.

friend64 profile image

Hi I too cant find anything ..about wearing a mask with heart condition.I myself having breathing problems ..a mask is going to be a nightmare .Will post if I find anything that confirms we dont have to wear one if we find it uncomfortable .

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

Independent Sage is always worth reading if you are after clear, unbiassed authoritative science on Covid.

‘Our message is to wear masks indoors. Wear masks in public places.

Whatever our reasons, not wearing a mask increases your risk and the risk to others,

I wear a mask

12 hours a day in work.I personally hate them.They hinder my breathing and I sweat like hell when working but if this is what we have to do to stay safe then so be it.Take care x

S11m profile image

I have Paroxial Atrial Fibrillation, Bradycardia and asthma.

When I walk briskly, my pulse-rate increases and I am OK. When I stand (or walk around a supermarket) my pulse rate and blood oxygen drop - and, sometimes, it is difficult to stay conscious even without a face-mask, so - do I wear a face-mask till I drop?

Smarticus profile image
Smarticus in reply to S11m

I think I read somewhere you can get an excemtion form, but, I would worry about the comments and looks you would get from the herd. I have noticed a lot more masks being dropped in the street, I wonder if they are going to put bio hazard bins in town centres, or will most people just use the same one all week scrunched up in their pocket? I'm not against masks per say (I do struggle to breathe with heart failure), but I do wonder when/if it will ever end??

Cazz1954 profile image
Cazz1954 in reply to S11m

You are exempt from wearing a mask if you have asthma. Go on the asthma UK website and download the exemption card

Becksagogo profile image

I am really struggling with this news. I have a fear of anything over my face and my anxiety levels go through the roof. I went to hospital last week for a CT scan. I was so anxious at having to wear a mask that my blood pressure dropped and my lips turned blue. Fortunately the nurse was on the ball and was able to help me. I have been shielding for four months and would dearly love to shop but I am so worried about being picked on or stopped by security.

I am not normally an anxious person!

marypw profile image

I've been wearing a mask for months, when shopping. Anything that reduces the transmission level has to be a good thing.

However, please bear in mind that about 9 million people in the country have hearing problems, like me. Even with great hearing aids, not being able to lip read due to masks, does make life harder, especially in noisy shops. My husband has quite often had to interpret for me!

Smarticus profile image
Smarticus in reply to marypw

Hi marypw, have you seen those face masks with the clear plastic part for the mouth? A quick search on google comes up with etsy.com/market/clear_mask Of course it doesnt really help unless others wear them, but perhaps family and friends encouraged to use one when they visit you? HTH

Edited to say that doesnt help as they are only mandatory in public places...

marypw profile image

Yes I have seen those - great idea but it would need everyone else to wear them!

On BBC Breakfast they were talking to a mum of a 5 year old with hearing aids, who was having a hearing test. Both the child and the audiologist were wearing masks. So hard for the child!

Smarticus profile image
Smarticus in reply to marypw

Yes, sorry, I didnt think it through, it must be so difficult. This covid pandemic is causing so many hiden problems and storing up issues for the future, it does concern me how the effects of this will be with us for years :-(

Helen_BHF profile image

Hi there, you might want to take a look at the BHF's page on masks here bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...

It covers some commonly asked questions but will hopefully be useful if anyone has concerns or questions. Thanks all.

Prada47 profile image

This is probably the most difficult situation we have had to encounter after our diagnosis of whatever our problems are !!!

I will wear a face mask but, and here comes the but, why !! How many people are out there with no symptoms who can pass the virus on, is it a high number or a relative small number of people?? If you have symptoms Stay at Home, High Temperature, Loss of Taste /Smell, Cough. I know if I had any of these I would stay home worried about it rather than touring a supermarket. I heard an American I can't remember the exact number but she said something like 98 % of people with coronavirus recover without problems, it's so difficult.

I enjoy my life and I also enjoy my freedom it's so bloody difficult !!

Stay Well Stay Safe

Alison_L profile image

We wore ours in Sainsbury's today for the first time, just to get used to it. Absolutely fine. But then I've been volunteering at my local hospital doing a weekly "drugs run" for shielding patients, so I've had to wear a mask in the hospital for the last few weeks anyway.

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