Hi, only just joined following cardiac arrest in September and ICD fitted. My wife and I are flying to USA next month and the travel insurance is out of this world. Any suggestions and would you fly with general travel insurance but without specific coverage for heart issues
Flying with or without insurance - British Heart Fou...
Flying with or without insurance

There is s pinned post about travel insurance to the right. If 55 or over you could try StaySure.
I am sure you know in your heart of hearts the answer is NO! A friend's father needed OHS in the US some years ago and the total bill was over £100,000, fortunately covered by insurance. Recently I posted about a grandmother who was uninsured and needed intervention for a heart condition. The family tried crowdfunding to pay the bill and were not that successful.
Don't even think about going to the US without health insurance! I just read in the news today about someone who developed sepsis over there and couldn't afford to get treated. He came back, but it was too late...
I use Insurance With.
Absolutely no..but you know that.😏😉 So try All Clear or Staysure but just don’t risk it. Not fair to ...anyone (I say this as an ICD wife). Better to change your destination if you really can’t afford the insurance. . Enjoy your Hol😎
Just came back from 3 weeks in Florida. I used the Post Office this time was good value
Try the British Insurance Brokers Association, they will find a broker with specialist knowledge of your illness who may be able to get cheaper cover.
Tower Insurance insured myself (brain surgery in prior 5 years, SVT that was a bit wonky at the time) and my 10 yo daughter (complex and relatively unstable cystic fibrosis with several admissions in the 12 months before, plus multiple other issues), and a third completely healthy teen, for £300 to Florida for a fortnight last Easter. We had £5m in health cover and they seemed to actually know the right questions to ask to get us covered and at a fair price. StaySure et al. wouldn’t touch us at all because of my daughter and the next best price I had was well over £600. The issue is often how recently you’ve required urgent treatment for your condition - the more recent it is, the higher the premiums are, assuming they’ll cover you at all, but you know you can’t take the risk. When we were out there we ubered everywhere, talking a lot to the drivers: I knew medical costs were horrendously expensive in the US, but was still stunned to hear that a 911 ambulance will set you back $3k + literally just for the ride to the hospital, never mind any treatment or drugs they might give you onboard. An 8 hour visit to the ER with the bare minimum of blood tests and ultimately no treatment can set you back over 10 grand.

Hi Charlie G
it's great you got the Tower Insurance, I can't find them online can you give a link or phone number in the UK?
If you don’t fully declare your condition whatever insurance you get will be invalid and they won’t pay out on anything.
You should be aware that if you cause any flight you are on to be cancelled or diverted due to your condition and you having ‘an event’, you are liable to pay the full cost of that as well as any of the usual medical expenses for treatment.
I used insurancewith for my US trip. Well worth the cost of the policy versus loosing everything if you were ill!
Don't even consider travelling without health insurance especially outside Europe.
Please do get insurance even in Europe. I went on a cruise last year and became seriously ill with pneumonia,I didn’t have insurance which was quite frankly stupid!
To break it down, £700 for ships doctor, £123 for ambulance transport, 12 days in an Italian hosp, covered by my EHIC card, 3 nights in a hotel before I could get home, £250, flight home £75, rail fares from London to home £90. The cruise company provided an translator which made life easier.
Makes insurance seem worthwhile I’m doing a Baltic cruise this year and yes I do have insurance, don’t want to be stuck in Russia. I used Saga which at £536 seems fair, and was cheaper than some others.
Suggest you join the womens institute. They have a group scheme that will cover you and your partner as long as you do not have a terminal condition and you are not declared to be unfit to travel