In the face of adversity : Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...

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In the face of adversity

Bichon76 profile image
55 Replies

Hi everyone I wanted to share my story with you in the hope it will help you with the pain you are going through now. At the age of 15 I developed Hodgkin disease. But it wasn’t diagnosed until I was 17 and was at stage 4. The doctors were not expecting me to survive but after a battle I did as a result of this I was told I would never have children. But at the age of 20 I fell pregnant. We were over the moon. But sadly when my daughter was 5 months old it was back again so another battle for me to overcome. I did but sadly at the age of 22 went through the menopause then I suffered 10 years of migraines and mini strokes I then had 5 good years before I then had multiple pulmonary embolisms . after that fight I developed fibromyalgia and kidney disease and then recently I have had a triple bypass and valve replacement caused by the amount of radiotherapy I was given all those years ago . I went into hospital dec5th last year and was discharged March 14th as covid hii ,t then about 7 weeks ago I finally had a mental breakdown which I am now getting help for . I am grateful that I have had the care from the nhs all those years and to me they are my heroes. I am also still happily married and have 4 grandchildren I am 57 now. I’ve had 40 years of battles. And I am telling you all this as I want to bring hope to all of you that are going through your own battles

I wish you all well and remember never give up. I would like to write a book about by life so if any of you know anyone that can help me with that I would be grateful Take care and keep smiling

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Bichon76 profile image
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55 Replies

I would buy your book.You are a truly inspirational lady,and I wish you all the luck and good health in the world.Stay strong stay safe.x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to

Thank you so much x

080311 profile image

You are wonderful. What a story, and as Ravaging says I would buy your book, I wish you the very best of health and good luck in the future.

Best wishes Pauline

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to 080311

Thank you so much x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to 080311

Thank you x

Scoopdogg profile image

What a strong inspirational person you are - your children and grandchildren are lucky to have you !!

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Scoopdogg

Thank you x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Thank you for sharing your inspirational story.

An amazing journey with hope and courage.

You might like to get in contact with Laura on her hearty tales blog.


Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Milkfairy

Thank you I will

Maisiemay13 profile image

This makes you think what a story you have to tell,thank you for sharing and you are a true fighter,wishing you the best of health and good luck for the future

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Maisiemay13

Thank you x

ahk59 profile image

My goodness,what a warrior you are,prob the reason you have managed to survive it all.I thought I was a battler but I've had it easy compared to you.Stay healthy and hope you get that book written and published.It would inspire lots of folk.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to ahk59

Thank you and I will there’s lots more to add to it that’s why it needs to be a book x

Pollypuss profile image

You humble me. All I had was a bypass. What you have been through must have been like a never ending war. What an incredible person you are

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Pollypuss

Thank you but that doesn’t lessen what you went through x

Dj1962 profile image

I've got so much respect for you..a lessor person would have given up..x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Dj1962

There were times I’ve almost given up but I know in my heart I want to be here so I will keep battling on x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Dj1962

Thank you x

Howdenhall profile image

What a wonderful person you are! And an inspiration to your lovely family! Thank you for sharing this with us

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Howdenhall

Thank you so much for those kind words x

Pandorella profile image

I admire your courage. Stay Well and Healthy.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Pandorella

Thank you x

Asti7 profile image

You show how attitude affects ones life. So wonderful that despite all your issues you have a wonderful family unit and truly know what is important. Best wishes for your health and wellbeing.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Asti7

Although it’s hard. The best attitude to have us stay positive. Otherwise it’s easy to give up. I think about the things I want to be here for and not the ones I don’t x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Asti7

Thank you x

Asti7 profile image
Asti7 in reply to Asti7

Thank you.

Janma123 profile image

You certainly do have an inspirational story to tell, what a battle you have fought! Thank you for sharing it and best wishes if you write your book - write everything down anyway - one of your grandchildren may write it in the future if you don’t!

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Janma123

Thank you. I have started writing it down and it’s already the size of a book. And I’m only a quarter of the way through x

Smileyian profile image

What a long and brave struggle you have had. I wish I could give you a big hug as you have endured so much more than most of us and tell your story so eloquently. Please continue to love life and enjoy your family. A big kiss and hug. Ian

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Smileyian

Thank you so much x

I feel truly humbled by the way you describe your health battles over your lifetime. No self pity just matter of fact medical issues you have faced. How many of us would be able to say the same thing?

What shines through to me is how you've been blessed, your positive attitude, having an unexpected but much loved child, a supportive, loving husband and the icing on the cake, 4 gorgeous grandchildren.

Keep fighting lovely lady, you're a true inspiration. Do please write your story, I'm sure it would help a lot of people.

Wishing you improved health and every blessing for the future.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to

Thank you so much and I have started to write it. There’s loads more to say might have to write a set of stories xxxx

in reply to Bichon76

Good for you, go for it! All the best of luck. 💖

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to

Thank you x

Trog1 profile image

You are absolutely fabulous. An example of suffering and bravery that we could all take hope from. I felt quite overwrought by many of my own life and family experiences from being a child followed last year by my sudden discovery of genetic disease and emergency triple bypass after years of being told there was nothing wrong with my heart by the hospital and GP but your amazing example of triumph over adversity and illness makes me feel so inspired by your courage and fight. Please carry on with the amazing work you do of fighting so valiantly and I wish you all the very very best and send a ginormous virtual hug.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Trog1

Thank you so much I am sending you a hug back as you have had your own battles. To deal with. Stay strong and positive x

Lanalane profile image

Wow! You’ve certainly overcome so many challenges! Your story is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing it. Stay strong and good luck for the future. xx

Qualipop profile image

Not surprised you had a breakdown after all that but let me assure you as someone who also had one many years ago now, you will recover from it. When I had mine, treatment was far different and quite barbaric. It's much betternow. As someone who has had 30 years of health problems I really admire your attitude. Get that book written. It could help a lot of people. Sorry I can't help on that except hat I know there are numerous self publishing sites.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Qualipop

Thank you x

ph5019 profile image

Hi, you are the bravest and toughest person I have had the pleasure to know, thank you for your sharing your story with me - Paul

Bichon76 profile image

Thank you for your kind words x

Lilypocket profile image

You are an amazing, inspirational person! Your husband sounds lovely too. I hope your body offers you a truce now - you certainly deserve one.

I would certainly read your book !

A big hug to you and your family.


Bichon76 profile image

Thank you very much x

Ghost84 profile image

Absolutely remarkable, truly inspirational. Many people would have given in a long time ago. Praise be to God the omnipotent.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Ghost84

Thank you x

Cricket23 profile image

Thank you for sharing. All the best with your challenges. I wish you much strength.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to Cricket23

Thank you x

Astronomyrules profile image

Thank you for sharing your story. When I am feeling low I will think of you and all you've been through. You are an exeptional and instpirational person. Good luck with the book.

Bichon76 profile image

Thank you for those nice words. It’s been hard but I always try to turn a negative into a positive. For example when I take my medication which is 24 drugs a day I used to hate it and resented taking so many but I reversed my thoughts to if I don’t take the tablets I wouldn’t be here so now they have become my heroes. So every time you feel low whatever is making you feel that way try and think of the positive side of it. Take care and thank you for replying x

IMAGES profile image

Wow! You have certainly been through the ringer, I admire your refusal to give in. Get your book written, it should make more people stop winging at the slightest thing that doesn't go their way in life in general. It should definitely give a lot of people inspiration and positivity when health issues effect them. Congratulations on all your successes throughout your life, and may you have many more years of hopefully pain free happiness, and of course a book ti inspire millions! Go for it honey.

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to IMAGES

Thank you so much. And I will write the book. Could be a bestseller lol x

IMAGES profile image

Your more than welcome.

melby76 profile image

Thank you for sharing Bichon76. You are amazing. Please write your book x

Bichon76 profile image
Bichon76 in reply to melby76

I have started. Could take a while. But I will get it done x

ScotchLad profile image

thank you. Take care xx

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