I’ve been experiencing palpitations in the centre of my chest in the evenings and when I go to bed for the last 6 weeks or so. No other symptoms and otherwise fit and well. I called my GP and went to the surgery for an ECG. GP said heart trace was normal and he wants to put me on beta blockers. Due to Covid-19, I haven’t even met the GP. Is the ECG the only test needed to commit me to a life on drugs?
Is this sufficient investigation for ... - British Heart Fou...
Is this sufficient investigation for palpitations?
Hi There
I had exactly the same problem last September when they started in the evening lasting for up to six hours at a time and occasionally all through the night.
All test showed normal so I paid to see a cardiologist who put me on beta blocker bisoprolol. Worse move I have ever done. Was only on 2.5mgs and side effects were horrendous and even made palpitations worse. Ended up in hospital New Year’s Day with what they thought was a stroke but once again was a side effect. I have now been weaning off only 2.5mg tablet for the last six months as again withdrawal has been even worse but let me say not everyone suffers with serious side effects or withdrawal symptoms but I have lost a year of normal life.
I started magnesium citrate tablet supplements in October last year and this has almost stopped all my palpitation. They take about two weeks to start to give any effect.
Look up Dr Sanjay Gupter a leading York cardiologist on you tube and see what he has to say about magnesium and also about palpitations. He is very down to earth and informative.

Hey would you mind sharing the brand tablets you use? Or share a link maybe 🙂 Thankyou I get very bad nausea with my palpitations and irregular beats
I buy Solgar magnesium citrate 200mgs from Medino on the internet. They are about £15 for 120 and very quick delivery. You can also but Magnesium Taurate but These are more expensive and I find Magnesium Citrate work well for me. Don’t buy the magnesium that are available in supermarkets as they are not up to the same standard and strength.
Takes a couple of weeks for the Magnesium to kick in but the longer you take them the less I have palpitations,

I agree with the magnesium supplements for palpitations, ectopics, Afib etc. I would only mention one thing - start off with any magnesium supplements slowly and then build up or expect to spend some time with stomach cramps and stuck on the toilet!!!
The ECG will only show a problem if you are having the palpitations at the time. Your blood pressure and heart rate are simple and very useful tests for your heart. Palpitations aren’t necessarily serious and can be caused by things like caffeine or alcohol.
I second looking up Dr Sanjay Guptha. m.youtube.com/playlist?list...
I have been fortunate enough to have seen him several times over the last few years.
He has been able to identify that my heart issues are totally different to the initial diagnosis. I am now drug free except for Isosorbide Mononitrate (was taking 10 different drugs post my first HA as per NICE guidelines, with horrendous side effects) and I have a treatment plan that means most days I can forget I ever had heart issues.
Do you take potassium? I take 2400mg every day. I also take 0.5 bisoprolol every day. When I came out of hospital after a NSTEMI heart attack, my doctor said I needed potassium. I was given magnesium to help ease my leg pains.
Before accepting bisoporol (disagreed terribly with my mum, like previous respondent), ask the GP for a referral to a cardiologist. It may take some time at present, they have backlogs, but it’s worth checking out. It can help to have a 2 day ECG (a little Holter machine with leads), but the Gp may not be able to order, cardiologist an do so.
Hi , my palpitations were in the morning , went to hospital after a very scary one , waiting on a holster but the wait could be up to 3 months ! So I’ve cut out caffeine , practise meditation every day and walk every day . I’m a women who at 52 didn’t associate palpitations with anxiety and fluctuating hormones , so my next step is to try HRT ! I’ve cut down on my dose of beta blocka by half and so far so good ! I feel like I’m going through process of elimination right now , but at least I feel like I’m actively trying to resolve my issues as just waiting for a holster and worrying about it was making me worse . Good luck on your journey
Hello, a difficult one this to comment on without knowing your general health etc. I just want to flag up what happened to me with my palpitations. In mid 2019 my health rapidly deteriorated. It turns out I had a congenital bicuspid valve and an aneurysm. In spite of paying to see a cardiologist, because I presented a picture of someone healthy by outward appearances, all my concerns over my health were dismissed. This carried on for about 4 months. Even when I presented myself at an A & E department after having severe palpitations I was still met with some degree of scepticism. Luckily the hospital pressed ahead and gave me a CT scan the next day. As soon as the scan was completed, it was as though they were dealing with a different person. I was placed in a wheelchair, told not to move, kept in hospital for two weeks, then had open heart surgery. Of particular note here, is that prior to my CT scan all other tests showed I was absolutely fine. My blood pressure, my heart trace from ECG tests, all fine. Even my aneurysm was within acceptable limits. My own personal feelings are that I would in hindsight want to make sure as many tests had been done as possible before resorting to any form of medication, in particular beta-blockers.
Wow God knows what would of happened if you didn’t get the scan... can I ask all the symptoms you were getting? From start to finish/current. Thankyou
Hi there. Prior to 2019 I had no symptoms, other than seeming to be prone to picking up infections like colds, more than normal. I was only diagnosed with the bicuspid valve in about March 2019. Initially the only symptom I had was a lack of energy and not being able to exercise as hard as I used to. Then all of a sudden towards August/September I found I was getting breathless more and more. Eventually it got to the stage where I was short of breath literally just tying my shoes or walking upstairs. I then started with palpitations. Not regular, and in fairness not very often, but the episodes were certainly getting worse. I attended A & E, had a series of tests, which all turned out fine. I then had a couple of episodes where I got a tightness in the chest. I went back to A & E, had a full series of tests, which again were all fine. Thankfully the hospital staff arranged for a CT scan the next day, and that is when they kept me in for the operation. I was actually waiting for a referral to a palpation clinic when I had the operation.
I would want an explanation as to what the diagnosis is and why the GP thinks beta blockers are necessary. He/she may have put you in a box labelled "anxious old biddie".
I've had ectopic beats for years- you should have a 24 hour ECG to get them checked out properly.
Mine were getting more and more annoying (like being thumped in the chest), so my cardiologist started me on bisoprolol which has worked like a dream. The vast majority of people don't get horrible side effects from their medication so please don't worry about at least trying it.