Hi , I was wondering how you all felt when being discharged from Hospital after your Heart Attack, the very last thing the cardiologist said to me was now that I had suffered one attack I was a good candidate for having a second, not the response I was expecting, change your lifestyle for the better yes, I then had a stroke 4 months later and given the same advice, I believe this was the beginning of my current depression, how were you treated on your discharge.
Carpbait: Hi , I was wondering how you... - British Heart Fou...
Doctors can be thoughtlessly direct sometimes can’t they? My partner had a heart attack last week. He’s back now and recovering. But I’m so worried about what might be next.
Worry is the killer, as long as your partner takes it easy does the relaxation therapy the difference will be notable within a few weeks, wish your partner all the best listen to his body do what he believes can be done, forget all the rest. Be safe and take care

What's relaxation therapy please? He hasn't mentioned that.
Thanks for your reply btw.
Lots of love
The relaxation therapy I am going through at the moment, entails relaxing on a couch deep breathing to expand the diaphragm ( not the chest ) hold onto that breath and release slowly, do this for 10 minutes, also visualising a calm place where you feel comfortable and at ease, only been doing this for a few weeks, so cannot confirm this is working but it helps me when I get stressed.
Be safe take care
We’re all different and have different lifestyles. Doctors do not have the answer to everything they can only give their best advice albeit well informed. If you are doing your best to keep fit and healthy then you can’t do more than that. We all get depressed from time to time. I was Mrs Angry and Mrs Tearful for a long time. The lockdown as helped me reassess what’s important and made me stop rushing around trying to continue as before. I’m enjoying the rest and the time. You’ll get there. Try not to worry. Take care.
Thank you for the re-assuring reply, be safe
All they said to me was don't go surfing for a week🏄♂️
Hi all,my first visit to my G.P. after by heart attack and stent ,he said you are fixed now,which helped me in my recovery and gave me a positive outlook. !!!!
Hi, on leaving hospital after a HA followed by emergency CABG I was told that I had been mended now and due to it being down to a genetic condition to always take my meds, follow a healthy lifestyle, keep an eye on my weight, get plenty of exercise and see my GP as guided or if I felt I needed to. This did help me to come to terms with things much better as, after the shock of everything, I’ve suffered from anxiety and their easy to follow advice and instructions have helped reduce it somewhat. I do understand your concern but if you have any worries I would phone your GP for a chat to voice your concerns. All the best.
I firstly went in for a Tavi procedure to replace my aeortic valve, I was in for 11 days, procedure on day 9. I hated being discharged. It was like a comfort blanket. I was worried and anxious till I got a great follow up report in mid January. I then went on holiday feeling much better, returned from the sun feeling good and dropped dead 2 weeks later. I was very fortunate (understatement) there was a defib at work and 4 minutes and 4 shocks I returned. I had an ICD fitted. 19 days in hospital and I was terrified at being discharged. Very luckily my company put all staff on furlogh so apart from walking I haven't left the house since March 19. I'm so anxious and concerned. I haven't seen anybody, don't know what to do about professional advice and I just worry constantly.
Worry is your biggest enemy, I appreciate you have been through the ringer, but fortunately you have come out the other side, it sounds like you have an understanding company, contact them to see what your duties will entail once things are back to normal, be safe and remember it may of taken 4 shocks to get your heart going again, but going it is.
Be safe and take care
My professor of cardiology told me when we first met “your born, then you die, the bit in the middle is your life so go and live it”
Good advice from a man who has seen it all when it comes to hearts.
I didn't realise I had a risky lifestyle (mainly stress and poor
diet choices.) I thought they were normal (they were!). After my heart attack and 3 stents, I quickly realised that my doctor would not be my dietician, fitness coach or stress therapist - I would have to play these roles myself, learning as I went (hugely supported by YouTube!). It wasn't easy - to be honest, it was a huge challenge - but six years on, the health recovery has far exceeded expectations, (and also amazed my dentist!) If you give yourself a significant lifestyle change challenge, it might also help distract you from being depressed.
Thank you for the advice and taking the time out to reply, I am finding out slowly there is a great deal of support from all us HA sufferers,
Be safe and take care