Hi all, just wondered what you think in regards to talking therapy after Heart Attack/Stroke, I sank into depression after having both last year, talking to my therapist today I mentioned being a smoker for the best part of 40 odd years, and how the craving does not go away, I haven’t smoked since my attack but to my surprise today the therapist said if I was prepared to take the risk I should start again to help with the depression, ( what side of the medical profession does she represent) what are your thoughts, be interested to know.
Carpbait: Hi all, just wondered what... - British Heart Fou...

The unifying principle of all registered healthcare professionals is first do no harm.
How did you decide to see this therapist?
Recommend by my GP, therapist works for my local hospital, not the hospital that treated me for Heart Attack or Stroke.
Is this through the NHS?
Have you had a look at MIND?
They may help you find someone more suitable.
I agree with SpiritoftheFloyd it was an amazing achievement for you to stop smoking and perhaps look for another therapist.
I had a heart attack/cardiac arrest nearly 18 months ago. The next morning after I was brought out of an induced coma I had a nicotine patch slapped on my arm.
The consultant came and chatted with me a few days later and as well as offering other life-style advice also said "the best thing you can do to try and ensure you're not back in here anytime soon is to give up smoking, doing that is the most important advice I can offer", I haven't smoked since.
Please try to resist, smoking is not the answer. To be honest , I'd look for another therapist, as Milkfairy has said - first do no harm,
Thanks for the reply, there are not many facilities in my area so you get what you get, but I will let her know I am not satisfied with her treatment.
Wow, that’s the oddest thing I have ever heard. I was on a cardio ward for 7 weeks and every new patient that came through a specialist nurse would see those that smoked and give them tools to help them stop, (patches ) some took it on board a very few didn’t! One had a sister who took outside so she could smoke every afternoon visiting, then come back and cry because she was frightened of what was facing her!
Very strange thing, I was discharged with 2 boxes of patches however decided To go cold turkey, it’s been very hard when another person walks past smoking , just the smell sets you off.

Very well done, the smell sets you off now but in time you will find the smell disgusting and wonder how you ever smoked. I used to put cig money aside and buy a nice perfume I could not normally afford. Giving up is the best thing you will ever do. ❤️ 💕
You have done so well not to have started again, I realise it takes a lot of willpower, and it’s a daily struggle but it really will be worth it.
Id say she was testing you to see how determined you are to help your health, its important to be 100% in with mental health care, if you give in to smoking that tells her a lot about where your at.
Carpbait - don't do it. My father used to smoke 40+ a day and when his doctor finally said to him that he should stop, he did. One day he smoked, the next day (and for the next 35 years) he never smoked again. On the other hand, my mother continued to smoke and didn't stop until she was admitted to hospital with breathing problems and saw other patients having heart operations and limbs removed. Like you, the craving never left her. Her death at the age of 71 was directly linked to her lifetime of smoking.
TBH, as loathe as I am to complain about any health care professional, this one surely needs reporting?
I have to wonder if they would suggest crack cocaine to a former addict?
Scary thought when you think about it - but beyond what they might recommend?
Get another therapist she’s putting you at risk again.. all you have went through... what you need is Group of people to talk to like this website.... your life has changed now join a get fit club tell them your condition so they can make a plan for you... but talk with people ... check your drugs... print out out side affects... they may need to be reduced or changed
Talking therapy is a great idea! Just getting the right person to talk to. Don't be afraid to change if not happy with person you are allocated. Hmm As for smoking?? If you think you can smoke if you are feeling low and then stop again! I would doubt very much.. You will only feel bad about it later!
That's dangerous advice. I had 6 weeks of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. (C.B.T. ) through the NHS. I accessed it by referring myself through Minds Matter. I live in Lancashire so I don't know whether it's just a local scheme or not. Please don't start smoking again.
As a counsellor myself I would say that the therapist you saw was unethical in a number of ways.A well trained ethical therapist would be able to explore your feelings about your heart attack/stroke without making any inappropriate suggestions.If you could find out which professional body this therapist is registered with then it would be a good idea to make a complaint.Don't let this put you off therapy though.I had CBT therapy last year to cope with anxiety following my diagnosis and I found it invaluable.If you decide to find a therapist yourself I would suggest you look on the website of the BACP or on The Counselling Directory for suitable counsellors.
Hi there, I had avr earlier this year. In the run up to this several things including the upcoming operation lead me into a downward spiral and got on top of me. I'm not sure I would call it depression but I was struggling and so was my relationship with my wife and kids. I started a mindfulness programme which has helped me become more me again and enjoy my life more. The issues are still there but I have a better toolset to deal with them. This isn't a magic pill and it is known that mindful practice can dredge up a lot of stuff as well. I also read up on the neuroscience behind it which was very helpful.
Good luck and hope you find a way through this difficult time.
Cheers Mike
I’m a trained counsellor and would suggest cbt or integrative therapy rather than talking therapy. These will give you a tool kit of strategies to use to help you when you need them. Most counsellors at moment who are working are offering online counselling
Please don't start smoking again, it won't help you. Talk to your doctor, he can help with your depression. I am in the same boat, I smoked for 40+ years, I had two heart attacks one Saturday, which I thought was indigestion then another Sunday night, then stents fitted a few days later. When I eventually saw the cardiologist he told me one more cigarette would kill Me! Never touched one since although the craving sometimes rears its head, the only thing is I have gained 6kg! Which I am working to get rid of. As a retired nurse who worked on a stroke unit and should have known better please please get help for your depression this is very common after a life changing event, I still take anti depressants even though I 14 months post events. But please don't smoke, find a hobby, exercise, have fun but don't smoke. Book a wonderful holiday with the money you save too. Good luck stay positive. Xx
I am shocked at your therapist suggesting you start smoking again. You have done so well to stop. As mentioned by others this needs reporting. Please talk to your GP again and mention it and see if he/she can find someone else.
Cigarettes are not medications for depression!
How odd! Have you mentioned this therapist to your GP? Have you tried smoking cessation? My husband smoked for the best part of 45 years, I didn’t think he would ever stop after trying everything on the market, then one day after cessation he just walked in and declared that he hadn’t had a cigarette in 3 days ( he used to smoke outside or in the garage) and he’s never looked back. After around four months he ‘fancied one’ had a drag and says it was like sucking on an exhaust pipe, now he can’t even stand the smell of it
DON't STOP SMOKING? YOU ARE NOW A NONE SMOKER! Your health is far more important than the profits of a Tabasco merchant. Think positive, live healthy, live longer.
What I would say is if you get by without smoking it will be in your interest long term. I do recommend counselling as it gives you a chance to get all the feelings out that you have surpressed I am currently receiving counselling after major heart surgery and I am finding it helpful as each time I speak to councillor more and more feelings come out. The first three sessions I cried my way through it but that is becoming less the more I have. The feelings you have are totally expected after you have had Adu house a difficult time
but the key thing is to deal with those emotions
As the more you talk about it. The easier it becomes Don’t be afraid to express those feelings and I promise it will become
Easier in time good luck and I hope you get the help soon
Thank you for the supportive response and advice, I find it hard to express my emotions however I believe I need to soI can move on.
Stay safe
Wow!!! Really???
No don’t do that, there are lots of more positive things you could do to beat the depression!!!you did a great thing to give up smoking and it is so hard so you should be proud of yourself. Don’t go back, remind yourself why you don’t smoke and do something else like walking or running if able or swimming or dancing Or laughing 😂 but not smelly smoking !!
Boo hiss to smoking. Anyone who suggests you go back to smoking needs their head examined.
Sounds like your "Therapist" would make a good car park attendant to me.
I have always heard getting a good therapist can be the luck of the draw. As someone who had a HA and quit i would say this therapist is a fruit loop.
Save any money you spend on this so called therapist and spend it on a pair of waterproof boots and a walking jacket. Get your self out in the green stuff and start walking. Smile at everyone you see and say "Good Morning", In most cases you will get a cheerful reply. In some cases you will get a grumpy scowl and others will stare at the floor, some get really annoyed that you have dared to speak to them. All good fun.
Quite a few will have WiFi earplugs in so they are a bit of a lost cause. When life gets back to normal consider joining the ramblers or other local walking groups. Give your self a chance to get rid of all the tar and other pestilential nuisances that have been building up in your lungs by getting out in the green stuff. There's a whole new world out there now that you are no longer a stinking smoker.
At £12.74 a pack you should be able to start a 'non smoking jar' and build up a holiday fund, or a new car fund with the £3-4000 you will save every year. You probably don't realise it but when you start looking at the paintwork in your house you will probably find it has a tinge of brown about it. So when get a twinge of craving start cleaning / shampooing your carpets and washing your curtains . Wash down your paintwork and get your sanding blocks and paint brushes out
Get your clothes cleaned to remove the lingering smells. Get active and give yourself a huge pat on the back. You have cracked it and you can now start to enjoy the benefits as you start your new life. Live long and enjoy it.