.? Endocarditis: 9 months ago I had a... - British Heart Fou...

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.? Endocarditis

marigoldb profile image
18 Replies

9 months ago I had a new aortic valve and a single cabg where the mammary artery was used.

Recovery was a bit eventful, back with my cardiologist now, who did a telephone conversation with me about 2 weeks ago.

One concern I have, I’m female by the way, the left breast towards the inside I get like toothache pain on and off, most days at different times. The other thing is getting sweats, like going back to the menopause, but I’m well passed that!

Anyway I sat on the blood request form for several days, but am going to drive down to my GP surgery 9.15 am tomorrow. Bit nervous about getting results, live on my own. He wrote ? Endocarditis on blood form.

I also have Polymyalgia, down to 2mgs daily now, so could be a flare of that.

Feeling in need of a bit of encouragement right now?

Love to all other hearties!



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marigoldb profile image
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18 Replies
marigoldb profile image

I’m replying to myself! Just can’t believe their isn’t just one person saying a few words to me. Living on my own, now feel even more alone.

Tempest1970 profile image
Tempest1970 in reply to marigoldb


Tempest1970 profile image

Hello Marigold.

Sorry to hear about how you are feeling. I think having the blood test will at least give you more peace of mind and control about what's going on rather than wondering.

I hope its positive x

marigoldb profile image
marigoldb in reply to Tempest1970

Thankyou for your reply, true what you said. Went down to GP surgery for the blood test this am, and a lovely fully shielded nurse, looked at the form, said couldn’t do it as Dr wanting blood culture done. So have to go to hospital 8 miles away on Monday.

At least it will give the car a run!

A friend went one day last week, and said it was empty, so I’ll leave it till late morning.

Tempest1970 profile image
Tempest1970 in reply to marigoldb

Oh i am glad you went and even though you couldn't have it done your a step closer to getting some answers ;)

I hope the hospital is empty when you go

Hi Marigold,

I’m sure someone will be a long shortly that can help you in terms of Endocarditis.

I’m just wanted you to know that your not on your own and that we’re all here for you and each other.

Take care

Boo boo ( Yogi’s little bro)

marigoldb profile image
marigoldb in reply to

Thank you for your kind words. It so helps when another is thinking about you.

Prada47 profile image

Hi Marigold

I think your not alone in feeling you need a little encouragement at the moment, I think we are all feeling a little deflated !!

Try to stay positive not easy I know, but getting results could ease all your worries !!

Wishing you Well

marigoldb profile image
marigoldb in reply to Prada47

Thank you for your encouragement

080311 profile image

Hi, marigoldb I to have had bypass and aortic valve replaced, 31/2 years down the road now, the pain I had in my left breast where they harvested my artery plus my left breast would feel numb, the pain I described it as if someone pulled an Elastoplast off! This went on for quite some time, surgeon said when they take the artery they just pull it out so when the nerve endings are joining back up they sometimes have a bit of trouble sorting themselves out! After my op I use to say they had done something to my thermostat when I was on the heart bypass machine as I was never cold. Again this as improved.

Sorry can’t help you over the Endocarditis, but look on it as checking if there is a problem and if there is putting it right.

We are here for you to listen if you need to vent! Or just to be supportive. Remember you are part of the heart family and we will always be here for you.

Stay safe best wishes Pauline

marigoldb profile image
marigoldb in reply to 080311

Pauline, your lovely message. Made me feel quite emotional mentioning I’m one of our “heart family” yes we do share and care.

So good to hear of someone and that’s you, as well as many many others too I expect, who has had exactly the same op, and also you have experienced discomfort in your left breast.

I agree my cardiologist may just be being cautious, and best just to check. Went to Gp surgery for test this am, but as cardiologist wants blood culture done, have to drive to hospital 8 miles away on Monday. Don’t mind, change of scene, and give the car a run.

Hope you are well, and not too frustrated with the lockdown.

Stay safe,


PS. Where did you have your op? I had mine a Harefield, part of the London Brompton Trust

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to marigoldb

Hi, marigoldb

Had my op in the Golden Jubilee in Glasgow, I live 45 minutes outside of Glasgow, and the Jubilee is the heart and lung hospital for the west of Scotland, it was built for the Saudis but they never took it up so NHS Scotland took it over, there are no wards just single rooms with their own bathroom. Had the most fabulous care, the staff were amazing. There’s even a hotel attached with an undercover walkway, so if you live too far away for your family to travel they can stay in the hotel. It’s especially good if you are on one of the islands.

Please let us know how it goes on Monday we will be thinking of you.

Stay safe stay strong very best wishes Pauline

Sunnie2day profile image

By now you're on your way home (hopefully) from the bloods draw session, I hope it went well and you get your results soon. (((HUG)))

Did the doctor explain the reason for putting endo on the draws form?

marigoldb profile image

Thank you for your virtual hug! Cardiologist did not give reason for writing that on the form, he sent it to me as the consultation was over the phone. Anyway drawdown didn’t happen today, fully ppe gowned nurse looked at form, couldn’t do it as he’s asked for blood culture as well! So a trip to a hospital 8 miles away on Monday, but as I’ve said to other hearties, it’s a change of scene, and gives the car a run.

Are you managing a walk every day? I’m one in for the 12 weeks are you?

I do have a lovely garden, so feel lucky

Keep well, keep safe

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to marigoldb

I was on the shielded list but my cardiologist and neurologist agreed I could be removed from it so now I'm 'just' one of the vulnerable. Still not going any farther than the perpendicular to my house goat track (20 up&back=1 mile, yay) but I am glad to have that goat track available for a twice daily walk - my neighbours understand I'm trying to regain some fitness and they all wave from their windows. Feels great to be able to leave my property at all! We too have a lovely wee garden, quite secluded but it is nice to be able to get to the goat track for 'real' exercise.

Enjoy your outing Monday (even if it is for blood letting), what a nice break for you to be able to get out on traffic free roads. I wonder if the nurse there will also be in full PPE - be sure to update and let us know!

Mary_Janet profile image

Good Evening Marigold,

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so unwell. It sounds like you have a lot to deal with and a complex history.

I had endocarditis three years ago - this is my story - I lost a filling and the infection entered that way and latched on to an undiagnosed bicuspid aortic valve. My symptoms were horrible flu symptoms, headaches, high temperatures aching bones and heavy night sweats. I went to the GP after ten days, after discussing my symptoms she examined me a found that I had a new heart murmur. I was sent to hospital where I was admitted. Blood cultures and and an echocardiogram confirming that I had endocarditis and a bicuspid valve.

The treatment for endocarditis usually involves a lengthy course of intravenous antibiotics. The recovery takes time as I was weak afterwards.

I hope that you get some answers on Monday and that you start to feel better soon. Best wishes Mary

marigoldb profile image

Wow Mary, you certainly went through it didn’t you? But you pulled through thank goodness. No way is my situation urgent, think my cardiologist just being observant and careful.

I should get a phone call from my GP on Wednesday, that’s if I get the test on Monday.

Hope you are enjoying this glorious weather, keep safe


Mary_Janet profile image

Here is hoping you don't have endocarditis but also hope they can solve the cause of your pain.

Weather gorgeous so been out in garden much of the day. Best wishes Mary

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